Okay this is for us folks that are NOT fresh "post ops"...of course newbies you will in the long run benefit from this advise about food and judgment. The class was great yesterday, preparing us for the holidays and eating...the key is moderation and no one piece of cheesecake will NOT make you fat and why let food dictate to you if you are "good or bad". I'm learning! Hugs Deb
If a person eats a big, healthy salad and a bowl of (non-cream) soup and they see that as "good" choices, then they are "good" by extension. And you know what? I bet most of us out there making this choice are good people -- but not because we ate the soup.
On the other hand, if that same person eats 2 pieces of cheesecake (and cheesecake is "bad"...everyone knows that, right???), then they are "bad" by extension. And that is just not true -- because the soup already proved they were "good" right?
Food is food is food. There are no good foods and there are no bad foods. If you eat too much of anything, soup, salad, cheesecake, you are going to gain weight -- that is just a fact -- not judgment.
Give it some thought. Enjoy your food. And when it doesn't taste fantastic, put the fork down.
Posted: 16 Nov 2010 03:05 AM PST
I have been hearing a LOT of judgment lately about different kinds of foods. Everyone is getting geared up for the holiday season and talking about what they "can" eat, "should" eat, and "healthier" options. We've talked about this before but I just want to throw it out there that the issue I have with judging food as good or bad, is that we extend that judgment to ourselves as we eat that food.If a person eats a big, healthy salad and a bowl of (non-cream) soup and they see that as "good" choices, then they are "good" by extension. And you know what? I bet most of us out there making this choice are good people -- but not because we ate the soup.
On the other hand, if that same person eats 2 pieces of cheesecake (and cheesecake is "bad"...everyone knows that, right???), then they are "bad" by extension. And that is just not true -- because the soup already proved they were "good" right?
Food is food is food. There are no good foods and there are no bad foods. If you eat too much of anything, soup, salad, cheesecake, you are going to gain weight -- that is just a fact -- not judgment.
Give it some thought. Enjoy your food. And when it doesn't taste fantastic, put the fork down.
this seems to be a good reminder too for those who eat with other post ops--not to judge portion size --and -example-my mother -post op -can eat sugar etc - i can't --does that mean she should? not to my thinking but it's her choice.
hope this made sense- am at work...
hope this made sense- am at work...
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Hi Margo. Yep, we need to not judge others. It's all about choices and really staying mindful of what you put in your mouth. To really enjoy that food then stop when it starts to not taste fantastic in your mouth anymore. We or at least I do really need to "relearn" about food.
I know for me...I can't keep cookies around my house. Cake or pie no problem! Some things are just my "trigger foods" and I'm learning how to stop or at least get a grip on why I'm eating, if I'm hungry, think about my "hunger scale" and if really those extra calories are worth it.
Yesterday Kristi my Eating Coach reminded me that if I eat ONE PEANUT M&M...I would have to walk the entire length of the football field and back to use up the calories of just one M&M.
Okay, so sometimes I really want M&M's, I'm not perfect but I am now aware of grazing and just keeping on and doing the best I can.
Isn't it amazing how portion sizes have just gotten out of hand. The better deals are all to be "Super Sized" and it's telling the public this is normal. Well thanks to RNY it has made life some what easier in regards to portions but we can still graze can't we? I really do love this concept of Mindful Eating and not feeling bad about what food choices I make. Of course I try to reach for protein first but if I don't...it's not the end of the world...and life goes on. Hugs Debbie
I know for me...I can't keep cookies around my house. Cake or pie no problem! Some things are just my "trigger foods" and I'm learning how to stop or at least get a grip on why I'm eating, if I'm hungry, think about my "hunger scale" and if really those extra calories are worth it.
Yesterday Kristi my Eating Coach reminded me that if I eat ONE PEANUT M&M...I would have to walk the entire length of the football field and back to use up the calories of just one M&M.
Okay, so sometimes I really want M&M's, I'm not perfect but I am now aware of grazing and just keeping on and doing the best I can.
Isn't it amazing how portion sizes have just gotten out of hand. The better deals are all to be "Super Sized" and it's telling the public this is normal. Well thanks to RNY it has made life some what easier in regards to portions but we can still graze can't we? I really do love this concept of Mindful Eating and not feeling bad about what food choices I make. Of course I try to reach for protein first but if I don't...it's not the end of the world...and life goes on. Hugs Debbie