It's Sunday -- What's New With You ?

Cindy P.
on 11/27/10 8:33 pm, edited 11/27/10 8:37 pm
Good Morning!  Hope everyone has had a nice, long weekend.

This Thanksgiving was bittersweet for us as it is the first holiday without my mom.  We had dinner with Ron's mother. 

We're going to visit our son and his family this week.  They will have a second ultrasound of the twins the morning before we arrive so we'll have new photos to look at.  We are looking forward to seeing our grandson and granddaughter. 

Ron has jury duty in December.  His number is juror 3 so he will undoubedly be called upon at least once. 

So, how are you this fine Sunday?  Tell us what's new with you.

Cindy P.

Oops!  Looks like Grammylew and I were starting the what's new thread at the same time.  Sorry about that.
IdaMae D.
on 11/27/10 9:21 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning all:

Again I've been awake since about 5:30am.  I woke up so thirsty this morning, can't seem to be able to get enough to drink. 

Yesterday, brunch was wonderful.  Seeing our friends and catching was just what we needed.  Sometimes you have to slow down and take some time for yourself!

Stopped to see my dad while we were in Jersey.  He looks really good, he is still in denial that his heart is what is slowing him down.  He wants to blame it on his hip replacements, however, the shortness of breath is the congestive heart failure.  He does walk to church which is next door to his house on Sunday, but he has not gone to PT as ordered by his doc because he says my brother won't take the time to take him.  I asked him about the senior bus that my mom used to take to get to dr. appts.  his reply was it doesn't come get him when he wants to leave.  I suggested that he could read the paper, talk to others in the waiting room while he's waitng for the bus to pick him up - he's a very social person, but he is stuck on the bus not being at the door the minute he is done so he can go home.  I did ask him if he'd be interested in going to the senior center a couple days a week.  He said yes, he'd be interested BUT.  Gene asked him what the but meant he couldn't seem to really answer that.  So Gene and I both suggested that he try it a couple times then make up his mind.  He said he'd like to try, tomorrow I'll be calling the Gloucester County Senior Services to see what transportation they offer and where the senior center is that he'd be going to.  I hope dad does go, he needs to be out of his chair and out of the house with more stimulation.  His mind is still very sharp and he is missing working.  He's been unable to work the last 2 years and is 90 yrs old.

Today is church.  After church not sure what is going on I think we'll play this day by ear and see what the day brings to us.

Gene is still not feeling well he can't seem to shake this cold.  Might be time to see the doc this week.  I don't want to see this turn into someone worse than it already is. 

Hope everyone has a great day....



Margo M.
on 11/27/10 9:37 pm, edited 11/27/10 9:47 pm - Elyria, OH
good sunday morning- oh my- three wonderful ladies starting the thread!!!! great minds think alike!!!!

well; if i have one piece of wisdom to pass along it will be "to thine own self be true".........
having said that, i will say thank you to all of you who posted either on or off the board about my thoughts of having michael come back. i DO value all of the thoughts, comments and opinions- i DO NOT Hate any one for anything that they said....and i knew that it was something i had to be totally honest with myself about. mom and i talked very openly and honestly-sometimes painfully!- for several hours and we developed contingencies regarding money and professional therapy. when she went home last nite; she expected me to call him and say come this week. that lil niggle was there...i had to think the kids and i watched some tv ( i could hear brody snore from 8 feet away and roxie-how can one lil dog sleep so much??????) and went to bed--we were up at 130--that was when i said out loud that i cannot do it. i just emailed him with my decision- cold i know- and i thought i saved a copy-dunno what happened to that! anyhow; i asked him not to call today as i won't answer.

today i am cleaning and doing some laundry-i think i am sending a bunch of stuff to goodwill this week and i am boxing up some things of michael's to UPS...then maybe after the first of the year he can come get his birds and some furnishings.

last week i relayed an OMG moment about meeting up with one of my angelettes at the bank--i met her hubby friday and he was so excited to know that i am up here so maybe she and i can get together sometimes....nice guy- thanked me...i must have had much more impact than i knew!!!!!

yesterday, we went into the thrift store that i love- they are painting and remodeling so it was chaotic-but i picked up a book for 75 cents- of poetry-written for fourth grade level and up about esteem etc--- i need to share this one- it is the title poem and it is ME!!!!!! bratty *****y lonely needy all of that and more!!!! i guess i am stuck at 4th grade???

