alrighty now--it's monday-what's new?
mom and i are heading to meijers tonite to get our turkey-i'll get one to cook and she'll get the family bird for the holiday.....
well; i'm 4/4 on the mouse trap!
spent way too much time watching hallmark channel yesterday-
so-what's new with you?????????????
hugs and extra hug for bev.....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I'm about ready to head out the door, just have to pack up lunch and dinner for today.
Today I'm working till 4pm then off to class tonight. Tonight is my fist class after my transfer out of the class I began with. I'm looking forward to meeting my new classmates.
I should be in class for about and hour or so tonight then home.
Yesterday I baked protein pumpkin muffins and oatmeal raisin/cranberry cookies. Both are very good. New recipes I was creating and re-figuring.
Hope everyone has an awesome day...
Ready to go to Vegas. 12 days.
Notified at work the other day that I was in the "Circle of Excellence" for the year. Then I was told there would be an extra $562.50 in my check as a reward for it. All this in the check right before going to Vegas. Gotta love it. Oh, did I mention I worked 24 hours of overtime last week that will be in the same check? And I am so ready to go.
Good mornin', ya'll.
Well, we did it. We went and bought a sleep number bed. The feedback I got on here and on my Facebook was about 75% in favor of the bed. A friend of our son has one and we went there and slept in it Sat night (thanks Kim and Walt). We were very happy with it! Now we have to wait 2 weeks to get it!
So with our drive to Wilmington, a very dissappointing lunch at TGIFridays, the bed purchase (took quite while to try them all, etc), then a trip to Costco, another dissappointing meal at IHOP this time, we got home about 5:30. Luckily our grandson and his friend were here doing homework and helped us unload the $500 of groceries. The boys were working on assignments that were due before midnight. I guess even in college, they wait til the last second to get stuff done. On one of those Dr shows (Oz, or Phil, or someone), I heard that a person's brain isn't completely mature until the age of 25. I'm beginning to believe it!
PT this morning, and then pick up the RX for my DH's test strips at the base pharmacy. Then home and begin a Little Red Riding Hood Halloween costume. All my fleece quillows and blankets are done, done, done!!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!