Fabulous Friday-Whats New????
Thought I'd stop for a quick fly-by. Got my head out of my arse for a second and now will stick it in the sand. Denial is a wonderful place to be, don'tcha think?
Becky is going to the cardiologist today. My other sister is taking her. The question for the day is 'Is this as good as it's going to get?'. If the answer is yes, then we are headed to possible part-time 20 hours if she can handle it, a move-in with me probably, as I'm stressing about her being home alone at night. I've mentally rearranged my duplex so many times. Of course, any decision is ultimately hers. But no job, no money. NONE. For her or for me, so the Prozac will need to double. Can a person take 120 mg a day?..:) But I love her and this is so hard to see her sick. She said last night that she just never envisioned that she'd be 'where she is'. I hate facing my own mortality, much less a loved one.
Tonight I'm taking advantage of the most expensive room at Winstar Casino. They think it's FREE to me, but I can tell you that I paid for it many times over (hence, making it the most expensive room there). I'm going. By myself. While alone isn't my preference and it's always someplace I take Becky (it WILL be lonesome), at least I'll have a place to lay my head when I'm about to drop and they need to drag me away from the Double Freedom machine. I get free breakfast so at least I know I'll be fed and have gas in the car to get home. Sometime tonight if you all will be so kind as to yell 'GO RED' just once. When you hit the right 'combination', the little screen turns red and starts spinning... sometimes 6 times.. and then you know you are going to pay Uncle Sam.
6 a.m. and I've got to throw my duds in a sack to take with me. Will keep up with Becky's appointment today and see what the day holds. Just a sad time. Wi**** were me instead of her.
Guess I'll shop at the outlet on the way home tomorrow... no clue for Christmas.. won't put a tree up this year, although it's Becky's favorite time of the year, so may need to revise that. She's always our Christmas elf. I have a huge wreath that I put over my hearth... was thinking of putting twinkling lights on it. I made it several years ago for Christmas (4' across) and it's in pink and gold ribbons and ornaments.. so lights would be pretty.
Rambling. Yep. Sorry. Hugs for those that need'em. Thanks for the cheap therapy this morning. It's all about me, yanno.
big big hugs and yes; lites on the wreath to twinkle and glow!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I am sending hugs to all who need them. And even to those who don't! This time of year it is easy for us to get depressed over issues in our lives.
I went to the ENT in Greenville yesterday afternoon. He took 2 chunks of the sore in my nose to send in for biopsy. He gave me a shot saying "this is gonna sting a little, I'm sorry". Translated "this is gonna hurt like hell". But it numbed me up gppd. Results next Thursday.
All regular cookies and bars are baked, frosted, cut and frozen. Today I will tackle 2 diabetic cookies, and 2 diabetic bars. Tomorrow will be cake pops and pie pops. Sunday we will fill 8 turkey roasting pans with goodies. Someplace in there I need to type up all of the recipes so everyone who wants a copy can have
Oh, I almost forgot. My DIL also wants doggie biscuits for her friends with dogs, to go with the doggie chew toys made out of left over fleece, and some doggie beds for some of them.
My son in law wants some information about our side of the family for his genealogy files. I told him when I was done with the baking.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!
All this pain is starting to get me down -- me , a normally very happy person.....
Have no Christmas decorations up, and don't even feel like putting any up....just bah humbug! Stayed home yesterday and didn't even go to our Ladies Aid Christmas Party...
Oh well, this too shall pass (hopefully). Off to work this morning and then getting a perm this afternoon -- not sure how I'll deal with all the sitting.
Monica, you sound so much better --- I'm happy for you.
Janet -- I'm glad you love your sister so very much...
George - coming home with $$ is a very good thing.
Margo - I don't own a pair of jeans -- probably never will.
Everyone else have a great Friday,
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Right now I'm loving the pretty snow but not the cold...don't you just love Michigan?!!
