Cleaned house top to bottom yesterday and plan to get out the Christmas decorations. At least it will cheer things up around here a bit. I want to go to Sams to buy my candy making supplies but really can't afford it right now. I love baking and making candy for friends and family during the holidays. I did start my Amish friendship starter on Sunday so I can at least start baking some breads. Today I plan to read a Robin Cook book Intervention that my daughter brought over the other day and then work on my sisters crocheted afghan I'm making her for Christmas. Easy day planned. We'll see how it goes, lol. It's 27 degrees outside right now. The puppy woke me up at 4
to go to the bathroom so I am done reading the news on the internet and starting breakfast soon. Everyone have a glorious day.
Good Morning!
Just up for a puppy and Karen potty break. I'm definitely awake for a bit as going out on compact snow/ice to stand and "applaud" the dogs did wake me up totally. We have at least a 2 hr delay today. Yesterday about 1pm we had rain on top of the compact snow. It was more of a sleet/freezing rain so when I managed to get to my car from the school it was encased in a sheet of ice. Took quite a while to get the windows defrosted. Made it home, made a pot of beef stew, and put up a few holiday decorations inside the house. Who knows when we'll be able to put up any outside stuff. We don't do a lot of lighting outside anymore. Too risky with our old brittle bones.
My restless legs are driving me absolutely nuts from the moment I try to sit down and relax until about 11pm. Even with meds. Think I need to up my meds a bit. I had gone back down to 1/2 of a pill; will go back to 3/4 and see if that helps. Why the hot tub or a very hot bath help I do not know. Once I do that about 7pm I promptly fall asleep on the couch, kind of ruining any sound sleep for the evening. Wish I could find a real solution to the problem. May be time for me to do a sleep study that includes restless legs syndrome in the program. I've never been formally tested for the problem and I know there are some new meds out.
Hoping the weather thaws enough by Friday for me to drive over White Pass to my daughter's for the weekend. Mike can't go (Oh, boy it's Sausage Fest weekend! Remember the aftermath from that 3 years ago? broken garage door, meth lab smoke from "turkey cookers" boiling sausage in the garage, plugged drain. . . ) he'll be busy but NOT at our house this year.
Erin's going on a much anticipated and needed shopping weekend so I'll help Josh out with the 3 wee ones. Briley was given her first taste of formula. She's been totally breast fed and at 4 months she knows what she likes. Erin wanted to get her used to formula as she doesn't have enough breast milk stored for the weekend. She said that we should have seen the yucky grimace, gag, spit out response from that first taste!! Then she mixed it 1/2 and 1/2 and she pounded it. So, it looks like we have a backup plan.
It's just 4:30 am and I don't have to get ready early so I think I'll try to get some more sleep. Sending positive thoughts and friendship your way.
Karen C
Brrrr you make me cold talking about the snow. it is cold here but no snow yet.
Karen C
Zest, dial, etc....nothing that has skin softener in it. I took two old wash cloths and sewed them together, leaving a little opening for the soap (the little pieces that aren't big enough to wash with). I put it on the foot rest of my recliner and it works great. Knock on wood, I haven't had leg cramps for a while.
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