Be your own Knight this weekend!
Yes folks, little victories add up to big victories in the end. This post made me smile because yesterday I too passed up on a day old home-made donut when I sat with some friends from the lab department. "Just nuke it for 10 seconds and it's great"! Nope, I passed. Victory! Hugs Deb
Posted: 12 Nov 2010 03:03 AM PST As happens so often, the title of Seth Godin's post has inspired me:No knight, no shining armour --period. That's it. If you want to make some changes in your life, you're the only one who can do it. Every day. It's sometimes disheartening for me to think there really isn't a magic bullet out there with my name on it. Sure....sometimes luck happens -- but luck isn't a strategy. And waiting for a lucky weight loss break (contracting a tapeworm, anyone?) isn't going to make sure you get where you want to go. Making the small decisions everyday (I just passed up my fav Swee****er's Honey Glazed Chocolate doughnut in the break room with a "Not right now"!) will create your success. This weekend: be your own knight -- you're the only one who can make this happen -- show us how it's done because we know you can do it! |