Rainy Thursday: What's new with you?

Judy G.
on 12/2/10 10:19 pm - Galion, OH

Karen he ok'd me as a friend but didn't say a word...but it IS a start!! I am excited about this after so many years!!! :-)


on 12/2/10 1:06 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Hi all my OFF friends,
Just popping in quick.  Tomorrow is my first chemo appt.  I'm wrapping things up at work to take home with me.  I'm taking my laptop home and will work from home for the next two months.  My employer is great.  Told me to log in every day whether I'm feeling bad and can't work or not.  I will still get paid my full pay.  Co-workers have been bringing me inspirational and comforting gifts this morning.
Not feeling too good today.  Had an English muffin with peanut butter and it's stuck in my craw.  Does anyone use that word anymore?  Stomach ache and back ache too.  I already took Tylenol an hour ago.
I didn't take my anti-anxiety med this morning and I should have.  Everyone showing support and caring is making me very emotional. 
My hearing aid quit and it will take ten days to repair and get back to me.  So now I'll be singing the chorus of Huh? to everyone.
Going to order one wig today on-line and go to a store to be fitted for another tomorrow depending on how I feel after chemo.  I should grocery shop tonite too.  With all the little elves coming to help me, the house all decorated for Christmas is really nice.
Prayers, Hugs and Thanks to all.

karen C.
on 12/2/10 1:01 pm - Kennewick, WA
Bev, I'll be thinking of you and sending positve thoughts your way. What a great employer you have! It will be good for you to be able to stay busy, get paid, and work from home while you are having your treatments. You have a great attitude about all of this. I like how you are attacking it head on.

Karen C

on 12/3/10 5:03 am - Shelton, CT
Lap Band on 05/21/07 with
Thanks so much.  It's scary when I think about my chances of making it five years is 8-15%, so you know what, I'm not going to think about it.  I will work toward being the exception to the rule and give it over to God.  Miracles happen every day.  There's not much I can do about it except fight for my life and enjoy every day I'm here.
Chemo went well.  I feel fine.  The nurse says that the steroids will wear off by Sunday and that will be my "crash" day.  The benedryl IV knocked me on my a$$ today.  Next time they will cut it in half.  Otherwise all is good.  I checked in, but I'm actually working right now.
Thanks for thinking of me.
Big ((hug)),

Eileen Briesch
on 12/2/10 3:21 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Karen and my OFF family:

Got home last night to a note on the door saying a pipe burst and we would have no water again. I don't know whether we have water yet; I know we didn't have it when I got up this morning. I also woke up with a headache. It's starting to go away but putting my head under the shower would help immensely.

My appointment with the pain doc was hopeful and then not so hopeful: the nurse practitioner said there was a procedure to cautherize the nerves in the back and it would get rid of the pain for up to two years. Well, that sounded great but it would cost me out of pocket $1,700 per side. And I just didn't have that, so I had to pass. So I'll just go to the pain doc for my painkillers and that's all. Can't afford anything else there. Health care down here is too expensive. Can't take care of myself, not even the basics that I could handle up in Michigan. My insurance isn't the greatest here at all.

My schedule is screwy this week. I work tonight; off tomorrow, work Saturday. Then I'm off Sunday and Monday. Then I work five days before I'm off for awhile.

Sorry for all the problems others are having ... I know they are worse than mine ... Bev's cancer, others losing their unemployment benefits. Congress says we have to pay for those bennies now, but then they're still getting a paycheck, aren't they? They don't know what it's like to be unemployed.

My friend Kim, who was laid off from the paper in Grand Rapids, found a job already. She said she took a big pay cut but she's taking the job anyway. She won't lose a day of work. Another newspaper in Michigan.

Well, that's all for now. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Monica B.
on 12/2/10 3:42 am - Emery, SD
Just got back from shopping I did OK. Only problem was hubby went off by himself and I could not find him for almost 45 min. Began to panic a little, but I got hold of myself. Checked out, found the truck, put groceries in it, and went back in store to look for him. Found him almost right away. He was buying me and the Gkids presents. Got home and he gave me a warm hooded fleece hoodie and long sleeved nightgown.....as I said it was cool here this morning.
Went to VA clinic here, but there are new regulations that won't allow him to go there if he doesn't give up his PCP in MA, you can't transfer from one VA clinic to another....oh you can go to the big medical centers, but not the local clinics. The big VA medical center is 55 miles away and the trip is horrid with traffic and construction. But if he needs to see someone we can go there.
Wish my feet had more feeling in them then I could feel safe driving again. However I damaged the nerves in my calf on both sides from crossing my legs...got drop foot. Had to work really hard to get the ablity to move the feet up and down again. That is one reason I am using a cane again. That and my knees.
Thanks for listening. Prayers to all, especially those with medical issues.

karen C.
on 12/2/10 12:55 pm - Kennewick, WA


 I smiled hearing about your husband being "lost." My mom spent half of her shopping time looking for my dad and the other half wishing he would go somewhere! When they went to the mall she would have him get a bag of popcorn. He'd sit and watch the people while she shopped. "IF" (big if) he stayed put she'd know right where to find him. Kind of like a kid!

It sounds like you did real well on your little excursion. Each trip should make a bit more confident. Like you said, sometimes self talk will help you. We need to be our own best friends don't we?

Karen C

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