Work is busy, we are busy with the Tree of Love program, collecting donations for women for free mammograms who don't have enough insurance coverage or no insurance. Our ceremony will be Tuesday so I'm running around...but gee...my tushy ain't getting any smaller! LOL
I do need to take time to exercise but dang...the time is flying. Guess my only choice is to go to the gym before work again. At least I can take it off my plate.
I just bought a Total gym and Gazelle from a gal in the lab. I have to wait til hubby gets home from Kentucky to pick it up, I'm excited about making a spare bedroom into a gym room. During the winter walking on the country roads can be scary and I don't want to fall and break something so this way I can get hubby to exercise with me at home.
Morning Margo and Friends,
Just now 5:30am and I've been up two hours. Packed for my trip, made a pot of cabbage soup for Mike, not that he isn't capable. Making a pot of hot flavored coffee to take along with me. Lucy, Erin's Yorkie, gets to go with me for the weekend to see her family. Poor little foster dog, she misses them tho she seems fine here. Shouldn't be too many more weeks before she's with them full time.
Haven't checked the pass report yet but it's in the mid 30s here so at least the first part of the trip should be fine. Hope there is no fog; that gets me as bad as slick roads.
Laureen, being the "queen of the people pleasers" today's post will give me much to think about. I'll chew on it on my 5 hour drive and report back.
I worked in the schools 4 days this week. Yesterday I walked into a special ed class and looked at the young teacher. Something looked familiar. . . Yup, former student from about 15 years ago when she was in 6th grade. Had a great day watching her in action.
Guess I'm going to have to "tell" Mike that it's perfectly okay if he wants to fix a meal now and then. Shouldn't have to. I mean it's not like he has a lot to do every day. He was a cook in the national guard for 6 years so he knows how. . . . .
Last night I threw together some dinner, then sat down in the chair with my plate. Didn't even get it finished before I fell asleep. He did clean up the mess which I appreciate, but sometimes I just don't want to have to think about the "what will we have?" part of it. I've tried subtle hints; subtle just doesn't do it with that guy. . . So more direct I will be. He also doesn't like to be told what to do; who does? So how do I get this across without offending?
Enough of that. I'm headed out as soon as it's light. Will probably have to take a NO DOZ along with my coffee as I'm up way too early. When you go to sleep in the chair at 6pm that's what happens.
Have a good one everyone. I'll have my computer with me. Love this laptop! So as I have time I'll try to post and read. Hannah, Clara, and Briley will see to it that I have little free time!
Karen C
Funny my hubby has been the house husband for almost 20 years. He rarely lets me do anything. If I try to clean something he redoes it. If I cook he tastes and then seasons as he likes. Yesterday I hung up my bathing suit and towel. I knew he would rehang them and yup a few minutes later he was outside the RV redoing what I did. Needless to say this doesn't foster a great want on my part to do anything if I can't do it right to his standards. Then every now and then he asks why I don't DO MORE......duh......
He is a great cook and a much better house cleaner than I ever was....dusts those light bulbs, but his actions don't instill confidence in my world.
Hmmmmm "this doesn't foster a great want on my part to do anything if I can't do it right to his standards." Monica, did you just slap me upside the head??? This would be me the female counterpart to your Johnny! Geeze, ya mean I have to keep my hands out of it when he does do something??? That is so dang hard! I'll try; that is when and if I get him to cook anything again.
I'm safely at Erin's in laws where I'll be the next 4 days. They leave in the morning for the other side of the state where they'll be watching their other son's 2 girls for a few days. The pass was bright sunshine and sparkling fresh snow and clear roads. . . and I say eight Dall (sp?) sheep alongside the road and didn't have a camera with me. Dang these are the wild ones with the curver horns. They were gorgeous and in no hurry to move out of my way. No traffic so I enjoyed watching them saunter across the road.
Baby Briley is waking up. Erin is getting her hair cut and colored so I'm already on duty!
Karen C