It's Saturday - What's new with you?
Good Morning everyone
George congratulation on the weight loss and the money gain. Can't beat that for success.
I am done with my Christmas shopping. I have a few more cards to write and a couple of gifts to wrap and then I'll probably do what I always do and keep buying when I see something that I think someone will like. At least I have finished all the intended shopping. Next week will be a killer for me too much going on. All my events fall on the same weekend. On the bright side after next weekend I will have no scheduled anything and I can stay home or go out as I choose.
I am expecting the computer tech in 20 minutes and I have not gotten ready for him so I'd get to it.
Be safe out there all who are venturing out into the chaos that is Chirstmas.
George congratulation on the weight loss and the money gain. Can't beat that for success.
I am done with my Christmas shopping. I have a few more cards to write and a couple of gifts to wrap and then I'll probably do what I always do and keep buying when I see something that I think someone will like. At least I have finished all the intended shopping. Next week will be a killer for me too much going on. All my events fall on the same weekend. On the bright side after next weekend I will have no scheduled anything and I can stay home or go out as I choose.
I am expecting the computer tech in 20 minutes and I have not gotten ready for him so I'd get to it.
Be safe out there all who are venturing out into the chaos that is Chirstmas.
Good morning George and everyone...
George.... Congrats...a 5 pound loss on vacation is wonderful. Have a nice dinner with Mary at Red Lobster.
I am just swooping in quickly to check in. Too much to do today. No desire to do anything!! This is a very sad holiday time for me this year. Just have to keep moving forward.
Wishing you all a very wonderful day.
Prayers for so many in need. Say a few for Nic please.
Nic has testing and scans on the 9th.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
George.... Congrats...a 5 pound loss on vacation is wonderful. Have a nice dinner with Mary at Red Lobster.
I am just swooping in quickly to check in. Too much to do today. No desire to do anything!! This is a very sad holiday time for me this year. Just have to keep moving forward.
Wishing you all a very wonderful day.
Prayers for so many in need. Say a few for Nic please.
Nic has testing and scans on the 9th.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Hi George and my OFF family:
I had good intentions of doing things yesterday but got not much done. Didn't get dressed until after 3 p.m., went to the post office to mail some stuff I sold on eBay, was going to go to Office Depot to copy some stuff for my FSA, but stopped at this Mexican restaurant I had heard about to have lunch/dinner ... and then never got anything done. I had a beer with my meal and boy, it hit me hard, even with the food. And it was a huge burrito ... I only had a third of it. I took most of it home.
So I skipped Office Depot and came home. I felt like the food was going to come up, so I laid back in my recliner and snoozed for a half hour. The food must have gone down and then I felt better. I don't think I've had that feeling for a long time.
I work again tonight, then I'm off for two days. I really need to get the rest of the Christmas decorations up. They're all sitting around my living room. I'm surprised Juliette hasn't gotten into them. In a little more than a week, I'm leaving for Chicago. I've called Patricia, Juliette's former mommy, and she's going to look in on Juliette while I'm gone.
Well, not much else going on. Have a good day.
I had good intentions of doing things yesterday but got not much done. Didn't get dressed until after 3 p.m., went to the post office to mail some stuff I sold on eBay, was going to go to Office Depot to copy some stuff for my FSA, but stopped at this Mexican restaurant I had heard about to have lunch/dinner ... and then never got anything done. I had a beer with my meal and boy, it hit me hard, even with the food. And it was a huge burrito ... I only had a third of it. I took most of it home.
So I skipped Office Depot and came home. I felt like the food was going to come up, so I laid back in my recliner and snoozed for a half hour. The food must have gone down and then I felt better. I don't think I've had that feeling for a long time.
I work again tonight, then I'm off for two days. I really need to get the rest of the Christmas decorations up. They're all sitting around my living room. I'm surprised Juliette hasn't gotten into them. In a little more than a week, I'm leaving for Chicago. I've called Patricia, Juliette's former mommy, and she's going to look in on Juliette while I'm gone.
Well, not much else going on. Have a good day.
Hi Everyone!
I'm decorating again- Bunco is here next Friday night. I' switch out all of the regular dishes for Christmas dishes, the same with the mugs, towels, etc. Today is the day (and tomorrow too). In a couple of hours we are going to Kelley's to see a friend who moved back East last year. I will have a glass of wine or two- cabernet is my choice. It will fly me to the moon, then let me back down fairly quickly. Then I need to run to Target and Pier 1 for a few things. It will be crazy I know. I need to decide on dinner for Bunco- I was thinking of doing a turkey with all the trimmings but now I'm changing my mind. I'm still sick of turkey from Thanksgiving and others probably are too. Maybe ham or roast beef would be better. Any ideas? Happy Saturday to all of you!