I Never Said I Wasn't Difficult
by Sara Holbrook

I never said i wasn't difficult,
I mostly want my way.
Sometimes I talk back
or pout
and don't have much to say.

I've been known to yell "so what" when
I'm stepping out of bounds.
I want you there for me
and yet,
I don't want you around.

I wish I had more privacy
and never had to be alone.

I want to run away.
I'm scared to leave my home.
I'm too tired to be responsible.
I wish that I were boss.
I want to blaze new trails.
I'm terrified
that I'll get lost.

I wish an answer came
every time that I asked you "why".
I wish you weren't a know-it-all.
Why do you question when I'm bored?
I won't be cross examined.
I hate to be ignored.

I know
I shuffle messages like cards,
some to show and some to hide.
if you think I'm hard to live with,
you should try me on inside.

wellll...i need to get my arse moving....
hugs and prayers

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 11/28/10 1:48 am - Canada
Oh Margo - from one child of an alcoholic to another, I know how hard it can be.  We can be very tough to be around, but we are harder on ourselves than we are on anyone else.
You are a strong woman and will see yourself through all of this turmoil.  Life may never be wonderful, but there will be days that will shine just like you do on this forum!
HW: 250
SW: 240
CW: 173.8
GW: 150

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Mohandas Gandhi
Margo M.
on 11/28/10 5:54 am - Elyria, OH
margaret...thank you for jumping in---some  of michael's issues run from abuse by a local businessman when he was 7- he is ashamed-understandably--however he does not understand any of the baggage i carry - adopted- only kid in my school- then parents divorced - again only kid--other than my (adopted ) brother  for years- then the alcoholism...i try very hard not to use all this for excuses however i KNOW that many of my actions and decisions in life were tainted by my "history"--i need to move forward and am hoping i can remain strong- gosh i feel like i have destroyed him today ...not my problem tho , eh?!!!!!

the titanium in these big girl panties kinda itches - i'll be ok!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!even my adopted mom knew that i was of strong pioneer stock--she just had no clue how strong!!!!

i love my (deceased) sisters'  explanation of *****babe in total control of herself......

good to see you posting!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


(deactivated member)
on 11/28/10 6:10 am - Somewhere IN, TX

You aren't able to destroy anyone. We only destroy ourselves.  Be it our actions or otherwise.  I learned from years of therapy that you can only take care of yourself and make your best decisions.  From where 'we' sit.,.. you've been trying to solve his problems.  You can't.  We don't walk in your moccasins and we aren't there in all your moments.  That's why sharing online sometimes isn't always the wisest.  We jump in when maybe we should just say 'hugs'.. and step aside.

Margo M.
on 11/28/10 6:14 am - Elyria, OH
and thank you-you are right about trying to solve his problems...he is not my michael anymore.......

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


(deactivated member)
on 11/28/10 6:23 am - Somewhere IN, TX
The good news is.. he should now financially be able to take care of himself and qualify for any assistance that he'll need. Your income will not be considered.

See?  You ARE helping.

Eileen Briesch
on 11/28/10 6:34 am - Evansville, IN

Janet, you are right ... we only destroy ourselves. I have learned that all too well. I am responsible only for my actions. When I was in therapy, my shrink would bring up my mom at times and I would say, my mom is my mom. Whatever she did or didn't do, it's just the way she is and I can't change her. I love her the way she is. If she can't love me the way I am, well, that's OK, too.

Margo, you know we love you whatever decision you make.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Eileen Briesch
on 11/28/10 2:43 am - Evansville, IN

Oh Margo, I'm so proud of you for standing your ground. I know it was difficult. I know you love Michael but you need to be your own person and on your own.

Love the poem, too. It describes me really well, too.

Just started reading a book about Katherine Swynford, who was mistress to John of Gaunt and eventually married him. Her ancestors are both in the Lancaster and York courts. It's called "Mistress of the Monarchy". Not historical fiction, actual nonfiction. Allison Weir is an amazing author-historian.

Stay strong, my friend.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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