What's new Wednesday?
be very careful what you ask/wish for!!!!!!!!!!!!
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
(((Eileen))) Morning to you and OFF!!! well I know how you feel with your condo...went through losing my house all because of Gary's daughter not making the payments and my credit is ruined for a few years...oh well thats over and done with now. Hope that headache is gone and your other pains are leaving you as well!! This weather changing all the time sure doesn't help matters any!! Like your brother told you just let it go and move on. (((Eileen)))
Weather here today is cloudy and 38* BRRRR looks like loads of rain for Thursday though then changing to snow! YUCK!! Not ready for snow yet!!
Got to work last night and boy was I mad when I saw who was working the mid shift! The new woman! Why do I get stuck working the closing shift every freaking tuesday??? I just do not get it at all!!! And this woman sure didn't have anything cleaned up at all either!! Dirty tables and counters and floor could have been swept of dirt!! I was pissed for sure when I saw all this! And I trained her and I know she knew she had to do this and yet she doesn't NOT compute in her head that this has to be done!!! The other day when it was busy I asked her to check the tables to see if they needed to be wiped off and she looked just out of our area and came back and said looked ok. I grabbed the cleaner and the towels and went to wiping the tables off that I knew were dirty because there were 5 tables that had been used and had food and greasy prints on them!! This woman just doesn't "get it"!!! I told the one manager and she told me I had to write everything down on a list for this woman so she would know what was expected of her to do!!! HUH???? No way am I going to do that!! She was trained just like the rest and I didn't have to do that for any of them so why should she be singled out? I give up!!! OK I am done *****ing here...sorry.
Thinking of putting the Christmas tree up either tomorrow night or friday while I am off. I know I have TONS of lights and not sure what colors we will have on it this year!! First year we had multi color. Last year it was blue and clear. So the colors could be any we want. I collected all of them over the years when I worked at the hardware. Now its which tree to use. The slim one or the full one. Hmmmm
Eileen sorry things are going so bad for you right now. Hope you feel better soon. Put the past in the past where it belongs. Don't let it get to you...let it go.
I had to make a quick trip to get Calcium Citrate this morning. There is only one place in town that carries the brand I like. It is all the way across town. We have some really bad weather moving in...want to stay home and cuddle under the blankets and watch Christmas movies.
Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Be careful if you are traveling.
Prayers for all in need...special ones for those traveling.
Love and hugs to all....connie d
I keep up with you all religiously, but am getting so bad about posting myself. Just yesterday I FINALLY got my new reconditioned computer. My old one was driving me to the funny farm with it's pernsnicketyness (is that a word?). The last few weeks I was NOT able to send or reply to e-mail, only receive. I took old one to my MauiMacMedic and he transferred everything for me and gave me a short tutorial about this new one. I am so glad to be able to "pute" again.
Eileen......I sure hope that cortisone shot helps. A month of so ago my shoulder was killing me....could not raise my arm past my waist. My doc gave me a cortisone shot in that shoulder, and today I can reach high over my head, squeege the shower, reach for things, etc. I think those shots are miraculous with some pain.
All my kids will be in Tahoe together. My Oregon son, Todd, drove down to Santa Cruz to be with my younger son, Mark, and Shelley, and the three little ones, Brock, Brady, and Little Zane. Today they are driving to Lake Tahoe to ski/snowboard. I hope they don't get into any trouble with snow on the way up there. My heart sings with having them all together.....and oh, how I would have loved to be there. Some year.
I'm still hearing screening babies, and Maui is booming!! I love the babies and do my work early in the morning, so that is a great way to start the day. Plus, I sure can use the extra bucks as life on Maui is expensive. Our gasoline is now $4.00 a gallon again.
I have so much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving. Good health, a beautiful place to live, friends I love, family who are all doing good, and a much slimmer body that does amazing things like sit in tiny tot's chairs, goes up stairs easily, takes me comfortably wherever I need to go, etc. We all have this wonderful new tool that is so life changing. I went down to 150 which was way too low, and have leveled out around 170 which is about right for my 5'11" body. I can eat anything, and I do...but I watch portions and try not to gulp....Ha.
Hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. OFF will be one of the things I will be grateful for tomorrow and every day.
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
It's a beautiful day! The sun is shining, crisp and clear. I have a warm house, food, and life is good.
Today I am cleaning and starting to cook for tomorrow. We are having a turkey, but it will be just the three of us plus GRANDDOG. On Saturday it will be six of us (another turkey) and GRANDDOG and NIECEDOG! We might have rain on Saturday, so the two dogs may have some mud play. Oh what fun!
Happy Thanksgiving to ALL!