so happy to be posting from charlotte, nc today. im visiting my son for the week
and its so good to be together. my older son is here too and we are planning
our holiday meal, which we will cook together.
im going to take mikey shopping to costco also so he can stock his larder a bit.
he is still out of work and i worry about him.
last nite i took everyone out to dinner including mikeys gf katie, who is a sweetheart.
they have been dating for a year now. i also got to meet my new grandpuppy Summer
who is already growing by leaps and bounds. next year when i visit, she will be a big
well i dont know how much i will get to post this week so let me wish everyone a good holiday now. i hope for happiness and health for all of you and your families. i wish strength to
those that need it, and most of all Love.
Hugs, Jacki :)
Good Morning Cowgirl and Friends,
A beautiful 4 inches or so of fresh fluffy, white stuff this morning. A 2 hour delay so perhaps I won't be subbing today. Have plenty to do as I did NOT clean this weekend like I said I would.
Instead I made grape jelly, two batches, finished wrapping presents. . then we got the call from our daughter that they have decided NOT to come for Thanksgiving. Too much going on with the house remodel, school, daycare flu which they haven't caught yet but probably will. Instead they'll spend a week during Christmas.
So plan B. Hadn't done much but must say I wanted to see those little angels with horns! Erin is supposed to go on a shopping trip with friends next weekend. Josh's folks (good planning on their part) are headed out of town to help another son's family by watching those grands for a few days. Erin is thinking of canceling her trip which she really needs.
So since it's "Sausage Fest" weekend in Kennewick tho not at my house I may go over and help Josh with the 3 little darlings. I am sure (!!) that he won't leave me for more than an hour or two with all 3 awake. Perhaps he can get some work done at the house when they are napping or when they go to sleep.
Promised Kristin (future daughter in law) that I would start looking into hotel rooms for the wedding weekend. She knows I love helping so I think she's trying to find something to keep me busy but not in her hair!
Sending positive vibes to everyone. Wish I had a magic wand to make everything better. I'd cure those who are ill or hurting and give strength to all of us to deal with our daily lives.
I may just get dressed and go out walking in the snow. Will have to carry Maggie as she so does NOT like getting her feet wet. Snowballs on her little fur ball feet are not in her "must have" list! You all have a good one.
Karen C
Morning OFF!!!
Well it is raining here and its 58* on November 22nd!!! Gotta love it! Calling for the temps to drop later in week and SNOW!!
Had a nice birthday yesterday even if I had to work all day and miss the last NASCAR race of the season! GRRR but I missed most of the races anyhow because I usually have to work. Many nice gifts from my sweetie Rick! Even got me a cake! Was shocked at that! Haven't had a birthday cake in so paying for it today though...waaay to much sugar and like I said I am paying for it today!! :-( Glad I am off work!! haha
Almost done unpacking!! OMG never will I move again!!! What a job this turned out to be!! It wouldn't have been so bad if we had proper time to get packed but it was more of a spur of the moment move. Got word at 4pm thursday move started on friday and finished at 9:07pm wedneday night!! ALL by hand!!! Plus I worked long shifts at work! No wonder we are so exhausted!! Wasn't worth getting a truck to move us. We just moved to the next building across the street and in the back. BUT ITS THE LAST MOVE!!!!!!
See so many having problems and needing prayers and support right now...hope you know that you got them/it from me!!
Well I better get to unpacking more boxes so we can get done with it all before Thanksgiving!! Have a great day!!
It was bright and sunny this morning, waking me up (that and my cough) but now it's clouding up. I'm off today and really need to get this place cleaned up and get my Christmas stuff out. How much I get done remains to be seen. Really tired today ... haven't slept well the past few days so I'm really tired.
Not much else planned today. Just one day off so don't think I'll venture far from home. I thought about going to a movie, but my knee is bothering me too much so I don't think I want to sit in a theater for three hours (I thought about going to see the new Harry Potter movie). So instead I'll just try to get some stuff done around the house. I've promised to make cranberry bread and cranberry sauce for the potluck at work Thanksgiving day, so I should get going on that.
Well, have a good day.
It is a great day here! I'm off all week and today is a "shopping" day... I need to find a few things for my Bunco party and for Christmas gifts. I am meeting a girlfriend and my daughter at Starbucks first. It's my daughter's week for 40% off on Starbucks "stuff".
That's it... talk again tomorrow.
So excited about the holiday long weekend. We are going to my sister's on Thanksgiving where my Mom and brother will be too. Friday, two of my sisters and my cousin are coming to help me clean and set up my house for Christmas. Hubby has already started on the outside Christmas lights. Saturday my Son, DIL and Grandkids arrive. We will have 17 people for my hubby's side of the family for a second Thanksgiving on Saturday afternoon. Sunday, we will invite my side of the family for a little dessert and coffee drop-by so they can all see my Son and his Family. I wanted the Grandkids to see how Grandma and Grandpa decorate for Christmas since if I start chemo next Tuesday, and any of them is sick at Christmas, I won't be able to go stay with them like we have planned.
I have so much to be thankful for. I've weaned myself off of the anti-anxiety meds. Still needing the sleeping pill. I have a lot of hope and faith and good people praying for me. The fact I have Stage IV-B Endometrial Metastasis Cancer only slips into my thoughts occasionally through the day and I seem to be handling it OK. Another appt. on Friday with the second opinion and then I'll know what options I'm going to decide on.
If I don't get back on here, please everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday.
Hugs to all who need them.