It's Saturday - What's New?

on 11/5/10 3:01 pm

It's early here on the Best Coast, but I know it's Saturday on the East Coast, so grab you're cuppa & come set a spell.

Things are getting better with Mom.   Every day, I visit her in the morning & she tells me she wants to go "home".   When I explain to her that she needs assistance, she does understand and is resigned to it, at least for the moment.  She tells me (and I believe) that the caregivers are kind and gentle.   The are letting her fold laundry & help prepare food - she loves to help out!  I'm buying & sewing new clothes for her - now that she is less aware, I am looking at her clothing (in sad repair) and how the items fit (everything is too tight in the waist & big everywhere else), so I'm working on a new wardrobe for her.  By the time I get home from the visit, I am emotionally exhausted.  Still, it's good - I am so blessed to have her & she is such a sweetie.

Funny story today.   Many of you know that out of my 10 grandchildren from 3 children, 4 are biological grandchildren and 6 are adopted.   Of the 6 adopted, two are black (and I mean very dark-skinned), two are caucasion, and two are 50/50.

One of my Granddaughters (not adopted), age 9 just found out that her 10 year old cousin (black) was adopted.    She is pretty upset, saying that nobody told her that he was adopted (there have never been any secrets, but somehow she missed it).   She knew the other 5 cousins were adopted, but had not realized that he was also adopted!    She is totally shocked!  The color of his skin was of no consequence to her in determining whether or not he is adopted.

Aren't children amazing and sweet?    To a child, we are all the same.  With each generation, I believe the division of color, ethnicity, and anything else that divides us is being obliterated.  I have so much hope and faith that the future generations will handle these issues with a higher level of openness and sensitivity.   

Just had to share that!   I certainly hope nobody is offended - I haven't much experience with other cultures and/or races, I just know that children are beautiful & what are we all if not still children?

Prayer for those in need & hugs for all,

Eileen Briesch
on 11/5/10 4:16 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi Jan and my OFF family:

Glad it seems your mom is adjusting. I know it must be tough on you; I know it's tough on my brother living with my mom, and she isn't as bad off as yours is.

It was a tough day in the newspaper industry yesterday. At my former newspaper, in Grand Rapids, 18 were laid off, including my friend Kim. She called me about the time I was going to get ready for work, and she was crying. I felt so sorry for her; I wanted to give her a hug. I sure knew what she was feeling. One of the other copy editors who got laid off was "Skinny Amy" ... this was the woman who used to read every story about weight-loss surgery and comment, "We shouldn't be paying for this. If they (the obese) would only exercise and watch their calories, they could lose weight." Skinny Amy had no idea that those of us who were obese had tried everything in the book and then some ... she had never had an ounce of fat on her a day in her life. No matter that she was never very nice to me, I wouldn't wish this day on her, either.

Five people got laid off at my current newspaper, too. I knew it was happening here. Seems like the newspaper industry just isn't going to come out of it at all.

Miss Juliette is playing around with her feather toy ... she just discovered it the other day. She loves her feathery baby. She'll kill it, then lie there and groom it. She's a real cutie.

Well, it is getting much chillier here ... down to 38 tonight. Obviously, one of the cost-cutting ways at the office is not to turn on the heat. We were all shivering tonight.

Anyway, it was time to bring out the furry slippers and the robe. I won't turn on the heat unless I'm really cold. I'll get under the covers first and stay warm that way.

Well, have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 11/5/10 7:48 pm - Canada
Jan   -  children are amazing.  If we all could only go back to the automatic acceptance of each other, the glorious wonder and awe in so much that children feel and the excitement that small wonders bring young ones, life would be so much better.
HW: 250
SW: 240
CW: 173.8
GW: 150

The greatness of a nation can be judged by the way its animals are treated.
Mohandas Gandhi
Margo M.
on 11/5/10 8:59 pm - Elyria, OH
good morning everybody!!!!!!!!!! glad that mom is adjusting......i know this continues to be difficult for you!

the honesty/purity of children continues to amaze me

i was so excited for friday to come-and now it's gone! spent a good 5 minutes chatting with a new friend right before work ended then the day went downhill! my car started right away and i pulled around the corner to come home and lost "drive"...finally made it work in second gear and took the longer ride home=parked it up the hill at mom's out back where it won't be in anybody's way and can get worked on if i ever get funds! so i'm back to mom taxi-ing me -at least for today....not sure how i'll get to work next week....then ; got news that a half brother of my brother was found dead of a self inflicted gunshot wound to the head....nephew was getting yelled at again as i walked up the drive to mom's...sis in law was having a seizure and mom was just whipped tired cooking as they announced to me that the starter for the water pump (that provides well water to their house AND my trailer) burnt out yesterday so we have no running water.....jeez oh pete' was cooking supper and i finally just walked home -couldn't dogs got fed an extra meal (nephew thought he was helping by feeding them) so i had to really watch brody for late poo......dogs and i crashed at about 9---- so---the positive--at least i got 5 good minutes at work! that may not happen again for a few weeks due to a schedule change......que cera......

