Tips for a Really Lousy Day
13 Tips for Dealing with a Really Lousy Day
Posted: 09 Nov 2010 03:15 AM PST
The title is not mine. And from me, you are only going to get the #1 tip on this list but click here to see the rest of Gretchen's list!Gretchen, from the Happiness Project, lists the following as tip #1 for dealing with a Really Lousy Day:
1. Resist the urge to “treat" yourself. Often, the things we choose as “treats" aren’t good for us. The pleasure lasts a minute, but then feelings of guilt, loss of control, and other negative consequences just deepen the lousiness of the day. So when you find yourself thinking, “I’ll feel better after I have a few beers…a pint of ice cream…a cigarette…a new pair of jeans," ask yourself – will it REALLY make you feel better? It might make you feel worse.
Powerful stuff, right? How often do we head for a treat to make us feel better? If we do it reasonably often, it is no longer a treat -- it is a coping mechanism. Which is a much less flattering concept than giving ourselves a treat.
Food treats might distract you for a while -- but they are not going to solve your stresses and, in fact, usually end up creating more stress in your life because now you are stressed about what (or the way) you just ate, on top of the stress you ate to deal with.
Perhaps it's time to call the binging what it is -- coping with food. And perhaps it is time to find a new mechanism to cope -- one that deals with the real issue at hand --the stress.
Bingo!! That's the key, being mindful of our eating, staying "present of the moment" while/when we are eating. Also ask yourself how hungry you are, use the hunger scale. Write down how hungry you were when you started eating then write how full you are. Journal. It helps. Hugs Deb
Hunger Scale:
0-3 Hungry (with 3 being very hungry)
4-6 Trigger
7 (I use 7 for me after eating, I usually never go higher for us, one bite can cause pain!)
8-10 Full with 10 being "Thanksgiving Full" know what I mean...time to lay down for a nap!
Hunger Scale:
0-3 Hungry (with 3 being very hungry)
4-6 Trigger
7 (I use 7 for me after eating, I usually never go higher for us, one bite can cause pain!)
8-10 Full with 10 being "Thanksgiving Full" know what I mean...time to lay down for a nap!
Thanks Debbie; I really need this. I am using food way too much lately to cope with the mess that is my life. But I know things are worse for other people lately who have just lost their jobs. At least I now have a job, even though it's one that I don't like.
I have begun seeing a therapist again and hope that will help get me back on track. But I like this woman's suggestions and will keep her in mind. I'm going to bookmark her site. She says a lot of good things.
I think we learn early on to use food to soothe our ouchies ... I am reminded of my mom's first auto accident (the first day she drove solo, I was in the backseat ... I was 4, she hit an A&P truck). I was bawling, and our landlady came out to try to calm me down. What did she do? She gave me a PB&J sandwich. Sure, I learned fast that food would wipe away all my tears. (Not that that's an excuse, just an illustration.)
Lately, when I've had a bad day at work, I say I need a beer, but really, I don't have one because I can't have a beer and all the meds I take to deal with my pain. But usually I am hungry, and so I go home and eat (usually protein at least). Sometimes it's more than I should, though. I need to cut that out.
I have begun seeing a therapist again and hope that will help get me back on track. But I like this woman's suggestions and will keep her in mind. I'm going to bookmark her site. She says a lot of good things.
I think we learn early on to use food to soothe our ouchies ... I am reminded of my mom's first auto accident (the first day she drove solo, I was in the backseat ... I was 4, she hit an A&P truck). I was bawling, and our landlady came out to try to calm me down. What did she do? She gave me a PB&J sandwich. Sure, I learned fast that food would wipe away all my tears. (Not that that's an excuse, just an illustration.)
Lately, when I've had a bad day at work, I say I need a beer, but really, I don't have one because I can't have a beer and all the meds I take to deal with my pain. But usually I am hungry, and so I go home and eat (usually protein at least). Sometimes it's more than I should, though. I need to cut that out.
Eileen, at least you know you are reaching for food and are aware of your feelings. I think all of us reach for food to comfort us in our time of stress/hurt/celebrations.
With mindful eating, staying present to ourselves when we eat, asking ourselves okay, I am eating this and I will enjoy my food and staying into check when we are getting full, then stop. Eating 9 less bites a day is a start.
I still haven't gotten the book Women Food and God yet, I really want to read this book, one of the gals in my Eating Coach class brought it and says it's really good.
Now that winter is coming we also eat more comfort foods, some of us just want to eat and hibernate. I miss the sunshine so I have to throw myself into exercise to fight those "blues", I do this and my body does feel better.
Life can be draining when you are working at a job you hate or just not passionate about. Eileen, I think you should still write that book!!!! Or at least do it in your "spare time".
Hang in there, you are loved and appreciated! Debbie
With mindful eating, staying present to ourselves when we eat, asking ourselves okay, I am eating this and I will enjoy my food and staying into check when we are getting full, then stop. Eating 9 less bites a day is a start.
I still haven't gotten the book Women Food and God yet, I really want to read this book, one of the gals in my Eating Coach class brought it and says it's really good.
Now that winter is coming we also eat more comfort foods, some of us just want to eat and hibernate. I miss the sunshine so I have to throw myself into exercise to fight those "blues", I do this and my body does feel better.
Life can be draining when you are working at a job you hate or just not passionate about. Eileen, I think you should still write that book!!!! Or at least do it in your "spare time".
Hang in there, you are loved and appreciated! Debbie