it's monday-what's new?????????

Margo M.
on 12/5/10 6:42 pm - Elyria, OH
i'm up and it's monday......
post away !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hugs and prayers.........................................

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Nancy H.
on 12/5/10 8:22 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning Margo. Well we woke up to to about 10 in. of snow!It is beautiful, but not wanted!!!! Almost done with Christmas shopping. I love all my grandkids,but it sure gets expensive. I am even making a lot of my gifts.

Margo, stay warm & please drive safe!
Monica B.
on 12/5/10 8:27 pm - Emery, SD
Morning all.
Giants won and we are happy with that.
Hubby still hurting and grouchy. I feel so bad for him.
OCDing alot already this morning, fell asleep on the couch and hubby let me stay there....slept until 4 a long time for me.
Positive thought and hugs to all.

on 12/5/10 9:05 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Happy Monday Margo and OFF family,
Well today my hubby and I are singing in the Community Concert at 6:30 pm. I've gotta rush home right after work, refresh myself and get to the concert and remember today to just breathe and enjoy this time of year.

Hubby got home from Kentucky on Saturday night, I was so surprised to see him home one day early! Bonus for me! LOL Went to church together and then we went to my GF house that I bought a total gym and gazelle from for just 100.00...then I told hubby we can both work out together at  home. Any who that is my plans!

Went to the bariatric support group on Saturday, a low turn out. Only 7 of us but it was a nice support group and we discussed a lot of head issues. I'm glad I went. Made me so not alone to realize we are all afraid of gaining weight and trying to keep it off and not stressing with food.
It's just life and food will always be around. Food is not the reason to celebrate but being around friends and family are. Just gotta put that image tummy is the size of an egg and not to reach for seconds because it never fills me up the way I want to be filled...and that is to be filled with love and happiness...not food. Not alcohol. Not candy. Hugs Debbie
Sybul C.
on 12/5/10 9:40 pm - Alma, AR
Well, my computer is still on this morning so I thought I would stop in and say goodbye for a while.  We are really cutting back to the bone waiting for my disability to go through so I can't afford the internet for a while.  I thought it would already be off this morning.  Had a quiet weekend.  Been having trouble eating much solid food.  Mostly just drinking protein in my coffee and eating soup with cut up chicken in it for lunch and supper.  My pouch gets upset eating most solid foods and fills up after only one or two bites.  I guess that's a good thing two years out.  Must mean it hasn't stretched much I guess.  Y'all have a good week and I'll check in at McDonalds or something soon. 

on 12/5/10 10:16 pm - NY

  Wow..up readying for school and got a text is on a delay..seems it snowing hard roads are bad.

  Relaxed..bam another is closed !!!!  YIPPEE!!!  I am a teacher but, we love our snow days !!!  So I guess now I have no excuse for not putting up the "DAM@@@" Christmas tree.
  I'm having trouble getting into the festive mood.  Everything seems out of whack, my belly, the economy, my kids.  Just can't seem to get out of my "SCROOGE" attitude.  Ah well..I'll deal

  Hugs and prayers to all...Connie, Nik will be fine..I'm swinging them chickens.  Sybul, feel better...hope your disability comes thru soon.
  Monica...I'm praying for you and hubby, you are a saint..keep up the good work

   Nan...10 inches of snow...GOOD LORD !!!

   Well of to drink my tea.  Wish I could soak my hands and feet in it I'm that cold. all....

Jo W.
on 12/5/10 10:27 pm - Owosso, MI
Local libraries usually have Internet available to patrons also if you are near one,    Jo
karen C.
on 12/5/10 11:38 pm - Kennewick, WA
Jo, Great minds think alike!

