Reflection on Laughter
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter.
--E. E. *******s
One of the true gifts of recovery is that we learn to laugh again. No matter how beat up our spirits have been by our addiction, no matter how heavy or hard our hearts have become, one day we find ourselves laughing. The lightness in our hearts lets us know life is good.
It may happen in a meeting as we suddenly stop taking ourselves so seriously. It may happen as we learn to socialize again and share a joke or score a goal in a group of our new friends. It may happen as we look into the eyes of someone who loves us and our hearts bubble over with joy.
Laughter heals us. It is one of our heart's songs. There is always some in our life, somewhere - and we need only look in order to find it.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, please give me something today that will tickle me with joy or humor. Help me give in to the urge to laugh. I know my laughter is music to your ears.
Today's Action
When I notice something to laugh or smile about today, I will share it with others. Humor and joy are meant to be shared.
--E. E. *******s
One of the true gifts of recovery is that we learn to laugh again. No matter how beat up our spirits have been by our addiction, no matter how heavy or hard our hearts have become, one day we find ourselves laughing. The lightness in our hearts lets us know life is good.
It may happen in a meeting as we suddenly stop taking ourselves so seriously. It may happen as we learn to socialize again and share a joke or score a goal in a group of our new friends. It may happen as we look into the eyes of someone who loves us and our hearts bubble over with joy.
Laughter heals us. It is one of our heart's songs. There is always some in our life, somewhere - and we need only look in order to find it.
Prayer for the Day
Higher Power, please give me something today that will tickle me with joy or humor. Help me give in to the urge to laugh. I know my laughter is music to your ears.
Today's Action
When I notice something to laugh or smile about today, I will share it with others. Humor and joy are meant to be shared.
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377/331/198/175 Highest/WLS/Current/Goal