What's New Wednesday???

Margo M.
on 11/16/10 6:49 pm - Elyria, OH
post away!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


IdaMae D.
on 11/16/10 7:15 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning;

Have to finish the make up and hair then heading into work for another half day.  Will be leaving work about noon, dentist appointment for the next phase of this dental work.  The implants have healed successfully  - YEAH!!!!!!!

After the dentist, home to check on work emails see if anything needs immediate attention.  Then hopefully off to the gym and at least an hour on the treadmill.

Hope everyone has an awesome day.....



Margo M.
on 11/16/10 7:21 pm - Elyria, OH
is anybody up??????????????????

we were all up to potty at 4 am and brody thought we were sposed to eat then too---he was po'd that i made him wait til normal time of 530 am!!!!

so now we're watching the Hallmark channel--go****'ll be tuff going to work this morning--nahhhh..these movies will re run all til the day!!!!

good news for me- i was approved for a mini loan to fix my car so my mechanic can start working on it- i hate to borrow to fix it however i feel good about this- tho, i DO think a for sale sign may still go on it after!!! scott found a tranny a few weeks back so hope he can still get it....i feel badly; he was hunting when i called him yesterday-then going to work--but it's good.

so-talk away folks......what's new with you???????

hugs and prayers

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 11/16/10 9:13 pm - Interlochen, MI
Hey Margo, I was up early today too.  I guess when my Gary is gone I don't sleep as well.  How goes the job?  I hope you can get the car fixed soon.  Are you still driving a Suburban?  Isn't that what you got?  Boy, being away from OFF really takes me out of touch.
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

on 11/16/10 7:55 pm - Manteca, CA
Good Morn to you all,
I got up to get some water... back to bed in a sec. My first day was fun... but hard at the end. I had a meeting after school so I started at 10- by 3:00 I was having a hard time painwise. But it was so good to be back! There was a beautiful orchid plant and pictures from the children all over my walls welcoming me back. There were so many hugs...I went to bed last night at 7:30. So now I need to get back to bed in order to get up at 6:00 and try this again. Today I start at 8:00 and leave at 1:00. I will try to figure out when my back reaches its limit today. I'm sure my doctor will adjust my work hours if 5 hours is too much every day.
Hugs to all of you.... I'm transferring some of those children hugs to you too... those are containing some special magic that will heal what ails you!
on 11/16/10 8:04 pm - NY
Morning Margo..Julia...
  Its great being in school isn't it Julia?  the kids just make everything else seem so much better !!

  I had a real good bit*h session with Annette yesterday.  I'm still having problems with my tummy and my surgeon is threatening me with a reversal...no revision..no real help, just  plain old if I have to operate I will reverse it!!!!  I'm stunned...trying not to take it personally, but, jeese.
  My gastro doc is not convinced that my problem is a GI problem..so I'll let them fight it out, but, in the mean time I'm the one eating less and less and hurting more and more.  I can't seem to win this battle, but I'm not giving up.  I think its adhesions and a partial bowel obstruction...can I convince them..????  NO !!!!
   Well its 7 and I need to get myself to school...

  Prayers and hugs to all who need them.
on 11/17/10 7:27 am


I can certainly feel your pain.  When I started having problems with my pouch, no one would listen.  They acted like it was me just not wanting to eat, which was so not the case  For almost an entire year, I went to a eating coach, a psychologists, and a nutritionists.  They all acted like the pain was in my head.  Every single test they did would show that my intestine was enlarged but contributed it to gas.  Then, finally my doctor said, we will do some exploratory and they did and they found my pouch and part of my old stomach and my small intestine full of ulcers and adhesions.  So, they revised my pouch, making me a new one, and removed some of the ulcerated small intestine.  Then, they gave me a little more small intestine to absorb.  At my lowest, I was below 90 pounds.  They put a tube feeding directly into my lower small intestine that I had to run all night long, and even after the revision allowed me to gain some weight, they kept the tube.  I have only had it out for a short time.  You may have to get another surgeon to take over your case, but it sounds like you may have ulcerations.  The pain for me was so unbearable and I vomitted all my food up.  I teach, so I never ate or drank anything for four hours before I taught, because I would either throw up in front of my students, no warning--or i would be in such pain that I couldn't even write on the board.   I really think that the doctors think that any problem we have is self induced.  When they get inside of you, though, they will probably find some serious stuff.  I hope they fix you.  I am so afraid of having problems, that if I feel one bit of pain, I start panicking.   Good luck and I hope they can get you fixed.  Pain is not fun.  

on 11/17/10 8:27 am - NY
Thanks Joannie for responding...the funny part is my pain is not too bad and it comes and goes.  But I'm losing weight a little at a time and eating is getting harder and harder.  I can't eat meat right now..it gets stuck and hurts.  I have pain mostly going to the bathroom...and the gas is unbearable.  I have gas from morning till I go to bed...even with jus****er.  Drinking water hurts...

 I've had feelings like this before and it was a bowel obstruction and internal hernias.  don't have a clue as to why the surgeon is not more concerned , except he said that since I am post op 2 1/2 years...obstructions and internal hernias are rare !!!!!  RARE !!!!!  So is delayed dumping and hypoglycemia and all the rest of the complications but, I 've had them all. 

  Like you I'm getting frustrated with the "whole" its in your head.  No sorry ITS IN MY BELLY  !!!!  Thank god I don't have to deal with the surgeon right now, and I have a good GI doctor that is concerned.  I'm calling him again tomorrow morning.
  Thanks for your input...I appreciate the help and support.
on 11/16/10 9:15 pm - Interlochen, MI
Hey Julia,
   I missed out on a lot.  Hope you're on your way back to 'normalcy'.  Enjoy those kids, they'll surely make you smile.  Take it easy, like the turtle, keep plodding along.  ;o)  Teachers are in charge of our future.  I salute you.
It is what it is.
If He brings you to it, He'll bring you through it...

Debbie G.
on 11/16/10 8:06 pm - Derby Line, VT
Good Morning all! 

Home from Vermont, hopefully have found a place to live, now have to send in application and required paper work and wait to hear.  Have 2 appointments this week with movers for an estimate.  Of course the house looks like total chaos and a mess to boot, but they just need to see what is moving. 
The trip was a good one, dad and I got a little snappish once in a while when he was telling me how to drive etc but over all was good.  It sure felt good to be back in my own bed!  Plus I had a purring kitty most of the night and the dogs were so glad to see me again!  Unfortunately with the house I am looking at I can't have dogs.  Can take the cats, but not dogs, however the lease is only for 6 months and then they are thinking about putting the house up for sale.  If it goes well and I can mangage the electric bill (electric baseboard heat! UGH!) I may just buy it.  Nice house. Love the kitchen.  big! 
that's it for me! 
PS, Think I need to have a packing/repair/cleaning party. Anyone interested?  LOL
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