I'm decorating again- Bunco is here next Friday night. I' switch out all of the regular dishes for Christmas dishes, the same with the mugs, towels, etc. Today is the day (and tomorrow too). In a couple of hours we are going to Kelley's to see a friend who moved back East last year. I will have a glass of wine or two- cabernet is my choice. It will fly me to the moon, then let me back down fairly quickly. Then I need to run to Target and Pier 1 for a few things. It will be crazy I know. I need to decide on dinner for Bunco- I was thinking of doing a turkey with all the trimmings but now I'm changing my mind. I'm still sick of turkey from Thanksgiving and others probably are too. Maybe ham or roast beef would be better. Any ideas? Happy Saturday to all of you!
Julia, I have fixed prime rib for Christmas dinner several times, get one that has been cooked already, all you have to do is heat it up. Get some augratin potatoes, make a green bean casserole, deserts and rolls, you have a wonderful meal with not too much work! I"ve gotten the stuff at Gordons if you have them out there. Good! Really good! pricey, but good!
Hello from Snowy, cold NE Kingdom of Vermont! Got here thursday afternoon after 911 miles from Swanton Ohio (plus 1-2 unexpected side trips) Accepted this house site unseen, paid rent and came here for the tour and started unpacking. The animals were good as gold thru the drive and still are being pretty dog gone good! We had some snow last night and this morning, I think around 2 inches. moved the car into the garage this morning, first time I had seen it! the house is cute, the floors are wonky (crooked and slope) and my knees have to get used to stairs again, so far they aren't liking them too well! I have one more night of sleeping on the air mattress and tomorrow morning the furniture and stuff should be here. However, I also hear we may have 4-8 more inches! lets hope the truck can navigate and get my stuff in here with no problem. I am so ready to sit on the sofa or my chair it isn't funny! Got the makings for some meaty soup for tomorrow once my pots and pans get here. can't wait for that!
Other than moving across country and settling into a new house, nothing much else is new with me! LOL
Debbie G
Other than moving across country and settling into a new house, nothing much else is new with me! LOL
Debbie G
hello, all ! it's almost bed time saturday- i tried to post from work then got mega busy - which i love cuz it makes the day fly! a great saturday- i only wish we had two teller windows open first sat of the month- i tried to express that last month- when folks come in for money orders (usually 3-6 at a time) it ties up the teller window horribly....and boss lady covered where she could! we're a good team and we got outta there by 12:09-- a few minutes later than usual but still good!
mom drove me today-again- and started out with the fact that her knees are killing her so we didn't go to the rodeo tonite- poo! there will be a horse....ride a cowboy, eh connie?!
don't really know anything new- i want to spend some quality time cooking tomorrow to get some things prepped that are easy reheats etc..... tonite; lazy me opened a can of beans and then had an apple with some cheddar cheese and a glass of wine.....
i decided today that since i cannot locate my fake tree that i want to use; i may just go out and cut down a lil one! we live on 90 acres- i'm sure i can find one!!!!!
bought some blades for the jig saw - i think tomorrow i am going to alter the kitchen counter--it's an island and i cannot reach the sink well---so much wasted space with it rounded like a huge kidney and i agreed it could be squared off - hoping it will be more practical....
watching hallmark and listening to holiday music --need to start my card list, short as it will be....
feeling blessed today and including my OFF sistahs and brothers in that!
hugs and prayers..............
mom drove me today-again- and started out with the fact that her knees are killing her so we didn't go to the rodeo tonite- poo! there will be a horse....ride a cowboy, eh connie?!
don't really know anything new- i want to spend some quality time cooking tomorrow to get some things prepped that are easy reheats etc..... tonite; lazy me opened a can of beans and then had an apple with some cheddar cheese and a glass of wine.....
i decided today that since i cannot locate my fake tree that i want to use; i may just go out and cut down a lil one! we live on 90 acres- i'm sure i can find one!!!!!
bought some blades for the jig saw - i think tomorrow i am going to alter the kitchen counter--it's an island and i cannot reach the sink well---so much wasted space with it rounded like a huge kidney and i agreed it could be squared off - hoping it will be more practical....
watching hallmark and listening to holiday music --need to start my card list, short as it will be....
feeling blessed today and including my OFF sistahs and brothers in that!
hugs and prayers..............
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White