What's new for your Tuesaday?
The community Christmas concert went well and the Hopkins Chamber Choir did a fab job! The church was full and the Christmas spirit was just hanging around!!
My stepdaughter bowed out due to a nasty cold but hubby and I sang and brought smiles to peoples faces...when I sing I smile and try to engage the audience...one thing I say for myself is I'm not shy singing in front of people. God gave me the gift of song and I use it for Him. Hubby did well, wasn't nervous during the song but after we sat down he was shaking! Yes, I'm pushing him out of his comfort zone and making him use his gift of song too. Safety in numbers when you sing! LOL
It's our Tree of Love Ceremony tonight at 6:30 pm. It will be a long day for me here at work. I don't think I'll get out of work tonight until 8:30pm...overtime! Love it, could use the extra cast also this time of year. Hugs Debbie
Didn't run around yesterday, stayed home and put up Christmas tree and decorations. RV looks nice.
Sober 34 and proud of me.
We will have to go out today for stuff. Trying hard not to OCD about it too much. One of our daughters 1st anniversary today. Got a message from Bay Pines VA rep to call her about our Friday incident at the local VA clinic. Wonder how that will go. Hubby still in lots of pain. Told him yesterday he is always so negative about stuff. He listened OK.
Prayers and hugs to all, Monica
last nite; brody broke the hook on the dog chain- actually i think it froze and snapped--so i am "walking" them to potty- i know- it's better for them and quality time and blah blah but dang it's cold out there! and getting out of a warm bed, donning boots, gloves, scarf and coat for a teensy tinkle......well- anyhow- got to see the absolutely gorgeous clear sky this morning- star studded!!!!! gotta see the positive here!!!
today i am off work and i have so far accomplished nothing-it's only 845 so i need to be gentle on self...
yesterday, michael finally saw the email that i had sent about him NOT coming here- i wondered why he had been so quiet-- now i wait for fireworks.....
need to get self motivated toward something postitive today...errands to run this week and still no car....
ok- nuff whining- hugs and prayers
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Grammylew it is always nice to see you start the thread...thank you.
Monica....I am so proud of you!!!
Margo...hang in there and keep strong...love you!!
I am hanging in here. Yesterday was a pretty tough day. Gracie is making things better.....she sure is a Nana's girl!!
Today more family is coming.....the funeral is tomorrow.
Wishing you all a really good day.
Thank you all for the kind thoughts, prayers and good wishes at this difficult time for me and my family.
I would be so lost without this wonderful OFF family!
Prayers for those in need.
Love and hugs for all....connie d
Heard from my son again yesterday late afternoon and he IS coming to see me at my brothers on Christmas day!!!!!!! He even said Thankyou mom!!!! It will be great!!!! WOOOOHOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am getting so excited to see and talk to him again!!! He didn't mention bringing his girls with him and I didn't ask...YET. One step at a time here. I did mention that I tried emailing Danny my other son but no answer from him and would he ask him if he would like to join us and let me know. Waiting to hear on this. Oh Merry Christmas!!!!!
The weather here is bitterly cold yet and the snow is still happening although its more of a drifting snow here I guess you could say. We have 1 1/2 foot drifts maybe 2 feet in places. The wind goes right through you when out!!! BRRRRRRRRRR
Rick has the flu and has been sleeping and sick off and on since noon yesterday. Hope I don't get it now!! Not sure how he got it!! Trying to get him feeling better but you know how men are...BABIES...going to die soon....won't take what you offer them to feel better....sighs.
Mailed out a couple family Christmas cards just so they don't catch on that I am coming for Christmas...oh I am sooo bad!!! But I am going to make them so Happy when they see me!!! ;-) just wish I could send out more to you all. I feel so bad that I can't afford it this year!!
Well better get off here and see if the laundry room is available for my use this morning. Working today 5-9 the shift I HATE the most. Have a great day and know that I am thinking of you all and sending out prayers to those that need them and even for those that don't think they do!!