Another beautiful day...

Sybul C.
on 11/7/10 1:38 am - Alma, AR
Hello everyone!  Saturday was such a beautiful day and friend and I drove up to Artist's Point to look at the fall leaves.  Then we went to Sally's to find a hair color to get rid of all the red still left on my hair from my last attempt at coloring.  Trolled through WalMart and they were having a big clearance on clothing.  Some racks with tops and pants for $1.00!  Today is pretty too and a little warmer.  I have a pork roast in the oven, going to make mashed potatoes, fried cabbage, and use up the last of the butternut squash with a candied squash recipe that my husband likes.  It is deer rutting season around here and my husband hit a big one down the road with his work truck.  Last night a friend of my son**** a ten point buck with his van and killed it.  His van is in really bad shape.  We think the radiator is messed up.  Val is going to go look at it in a minute.  They went back to get the deer and someone was in the process of getting it.  He offered to skin and clean it and cut it up for them if he could have the head.  We'll see if they hear from him again, lol.  Everyone stay warm and have a good, restful day.

Eileen Briesch
on 11/7/10 2:22 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Jules and my OFF family:

I know it's probably the end of Sunday for you, Jules (or maybe Sunday night, not sure). It's just after noon here and the Saints/Panthers football game has just started. The time change has thrown me off a bit. My watch is now two hours off (I have problems resetting it, so it's still on eastern time plus one). I need to get to the mall and find a watch kiosk to get them to reset it for me. I like the watch, but it's hard to reset the time on it.

Just got off the phone with my mom and brother; both are doing well. My SIL's mom in Northbrook (they all live together, my oldest brother Ed and SIL Margaret and her mom) fell on Friday; turns out she had a heart attack so she's still in the hospital. My brother Gary, who lives with my mom, told me more details of my great-nephew's birth. Seems Jill, my nephew's wife, was in labor over five days on and off and then her water broke on Wednesday; they did a C-section and she had postpartum hemorhaging, plus the cord was wrapped around the baby's neck a couple times, so my nephew was worried about losing both of them. Jill is doing OK now and the baby is healthy, but Chris had to do a lot of work at first with the baby because Jill was kept in the hospital a little longer as she lost a lot of blood. A little scary, though.

Not much going on here. Back to work tonight, then off tomorrow. They're splitting my days off ... not happy about that, but it's a job. I know too many who don't have jobs in this business.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 11/7/10 2:43 am - Manteca, CA
Good Morning Jules and everyone else that are "looking",
I've been cleaning some this morning. We got our new Christmas tree... I wanted the Costco artificial tree last year but they were sold out by the time I decided, so this year I had my husband get it early. We have a vaulted ceiling in our living room so the I wanted the 9 foot tree... I had Alan put it together rather than storing it for a couple of weeks. It's beautiful, fits perfectly, and is HUGE! OH MY GAWSH! How in the H--- will I decorate this monster! I have plenty of ornaments, but my BACK... yow. I will do it very slowly. I wish I had one of those ladders with rails like I see in stores. I'll probably climb the step stool with my daughter and husband holding me steady- LOL- need to take pictures! This will make a good scrapbook page!
I'm still going slowly through the house deep cleaning for Christmas. This will be a real celebration this year... I'm so thankful for so many things. I'm trying not to feel guilty about it- I am so sorry and think often about how hard times are for many on OFF. I am definitely very aware and thinking good thoughts for all of you. Life can be so darn hard sometimes- I am reminded of that one every day. But I'm very happy that I am having a reprieve this season. I need to nourish my happy cup. That definitely doesn't mean that I won't be her to be compassionate and caring for those of you that are needing those things. I have surely been on the sad and frightened side many times, and I remember that piece of life very well. Once you've been there it is part of your personality... you can't ignore it as if it doesn't exist for many of your friends. We all go through these "seasons" of trauma... I think that having trauma can hone you into a more beautiful person - or not, depending on how you get through it. Getting through it is the key- try not to get stuck in that quicksand... get help, however you can manage. I got lots of help every time I went through the sludge. I know that the sad is part of my life, and trauma will always be ahead of me at points that I can't foresee. I'm really not a negative person though (unless I'm in denial- don't think so). Maybe I am just used to a measure of trauma that comes every so often because of my life experience. One thing that is very good that I've done with it- I feel stronger now and I know that I can get through those times. I even feel now that I'm better prepared for my own aging process and am aware of my mortality.
Gosh- enough already... you can tell that things here are on my mind. My heart is feeling the hard stuff going on here. This is not an artificial place with no connections.
I'm off to do some more detail work, but I'll check in today. Try to eke out joy whereever you can... I'm paying attention!
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