Thursday - What's New with You Today?

karen C.
on 11/17/10 10:04 pm, edited 11/17/10 10:06 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning Laureen and Friends,

What a difference a month can make in the weather. Gone are those lovely fall days of beautiful leaves and blue skies. We have wind, rain, bare trees, overcast skies unless the wind is blowing, piles of tumbleweeds (yes, they do tumble along!), and short dark days. Ok, I need to put a different spin on things don't I? Busy days of subbing, planning for my Thanksgiving which is my favorite holiday, also planning a holiday open house for December 10th.

 I have much to be thankful for and this winter season helps me to so appreciate when the days get longer and things start to sprout. So I will be thankful for this time when the earth stores nutrients and water in anticpation of it's rebirth in the spring.

That's about the best I can do! I'm staying busy especially in the evenings. My restless legs act up starting about 7pm just when I might sit down to enjoy a bit of tv. So I'm working on cards, online shopping for the holidays, wrapping gifts already made or purchased, planning our February Arizona trip, anything I can think of to take my mind off of my creepy, crawly restless legs!

I'm going to sub more between now and February. I enjoy it and it also helps to keep me occupied and out of the kitchen. This week I'm just working 1/2 days but all in the same classroom which is fun. It's a special needs group so I always feel needed there. Very hands on life skills type of environment with middle school students. There are several Downs Syndrome students. They are so kind, friendly, and appreciative. I get lots of positive stokes! I do my best to give  back.

Laureen, You passive/aggressive? You sure dont seem like it to me. I know I am very much that way. I keep stuff inside for years and then strike when my "target" is so totally not expecting it. Not a healthy approach to living I know and I work on it daily. You on the othe hand sure "seem" to address situations directly.

I guess we each have our own ways of handling life. Too bad we weren't given a "rule book" to follow when we were born huh? Have to work on it and revise it as we go along. Unfortunately some of our role models didn't know much about life either! I know I was loved but I sure didn't get much training on how to deal with difficult life or people situations. Going to my room ,shutting the door, and pouting was the routine. Expecting people to figure out what I want or need without telling them is absolutely idiotic and yet I continue that pattern far too often. I don't want to have to "tell" them. I want them to be intuitive and observant and figure itout. But you know what? Most of the time it ain't gonna happen!!!!

So for today I will do my best to be open with my thoughts and needs. I need to hit the shower. It's still very dark outside, but here's my positive. In just a bit over one month the days will start to get LONGER!

You all have a great day!

Karen C

Laureen S.
on 11/17/10 10:35 pm - Maple Shade, NJ

Think that is great, the idea of subbing through February, especially as it will get you out of the house and keep you busy through what becomes the toughest winter month to get through, as by then we usually are dealing with seasonal effective disorder. . .

As for my p/a behavior, I go through a lot of turmoil inwardly when it comes to asking for what I need from someone, as the message I grew up receiving is that you are never to ask, never mind expect that someone would want to meet your needs.  That is ingrained in me and while I have become better over the course of life at dealing with some things, others are more difficult, more especially when it comes to money matters and asking for people to pay up when, as I expect people to be the way I am in taking responsibility for their financial obligations, it causes me much distress and I am not wanting to deal with it. . .  Unfortunately, the only way to handle it, is to do what needs doing and I hate the uncomfortability of it all. . .  I always thought of myself as more confrontational, but in some areas change comes more slowly, oh well, I am, at least, not doing anything that will make me feel badly and have to apologize, at least not yet. . .

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/17/10 11:29 pm - Manteca, CA
You know what you have to do- be brave, be brave!
on 11/17/10 11:37 pm - Manteca, CA
I need to do this quickly. I'm off to work in a few.... I'm LOVING being back. Yesterday was better than the first day- going earlier is definitely better. I love my new room, it's sunny and cute. It will be even cuter when I get it done. I don't know if cute is the word... I'm not "cute"... it will be "ME".... I love to decorate my own space. I bought fabric yesterday for the bulletin boards. The children (and adults) are making my pain take a back seat... and it is definitely getting better too. Leaving at 1:00 seems good. 
Oh, Laureen- I understand the passive-aggressive piece too. I have it... I'm trying to not use that by taking care of my "upset" feelings as I go... but you know how those well worn in habits die hard.
Happy Day to all of you!
Connie D.
on 11/17/10 11:38 pm, edited 11/17/10 11:39 pm
Good morning Laureen and everyone....

Laureen...I am sending more prayers and hugs your way!!

Annette....I pray Tom gets good test results! are like the little Energizer just keep going and going and going...LOL

George...don't you just hate it when your job messes with your personal life!!!!

Today will be a better day for me ...I hope.....just some end of the week things to finish up this morning for my job then I will be on weekend time until Monday...YAY

My granddaughter Kyleigh and her boyfriend Cole will be here for the weekend, That will be fun.

Today is my sweet little Gracie's 4th Birthday...she is so excited!!  Already sang her Happy Birthday this morning....she just giggles and giggles!! Gosh I wish she didn't live in Iowa!!

Have a great day everyone.

Prayers for so many in need.

Love and hugs to all....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 11/18/10 1:05 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Laureen and my OFF family:
For some reason, the type all looks so small today. I even bumped it up to largest and still it looks too small.

I had my back injections ... they're called lumbar facet injections. They do it differently here ... you can't eat or drink after midnight. One of my coworkers, the guy who sits next to me, Mark, drove me. He has a little sports car (a Miata) ... a little difficult to get into, but a nice car. Boy, they gave me lots of good drugs because now I'm really tired. I didn't sleep all that well last night, either. So I'm off for the rest of the day and I'll just veg and nap and take it easy ... and the Bears play tonight, so I'll get to see that game.

Nothing else going on here. I understand about the work situation, Laureen ... I'm not all that happy here either, but it's a job and I'm trying to make the best of it. I was told at my review I don't produce enough pages. Guess I have to step it up. I'm working as fast as I can ... our computer system is so slow, there are times it freezes for three-four minutes. Last night, it crashed three times in the last half-hour before deadline.

Anyway, enough of my *****ing. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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