alrighty now--it's monday-what's new?

annette R.
on 11/14/10 10:01 pm - ithaca, NY
Good morning Margo & all

It was a GRAND week end. Dylan spent the night on Saturday. That boy can eat!!! Sunday we went to Mary's to load up all her baby supplies for Kari (oldest granddaughter). The pick up truck was loaded higher than the cab with crib, swing, stroller, and everything needed for the baby.

So much fun to see Dylan (6 feet tall) play with the M&M's. Melanie can't quite figure out why he calls me grandma too. She said "Mommy didn't have another son".

Susan called to let me know that there is an e-mail stating I am in London and need $$$. Laugh NOT TRUE!!! Imagine me getting on an airplane and flying over the ocean. No way, never gonna happen.

Kisses and giggles
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
karen C.
on 11/14/10 11:29 pm - Kennewick, WA
Annette, I just figured your application for sainthood had been granted and that you walked there!

Karen C

Eileen Briesch
on 11/15/10 12:19 am - Evansville, IN

And I figured the last person you'd ask for money was me ... I don't have any! Glad you're still safe and sound in N.Y.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Eileen Briesch
on 11/15/10 12:38 am - Evansville, IN
I was just on Facebook and got solicited by someone pretending to be you. So he has your password on Facebook too ... you'll have to change that, too.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 11/14/10 10:05 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Good Morning Margo and OFF family,
Happy Monday and yep...when I went out to start my car I heard the first gunshot!
The deer are running...I live in the country and our deer taste so much better than others...the deer love our corn fields and taste more like beef. I was really careful driving into work today.

Hubby is busy remodeling our 2nd bathroom. It's looking really nice, he took out the tub and now we will have a huge walk-in shower....with a cool seat to sit on. It will serve us well when we get older and won't have to step over the bathtub. Thinking ahead folks! LOL

I have my Mindful Eating Coach class today at noon. It really does help to journal and to pay attention to how hungry you are when you eat or when you eat when you aren't hungry!

So I will today as Laureen posted earlier..."Let Go and Let God" today. Work still is kinda stressful. Lots of things going on. Some of the things I just can't control so I will just Let God!
Hugs all around and folks...the sun is shining in my window, makes me smile! Debbie
on 11/14/10 10:08 pm - Alexander, AR
Morning Margo and my OFF family!

Our deer season started Saturday.....not a fan whatsoever! Thankfully I haven't seen anyone with a carcass draped across the front of their car yet, but I probably will in the next few weeks. AR is over run with deer, and I know it's a necessary thing, but I can't stand the thought of killing Bambi's mother.  Oh well, guess it's the tree hugger in

Just got an e-mail from Annette, the same one that was sent out in my name last Spring. No, she's not in the UK (can any of you imagine Annette flying over the ocean????), has not been robbed at gunpoint, and doesn't need anyone to send her $2,250. Although, I'm sure if you REALLY wanted to send her the money, Christmas IS coming, you!  At least the grammar was better in this incarnation than the one that was sent by "me".

Busy day today, groceries, a nail class this afternoon and just "stuff" that you do on your day off. I need to go to Coldwater Creek and return two items I bought a couple of weeks ago. One is a nice knitted sweater vest that a client noticed has a hole in the back, and also a pair of dress slacks that I wore twice and did not hold up to washing. They're just poly blend, but there's no shape or crease left in them, and the hook at the top of the zipper fell off the first time I put them on!  Come on....$60 for a pair of pants that aren't any better quality than WalMart!  So....back they go.

Okay, off to see if anyone is eating besides Down 3 lbs from last Monday. Amazing what eliminating snacking will do!  Go figure!



karen C.
on 11/14/10 11:40 pm - Kennewick, WA

Hi Margo and Friends, Well, I didn't get a call to work on Friday so my wheels started spinning. . figuratively and literally. We threw some clothes and both dogs in the car and headed out to the west side. Spent the weekend in a cheap but nice motel close to the kids who are living with the in laws while the farm house is in a state of teardown before rebuild. They are supposed to be in it by Christmas. I'm not betting money on it!

Anyway, had a great time. I played with baby Briley, now a very chubby 4 months while Erin, Mike and the twins went to watch one of son in law Josh's high school football playoff games. They won the 3B state championship two years ago and are on a roll again. My only problem is that I so wanted to have them for Thanksgiving and if they are still winning it ain't gonna happen!

Brought the twins to the motel to play with us for a few hours on Saturday. Went to the Dollar Tree first. (their favorite store!) bought some treats and new colors and color books. They loved the ice machine and the little breakfast room. We colored there and then got our ice. Loved that release button on the machine! Had fun in the room coloring, watching tv and yes even letting Grandpa Mike throw them on the bed. I cringed just knowing someone would bit their lip or tongue but it didn't happen.

Yesterday we left early and met our son and future daughter in law half way in between so that they could take Lucy, Erin's dog, home with them til Thanks giving. Poor Lucy is a little "foster dog" right now as she lives with us while the remodel is going on. I think she gets treated pretty darn good and she has Maggie to play with.

Well, I have to go to Walla Walla to my dermatologist to get my yearly skin check this morning. Then I'll spend a few hours at the local thrift stores. They have a higher quality of thrift than we do!

Hope you all have a good Monday. I have a carpet cleaner coming in tomorrow to do living room and traffic areas in the main bedrooms. Pets!

Karen C

Connie D.
on 11/15/10 12:08 am
Good Morning Margo and everyone....

Four days off work and I will be paying dearly for it today!! I only have a minute to check in.

Glad Annette isn't stranded in another country!!

Margo great catch 4/4 !!!

Have a good day everyone.

Prayers for those in need....a few extra for some.

Love and hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 11/15/10 12:15 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Margo and my OFF family:

Oh, lucky you ... you get to go to Meijer! I miss Meijer! It's one of the many things I miss about Michigan. Brookshire's is nice, but it's not Meijer ... much more expensive and not nearly the selection and variety. And the Walmart here is never very well-stocked ... and the cashiers are not very friendly.

I'm off today and it's raining. I was supposed to have an appointment with the shrink but I canceled ... just don't have the $50 copay and don't think I will ever. I will have to find another way to do counseling. It's just too expensive down here. Health care is too costly on my insurance. Maybe next year when I have more money on my FSA it will be more feasible.

I do need to get out and get some cat food but that's about it for me today ... then home and do laundry. Last night was low stress at work although it would have been better if my computer was working. I had to use someone else's ... mine wouldn't turn on, so I was told to just use someone else's computer. Well, that didn't give me all my programs, so I had to log on remotely, but someone showed me how to do that ... the only thing I didn't have was the instant messenger (but didn't need that because the Opelousas sports guy wasn't in, so I didn't need to IM him). I just told the people in the office if they needed to talk to me, we had to do it the old-fashioned way.

I'm drinking my protein coffee and need to get on the road and get out to Petco. Don't want to leave the apartment today because it's raining but do need to buy cat food for Juliette ... nearly out and she does like to eat.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 11/15/10 3:02 am - Manteca, CA
Hey Margo!
Do you think four was the total? I have a really yucky story about my experience with a mouse. I was 21, living in a one bedroom apartment with my dog. I left the sliding door cracked open so she could go out to pee, etc.  I would get a field mouse once a year, and kill it with DeCon. Well, one day I was cleaning under the refrigerator and found a long dead mouse. It had "decomposed" a little... was SEALED to the floor..... I had to soak it in a puddle of water and SLICE it off the floor. I will NEVER forget that. I was traumatized! LOL!!!
I am enjoying my last day of freedom today. Back to work tomorrow! YEAH !!!
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