Glad to see you back. Enjoy getting settled I'm still not settled.
Eileen I hope that the blocks help your back and leg!! Right now I am thinking I am going to have to call my pain doc and have another sciatic nerve taken care of! OMG it hurts so bad!! All that stair climbing I had to do while moving! And we did it all by hand!! NO truck or trailer!! We did use the car for the smaller boxes that fit but we did carry most of it! We are sore, tired and not sure if we are coming or going right now! But we are now HOME!!! YIPPPEEEE!!!!!!!! NO MORE STAIRS!!!!! ;-)
Its cold here and rain off and on and talk of snow for Thanksgiving day. And if certain family members think they can come here for dinner they have another think coming!! They couldn't help us move why should they come for dinner? Sorry its how I feel right now....
OK I am tired...had my shower and now I am off to bed for some much needed rest!!! Work tomorrow and not sure if I can do it or not the way I am hurting. Hope the heating pad helps like Rick says it will!!!