What's New- Tuesday

on 11/8/10 5:16 pm - Manteca, CA
Good Morning!
I'm going to bed and the thread should start early so that everyone gets on. I'm a bit freaked out tonight... I got the reports from the MRIs and I see some things that need exploring- kidney issues, disc issues, the injury itself... it all looks very technical, but kind of dark. Sometimes too much information is worse than a little if you know what I mean. I need clarifications on what all that jargon means. Did you know that dehydration can cause degeneration of discs? Boy oh boy... drink your water!
I took my Mom to that funeral today. She's 84 and getting kind of loopy...her memory is failing. She even called my daughter (her only grandchild) Lisa- her name is Laura. As I thought she would, she arrived two hours early- she knew she was a bit early, but had no idea of the time change.
Today I have NOTHING except for TOPS in the evening. So I will sleep in, clean a bit, maybe go for coffee. It is supposed to rain, so I may make a soup.
That's all for me- how about you?
Margo M.
on 11/8/10 6:58 pm - Elyria, OH
up early here this morning-not sure why!
julia-you are right that sometimes a lil knowledge can be dangerous-try not to read into things til you get answers-yet; be pro-active!

work then VFW ladies mtg tonite

we have water!!!!!!!! whoooooooo hoooooooooooo

hugs and prayers

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


IdaMae D.
on 11/8/10 7:17 pm - Philadelphia, PA
Good Morning;
I'm up and just about ready for work.  A bit late however I should be out the door in the next 15 minutes.

Today is a half day for me, I have to be at the dentist at 1pm.  They are going to put the ebuttments onto the implants I had a couple months ago.  This is such a long process....I know I will be there 1.5 hrs.  Not sure if I'll come home with a perscription for pain medications or even be able to work tomorrow.  I'm playing this all by ear at the moment.

After the dentist I'd like to either get to the gym or on my treadmill, however, not sure how I'm going to feel after the dentist.  We shall see.

Wishing all a blessed day...



Laureen S.
on 11/8/10 8:01 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Julia, Margo, Ida and those that come after. . .

Julia, now please don't go looking for things that may very well prove to be nothing, you've been through enough these past few months, so let's look forward to clean bills of health and good things happening. I will keep you in positive thoughts and prayers.  Sorry to read about your Mom's failing memory, guess that is something we can all look forward to at some point, heck, some days now I think I have early onset Alzheimers.  As for not getting in enough decaf fluids, amazing what havoc that can cause. . .  You have a good day and I will be thinking only good things for you.

Ok, well today promises to be a bear of a day at work, in bankruptcy, when a company goes through the process, they have to notify people who may have a claim of some sort, though not everyone who gets a notice has a claim, this process includes most anyone whose name appears in logs and for instance in the case of a big media company, that owns papers, magazines, etc., even someone who just had a newspaper delivered to them at one time, will get notification; this causes people, who have no understanding of the process great distress, so everytime we send out the notices of the court dates, or such information that must be sent out, we are deluged with calls for weeks at a time from frantic folks, who call to say, what is this and I didn't do anything. . .  needless to say, not fun and hard to get any work done, especially the first few days after such a mailing has gone out.  Some people think it is ok to call and cuss us out because that is their nature when they are in full fear mode, so packing my patience today is very necessary, my shift is the afternoon one today, so I'd better be real productive in the a.m. because from 1 to 5 little work will get done, and then we have the folks that are in the office for the hearing tomorrow. . .  fun, fun, fun. . .

Ok, I'm off the computer now to get ready for the work day and wishing everyone a wonderful day, peace and strength for those facing serious life challenges.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/9/10 5:16 am
Gosh, Laureen - now I get it.   All those notices I get are not worth the paper they're written on!!!!    I always hoped I'd get rich thru one of those & I was one of those calling.    You've done a great service here.  I for one won't call unless I know I have a valid claim.   
on 11/8/10 8:01 pm - Alexander, AR
Honey Girl, BREATHE!!!!!!  I'm not in your shoes and I'm sure I'd probably be freaked out too, but PLEASE remember that you've had not one, but two teams of doctors clear you after extensive testing. True enough, a little bit of knowledge can be a dangerous thing. When do you talk to your doctors again? Hope it's soon and they can quiet your fears.

Drinking water isn't a bad thing in any case!

Not much happening here but work today and tomorrow, busy both days. Thursday Gary is off for the holiday so I"m hoping to get some things done in the front yard. Long past time to get the summer flowers out, but they lasted right up until our first frost on Friday night.

Okay, gonna go see if anyone is eating. My boat has a hole in it, but I might have gotten it plugged, for now at least!

Have a good day



on 11/8/10 8:57 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

Julia, I'm with everyone else, don't stress. Get your answers and then weigh everything calmly. Sounds so easy, doesn't it? Especially to us who are reading it not living it!

Laureen - yikes, sounds like a busy day/week.

I called my Sis yesterday as her DH was trying to get her to go to the hospital. She has been having some heart and lung problems. She began a new med yesterday and about an hour after taking it the right side of her face went numb and her right arm got all cold. Her DH called the doc who told him to get her to the ER. She didn't wanna go, since she wasn't numb anymore, and she was SURE it was just the new meds. I quickly got off the phone with her so they could go. I'll call this morning to see how she is doing!

I have PT this morning. In the shower this morning I was able to lift this left arm up over my head, I was able to really use it to shampoo (not by bending my head way down to meet the left hand). I am making progress. Now I need to get the new left hip scheduled!

Saw some snow around the country on the news this morning. Better you than me. But I know many of you really enjoy it.

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Sybul C.
on 11/8/10 9:05 pm - Alma, AR
Good morning all.  We have a busy day today.  Val starts his prep for his first colonoscopy today.  He is already wigging out because he can only have clear liquids all day, lol.  He is a bottomless pit that eats constantly and stays skinny.  Will have to watch his blood sugar he has a tendency to hypoglycemia.  Going to Dentures Today again to have them file on my insurance to see what my part will cost.  Finished the heart shaped rug for my sister and will start the striped one for my d-i-l.  Then I need to make a rug for one of my other sisters, a scarf for the other one, and an afghan for my oldest son.  I'll be busy till Christmas.  Everyone have a good day.  I was still 124 today even without having to strip to my undies, lol.

on 11/8/10 9:07 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Good morning Julia and OFF family,
Happy Tuesday and the sun is shining or trying to in Michigan, it's suppose to get in the 60's so it's time for a walk at break time.

My BF Deb and I worked out in the pool, got there early and worked out hard. Right now there are over 20 people coming to the class and I don't like to feel crowded so we started right at 4:45pm and got out at 5:30 when the class started. Oh yeah...we got our heart rate up, worked out with weights, did jumping jacks, volley ball lifts, froggie jumps, situps and football runs! Great workout and maybe even a better workout than the instructor gives! LOL
Then our dessert....the hot tub then the sauna after that, talking and solving our worlds problems.

Enjoyed my session with the Eating Coach. Absolutely love Kristi!
Everyone have a great day and prayers and hugs for those in need. Debbie
Connie D.
on 11/8/10 10:21 pm
Good morning Julia and everyone....

Wishing you all a really good day.

Prayers for those in need...a few special ones as well.

Love and hugs to all....connie d
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