saturday morning-what's new?

Margo M.
on 11/26/10 2:54 pm - Elyria, OH
not really sure why i'm up-

without even trying; i was on boss' poo list yesterday at work...........did not enjoy it!

long phone talk with michael last nite before bed- need to speak with my landlady today- am thinking seriously of having him come back...there is a niggle of a doubt in my mind about whether or not it's isn't perfect..i dunno.....
i'm going to try to get back to sleep- have to work saturday...
hugs and prayers..........

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


(deactivated member)
on 11/26/10 3:31 pm

Good morning Margo

I havn't gotten to sleep yet and it is the wee hour of the morning.  I would be the last person to give anyone advice about whether to end a marriage or not.  All I will say is think seriously before you make a decision.  Once you have made it wait a few days before telling anyone.  Let it simmer and be sure you are certain.  You're right life is not perfect but you are entitled to a certain level of expectations.  Ask yourself if you are respected and treated well within the marriage.  Does the holiday season have anything to do with your doubts.  You might do well to wait until January to make any major decision changes.  I know you have been through a lot and it took a lot of courage to get to where you are now.  Take a deep breath and don't be hasty.  I wish you well.

Eileen Briesch
on 11/26/10 5:02 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo and Linda:

I agree with Linda, Margo ... think it over and then think again. I'm sure the last one to give marriage advice, considering I've never been in a male-female relationship, let alone a marriage. I'd make sure he would get counseling and prescription help (anti-depressant or whatever other meds he needs) and make sure he took them before I'd let him back ... but that's just me. Think not just with your heart but with your head. Easy for me to say, huh? My only relationship is with my cat.

No really big stuff going on. I was battling my mouse at work ... it was driving me crazy and finally I asked if I could get a new one. Someone found an extra one in their drawer and offered it to me. Suddenly, everything worked on my computer oh so much better. Amazing! I could actually drag and drop things the way they were supposed to work.

No Black Friday for me, either. I did some grocery shopping and spent only $26 there, then $18 at Fred's (a Louisiana drugstore) to buy some $8 jeans (normally $13).

Not much else... just work, back there later today, but then off again Sunday. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 11/26/10 7:53 pm - Jacksonville, NC
Good mornin' ya'll.
I will try this on my iPad. When I change to text I get a box that says nothing I type will be transferred. That is what happened in Oct. when I got this. I made a big post, hit submit and it never showed up on OFF.
Anyway...I also will refrain from giving marital advice. I have been married for 45 years today and I'm not speaking to him! You spend all this time trying to train them and they are still a**holes at times! Our grandson has a new puppy, he has spent weeks training him to "go" outside and he still piddles on the floor occasionally. Same thing!!
We get our new sleep number bed this afternoon, so I have taken the bedding off the old bed, washed everything, and moved a few things out of the bedroom so the men can make the switch easier.
Before they get here I'm gonna throw together a couple of batches of cookies and freeze them.
I went to see Harry Potter yesterday with our son and his family. It was pretty good.
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!

Grammylew in Jax


Margo M.
on 11/26/10 8:37 pm - Elyria, OH
oh gosh i love you guys!!!!!!!!!!!i'm answering here after eileen ,linda b and grammy lew.....

i did manage to get some sleep- and lots of thinking and praying-and i know that i am not done thinking-and then i need to talk to my mom(landlady)....i sat and typed out a very long specific email to him- establishing perameters and stating what i am willing to do/accept and what i am not allowing back in this household....i still am not 100% certain and i know that i am the ultimate one to decide there-other than landlady--
some of the perameter includes what he does in re internet privacy- his establishing two diff ppl on here is not acceptable-this board is my sanctuary - if i cannot be free to say what i want then i cannot speak......if he does not like what he sees he shouldn't look......

