Tomorrow we'll be at the VFW helping with the Free Thanksgiving Dinner. Hopefully, I'll not do much picking on the food. I'm putting a turkey breast in brine today and then into the slow cooker for our dinner tomorrow. No stuffing this year. That's really a downfall for me, so I'm not making any. Where is it I can go to put in a recipe and have it spit out the calories, carbs, fats and proteins? I'm thinking it's a website associated with OH, right?
Thanks for listening.
I have not used this website much, but it was suggested on another board. Its supposed to be for calculating stats on a recipe. Let me know if it works.
Hi Jan,
Hang in there and you are just like the rest of us, struggling with food and food choices.
Okay from now on tell yourself I will become mindful of my fullness. We had WLS so we are different and have a tool, we just have to take it out of the shed and use it.
So for are aware of snacking at night. No big deal. Just plan ahead for your snacks. Really a calorie is a calorie is a calorie.
Point proven by the Prof. that did that "Twinkie Diet". A calorie is a calorie. Now I'm not advocating Twinkies here but I'm telling you to eat what you want. Why? Because you will search and search and reach for the carrots, then the rice cakes and more...taking in calories you DID NOT WANT. Then in the end you will have what your body craved or your brain wanted. So if it's salt or crunch learn what your body wants then learn moderation.
Try Jan to use the hunger scale. Journal at the time (when you do journal) Time, then the time you are journaling then write down type of eating (meal/snack) Type of food, then after-wards write down Hunger/Fullness Levels
The Scale:
0-3 HUNGRY (with 3 being ready to eat the kitchen sink)
7- (this is where I usually stop eating, cuz when I am full on the hunger scale I don't feel good)
8,9,10-with 10 being Thanksgiving full, you know that feeling, can't bend over to tie your shoes or hard to breathe.
So really my life has been much easier using my Eating Coach's concepts. I'm still learning and my weight is coming off slowly. Why? Because I'm approaching how I use food and am aware of my eating. I think now before I put something in my mouth. Are those M&M's really worth it? Well sometimes they are and sometimes they aren't. Living life and dealing with stress. Food will always be my comfort and my friend. Now I just have to ask myself is it worth it?
Holiday's starting to stress us out all ready? Probably.
So just be aware of what you put in your mouth and how much. Moderation is the key. We learn it slowly. Heck Jan, I'm still learning.
Don't beat yourself up. That's a great idea putting the sweets in the Man Cave. Wonderful!
Just be kind to yourself, love yourself and just keep trying. That's all we can do.
I totally get you! I understand. Let's not let the food control us. Give yourself permission to eat whatever you want but journal it. At the end of the week, journal what you have learned about yourself.
Sending you great big hugs! Debbie
link below it is free and not only can you print the recipe but it will print the nutritional values too.
very easy to do you just put your normal ingredients in and the number of servings it make and it will give you the values.
it is a spin off of the site. If you track your food on you can just add a serving to your daily planner from the recipe site. but if you use something else to tack you can just print the recipe or save it in your own recipe box on the site and use the information in your own food tracking program.
here is a link