What's new Thursday, Veteran's Day?

on 11/10/10 9:47 pm - Alexander, AR
Good morning Karen and my OFF friends,

Karen, we share many of the same thoughts, and I also hope that all our veterans have the honor today that they deserve. Nearly every male member of my family, including Gary, are Vets and I appreciate thier service. They all deserve more than a day off!

Speaking of Gary, he was hurt at work yesterday defending a woman and her children during a domestic violence situation. His shoulder was instable to begin with, but after grabbing a guy carrying his daughter into  a busy street, he really messed it up. Spent a few hours in ER, is in a sling and will have to go see an Ortho doc for evaluation.
It was a really bad situation where a woman and her two children were in danger. Gary and his partner stopped when they saw them walking down the side of the road with a man following them in a car. They stopped to see if she was alright and she said she wasn't. So, they pulled over, the guy advanced toward them, and then took one of the children into the middle of the street to try and keep Gary and his partner from going after him. Anyway, three sherrif's cars showed up, the guy was apprehended, and Gary went to ER. His supervisor said it was a "questionable call" on Gary's part!  Now he's in trouble (possibly) for going to the aid of a woman and her children who were in danger. What a messed up system!
When he called me to tell me what was going on, he was at ER waiting for his immediate supervisor to come see him and take his gun away (it wasn't drawn, but if you're injured and can't perform all of your duties, they take it away by routine), but Blake didn't show up. Come to find out he had had a heart attack at the office just about the same time all of this was going down with Gary. What a day!

Okay, gotta go get things done. As usual, many things to do on my day off......well....my time off from the salon...lol



karen C.
on 11/10/10 10:03 pm - Kennewick, WA
Susan, I don't get how this could be a "questionable" reaction on Gary's part. Now if he hadn't been prepared to take care of it I could understand. Were he  too small, too elderly, too unfit perhaps the best thing to do would be make a call to the authorities. But in his case, that is what he is trained to do isn't it? Strange world sometimes. I'm sure that woman is very glad that he did have the courage to act! Tell him I think he did a great job. I'm sure that won't earn him a bonus but his conscious should be clear.

Karen C

Jan C.
on 11/10/10 10:28 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Karen i have the restless leg syndrom too.   and it is almost painful at times isnt it?   I have found that if i rub them with bio-freeze that it sometimes helps....but at times nothing does any good at all....i think that if they tied my legs down i would go crazy from the intense (whatever ) ....it is really hard to discribe the feeling isnt it.....sometimes if i take a musle relaxant it helps too...sometimes nothing helps....



on 11/10/10 10:33 pm - Alexander, AR
The Sheriff deputies were there within a couple of minutes of their reporting in, and all of them side with Gary. His upper supervisor doesn't much like him, makes it very clear, and not just to Gary. She got the job because she knew someone high up in the State system, and can't write a coherent sentence.
I think she's very intimidated by his level of education, so all she can do is throw her weight around.

A few months ago he arrested someone and she didn't like the way he got the fugitive to surrender himself, so she wrote him up. He had to file a formal grievance in order to keep it out of his personnel jacket. Everyone just wishes she'd retire!



karen C.
on 11/10/10 10:26 pm - Kennewick, WA

Good Morning everyone, Had to come back and brag just a little bit about my son. I must give you a bit of back ground. Nathan was such a shy little redheaded boy. He sucked his thumb and rubbed the corner of his silk blanket binding (and hugged his teddy.) Didn't think I'd ever get the boy trained. (I know TMI!)

Well, this shy little boy has turned into a remarkable young man. He's now 29 and a middle school history teacher. Still as stubborn as his father. He wants to do everything for himself and it's hard to get his to accept even something given lovingly as a gift.

So, here's where this is leading. Yesterday he called and told us he had received an "award" at a school assembly. The Seattle Seahawks football team in Seattle where he teaches has a "Hero In the Classroom" award that they give out each week of the football season. They pick one teacher from elementary, middle, and high school.

So ok, an award is nice. We innocently asked if anything came along with it. Get this! Two box seats to the game on Dec 4 or 5 (not sure of the date), $350.00 to use for classroom supplies, called out on the field before the game and presented with a Seahawks jersey with his NAME on it! How cool is that?????

Teachers who had this shy little guy his first few years in school would be amazed! I Googled the program and the teachers selected last week are on line. This proud mama will post the site when I see his there!

Karen C

Laureen S.
on 11/10/10 11:59 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
That I am sure makes you a very PROUD MOMMA. . .  Congrats to Nathan on being singled out as a teacher worthy of such honors, therein lie some of the people children today should be looking up to, not some badass actor/actress or sports players who's egos are the size of the stadiums that play in.

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

karen C.
on 11/11/10 12:22 am - Kennewick, WA
Laureen, In our daily lives we never know who is watching do we? I can single out a couple of teachers, a few other roll models including my mother and father, lucky for me, who set such a good example of what it means to be a caring human. My friend, you also set that example in your daily life. Thank you!

Karen C

RV Grandma
on 11/10/10 10:36 pm - Snowbiird in So. California
Good morning to you all,
And a good Veterans Day to all also. My brother-in-law served in Vietnam and thankfully came home in one piece and well in mind also which we are so thankful for. My husband was called up twice but the first time he had a broken ankle and the second time I was pregnant so didn't have to go. We are so thankful for the brave ones who did go and are still defending our freedom.

We are moving to another RV park today for 3 weeks and then on to the next one. It's only 40 miles away so it won't take long except that it's a very slow road and will probably take 1 1/2 hours. Oh well, at least it's out of the mountains and will be 15 degrees warmed down there. After we get everything set up I have to make a Costco, Walmart, Henry's run for groceries, etc. I also will need a nap because I only got about 4 hours sleep last night but the good news is I didn't start eating which is a very good thing.

Have a good day everyone,


Highest weight: 305
Weight at Surgery: 258
Current weight: 130



Connie D.
on 11/10/10 10:56 pm
Good morning Karen and everyone.....

Happy Veteran's Day to all our  brave men and women who have help protect us and given us our freedom.

Karen....great news about your son...congrats to him and you!!

Day 5 of my headache....today starts my 4 day weekend...I need the rest!!

Have a great day everyone....prayers to so many in need.

Love and hugs to all....connie d
peggy H.
on 11/11/10 12:08 am

Morning Karen, Sorry your legs are giving you such a rough time. My wish for you is a night of restful sleep.

Veterans Day is going to be busy for us.

At 11.00 A M, this morning the honey man's VFW Post is holding a Memorial for all thoes who served . The Post in our town has a large Tank. We have been told the Tank will fire off one round, think I'll take my ear plugs.

This evening , the school's in our area are hosting a dinner for all Veterans and a quest. The kids from our High School will serve the meal. We are so very blessed to have such a Community.

This week a replica of the Vietnam Wall was sent to a larger town in the High Desert. The wall was build by a veterans group from another post in Calif. We went to the wall last Thursday. I also have a cousin listed on the wall. He was lost in 1966.We saw the wall on our trip to DC. Such a sobering sight.

Hugs dear girl, Peg 





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