anyhow- i do respect what you all are suggesting and i am trying to listen to my reasoning mind not just my heart-with or without the holidays thrown in---- having grown up the child of an adult alcoholic in an adoptive/divorced family  i know that i am a complex person and not easy to live with---one of the gals at work yesterday said "you know it was hard getting him out once- think about that!" and she is right there...
anyhow- i do appreciate your comments etc and  have to continue thinking and praying-

for now; i need a shower to get gorgeous (and hopefully warm!) before work!!!!
big hugs and prayers

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Jan C.
on 11/26/10 9:30 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Margo  i was one of those people that divorced my first husband and 7 years later things happened to cause me to reconsider and re marry him....was the biggest mistake i ever made in my life. all of the reasons i divorced him in the first place were still there. he just \hid them from me for awhile until the had me hooked again. he said he had changed but he hadnt and it was easy for him to hide those things just seeing him a little while at a time .wasnt until we were back living together full time that he let them not saying that that will happen to you if you let him back but dont expect him to have changed any ....all his problems are still there. and if there has been no reason for him to change he didnt, hasnt and wont.
Pray really hard about this. and let God speak to you. love and hugs fromed someone thats been there. oh the second time around for us lasted all of 4 or 5 weeks i think lol sure wasnt worth the time and energy put into it..


Nancy H.
on 11/26/10 10:20 pm - Traverse City, MI
Margo, no advice. Just letting you know you are in my thoughts & prayer's.
Debbie G.
on 11/26/10 9:17 pm - Derby Line, VT
Good Morning Margo and everyone!
Margo, I can only echo everyone elses comment. Think long and hard and then stick with the decision.  being wishy washy will not help matters at all.  Of course I would not be a good advice giver either since I am divorced after a 31 year marriage! 
Today will be a marathon day for me.  I keep finding more crap to do something with.  HA!  Some day (MONDAY) this packing will be all over and I can then spend time UNPACKING!  Just wish I knew where that someplace is.  Still no word on the house I applied for.  Not sure what they are waiting for, but am going to apply for an apartment now.  I have to give the movers some address to deliver to. the 2 bedroom apt I looked at will be crammed full, but do-able I guess plus I would be able to have the dogs.  That's a plus. 
Time to get the protein in and get busy,  Have a great day all!
on 11/26/10 9:47 pm - manchester, NJ
gm margo and everyone

ditto on all the advice.  holiday time is not always the best moment to make decisions
that you will need to live with down the line.

thats all im gonna say, but you are in my thoughts.

well, my week in charlotte is over already and older son paul and i head for home again
today.  im sure im gonna cry my eyes out when i leave.

had a great time, took mikeys girl friend shopping yesterday.

more soon, hugs to all and good wishes for those that are in need.




Judy G.
on 11/26/10 10:26 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Margo and OFF...

Well I got the tree up yesterday and after trying several lights on it we decided on the red and clear ones. We have an Ohio State Christmas tree this GOOOO BUCKEYES!!!! Hope they beat Michigan today!!! Also Rick put up his fiberoptic tree in the bedroom for me. This will be our 4th Christmas together already!! WOW!! Time is sure going fast!!!

Had a slight and I do mean slight dusting of snow this morning. Its 33* and it sure feels alot colder when that wind blows!! Its a wind chill of 24* they just said.  Bandit still will NOT go potty outside the door so we still have to take him for his walk...sighs. He did go the first time I tied him out but not anymore...just goes pee. He did get to see one of his friends last night and it was fun watching them play and so excited to see each other!!!

Rick put up a few of my shelves for me and now I have alot of my Breyer horses out! How I missed those!! Still need more shelves but I am thinking he is going to make me some more for Christmas gifts. He said last night he would make the 2nd bedroom into the NASCAR room with the other stuff we have in there...thats cool. I am tired of looking at all NASCAR all the

Working today 1-9 and I am not looking forward to that at all. I enjoyed being off those 3 days!! But bills will find me and they have to be paid so I have to work!

Well that is about it for me today. Hope you all have a wonderful day and know I do think of you all and keep you in my prayers!!


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