Karen C

karen C.
on 12/5/10 11:15 pm - Kennewick, WA
Sybul, Do you have a library close by that you can stop by and let us know how you are doing? If you get there when the school kids aren't you can usually have an hour. How ARE you doing depression wise? From your posts you sound stronger. Sure hope you are. Remember we're here for you and if you can't get with us get with other friends who can provide you with the support you need. Sybul, I still have trouble with chicken unless it is moistened with sauce, gravy, or mayo. I can eat Costco canned chicken mixed with may. Tuna, egg salad, stew meat very tender, cooked ground beef seasoned with taco seasoning. Shrimp. . . that protein is so very important. Take care

Karen C

Judy G.
on 12/5/10 10:38 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Margo and OFF family!!!

My son has started talking to me...a few words but talking!!! Wooohooooo!!! I asked him what he was doing for Christmas and he asked why? I then told him I was coming to Michigan to surprise my mom and asked if he would like to meet up. He asked when? OMG!!!! So I might be seeing my son after all these years!!! I am now waiting to hear back on his reply!!!!

It is cold and snowing here in Ohio and supposed to get more snow and it is blowing and drifiting also! Could hardly get out my door this morning!! Poor Bandit was about buried in the snow in some places!!! The apartment complex is doing their own plowing this year. NO trucks...just lawn mowers with snow removal equipment on them and in my opinion its not gonna do the job!!! They can't keep up with what we have now let alone what is expeceted later today and tomorrow yet!!! Not sure what they were thinking....

Worked all weekend all ALONE and it was no fun at all!! Had a few disgruntled people get pissed because I didn't have any pizza ready and they wanted pizza...I told them and I quote...listen..I have been here since 7:30 working all by myself and if you can figure out how to cut me in half without getting blood and guts all over the place so I can do cooking and waiting on people go for it!! I am doing the best I can so be patient with me please! They all calmed down after that. One man gave me a tip and said Merry Christmas and added that he was sorry that I had to work all by myself on a busy saturday like it was!!! Its funny that management posted by the timeclock that the next few weeks are going to be the busiest...yet they cut everyones hours and Food Court is working alone!!! The Deli has 3 people and they are bitiching also that they are so busy!! I said atleast you have 3 back there!! Try being here and be the only ONE!!!! They said you have got to be kidding!!! NOPE I am ALONE back here!! WHY??? Because if managers can keep the budget LOW they get a BIGGER BONUS in THEIR pockets!!!! Nice huh? While we work our asses off THEY get a nice bonus!!!! I asked for New Years Day off and was told NO. I said I worked EVERY holiday this year and I ask for ONE off and am told NO! Nice!!! Guess who just might be sick that day!!! Why can't I have that day off? Because one of the girls I work with has a 9 month old baby and she wants it off because she wants to spend it with him. Like that 9 month old baby knows what New years day is all about???? This baby thing is really getting OLD with her and her excuses!!! Sorry I am venting here but I don't have anyone else to vent with.

Found all my Christmas gifts and got them wrapped and under the tree!!! Bandit even found his...LOL he sat there looking at it for the longest time!! The next day while I was at work Rick said Bandit started pawing it and he had to put it up because he was afraid he would try to rip it open!! LOL

Got a call yesterday from Ricks mom telling me Anthony wanted to talk to me. OK...he said Hi! I said HI!! he rattled on and on and I have no clue what he was talking I asked him if he was coming over and he said yeah!! I told him to put grandma back on..he did...I asked her if they were coming over and she said yeah they could. I asked if they were hungry because we were getting ready to eat. She said they were starving! I told Rick to throw more hot dogs on the grill!!! So we had company for awhile and it was fun seeing him again!! Its been awhile since I saw him and he is getting so big!! he told me he had a apartment nice one. Oh..yu*****s daughter moved just down the street from us so they aren't far from us now. Makes me wonder if we will see more of them now. Or be asked to babysit so she can go out. I am still upset with her and she is NOT talking to me either so not sure if she will come around or not. All the gifts for her have just her dads name on them not mine. The baby has both of our names on his. I refuse to have my name on hers or do anything for her until she apologizes to me. The afghan I was making for her is still untouched and not being finished.

Well I have rattled on long enough and am sure many have skipped over so will get out of here.


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