now- i'm gonna whine for a second- i don't expect anyone to "fix" this--just have to get it out! wednesday is payday and can't come soon enuff- i am broke---have $4.....and after i get dressed for work today am out of clean undies and biggie- i have a washer and dryer and soap etc---hahahaha! NO WATER!!!!!!!!! laundramat 8 miles from home- no money--jeeeeeezzzzzz maybe i'll go to work kinda bohemian on monday!????!!!! so my prayers today are that my brother is able to get the part for the pump TODAY !!!!!!!!!!!!

as i drove to work yesterday it was snow blizzardy! gorgeous coming at me-thank goodness it didn't stick here! but 25 miles north 4 " !!!!!!!!!

michael arrived at his sis' in wisc by 8 pm last nite.

well- i have now babbled sufficiently to bore you all to tears! connie---i am amazed at how my housekeeper gets out of dishes etc this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!good help is so hard to find!!!!!!!!

hugs and prayers to all

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Margo M.
on 11/5/10 9:53 pm - Elyria, OH
ya know...i keep touting the strong pioneer stock that i evolve from and my years as a Girl Scout and leader and trainer- well-after i posted above; i had to put my thinking cap on--i found 4 more clean pair of panties and sox!!! whooooo hooooooooo!!! i'm good to go--and i am ok about the tooth brushing from a cup etc!!!!

it never ceases to amaze me how competent we can be if we put our minds to it!!!!! phew!!! my housekeeping staff is off the hook again!!!!!

when michael was in hospital after his quad bypass- two weeks- i lived thru that time with no water in our rental house- just have to get creative!!!!

ok- applause accepted! you may resume your normal viewing!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Pat R.
on 11/5/10 9:57 pm - Sturgis, MI
Jan, I love it that children are so accepting and innocent...if only we all could have stayed that way, the world would be a far better place.

Margo - If I were closer I would come and get your laundry and do it for you.....things are gonna get better....just hang on sweetie.  XO

I hurt so badly this morning I am going to take the meloxicam and see what happens...Dr. Kemmeter gave the ok as long as I take prilosec .

Prayers for all ...

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
Laureen S.
on 11/5/10 10:25 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Jan, Everyone Else,

Glad your Mom is adjusting, amazing how no matter how old we get, being useful is something that makes one feel good. . .  kids are blank slates, the people that surround them color them with prejuidice and take that innocence away, I hope like you that one day all peoples let fears of what is different about one another stop causing such pain.  Differences accepted can really make the world a better place. . .  oh well, guess I don't live in reality. . .

Well today is my support group and afterwards I have plans with my dear sweet Tony, tonight is my woman's AA meeting and tomorrow will largely be home related and relaxing as the work week ahead promises to be challenging.

Sending good thoughts your way and wishing peace and strength to all facing the challenges that life presents.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Debbie G.
on 11/5/10 10:29 pm - Derby Line, VT
Ok everyone! I GOT THE JOB!
Jan and off, good morning!  Jan what a sweet story about your mom and your grandkids!  I too feel things are progressing in the race issue. 
Anyway, Thursday night I got the call from the hospital in Vermont offering me the job. Yesterday I tendered my retirement letter and told my bosses, then told the IT staff.  Everyone is stunned.  Oh well, it's an adventure!  I figure if it doesn't work out (but I am the eternal optimist and think it will) I can always move back here and get a job someplace.   I'll be collecting my pension (it has been frozen for a year or so and I will never get any more on it) so that will pay for the house payment here until I sell the place IF AND WHEN it can be sold.  Of course I will lose money on it.  I've been looking online at housing there.  I contacted a realtor via e mail last night, have contacted my mortgage company to see what I can do. Today I start the 3 P's!  Purging, packing, planning!  I will stop working the 19th and start there on Dec 6th.  Hopefully my first pension check will be in December so that will be of some assistance while I am with out funds. 
So.....a new adventure begins!
Hugs to all and take care!
on 11/6/10 12:01 am - Somewhere in, NY

Wonderful news!!!!!  I give you HUGE kudos for picking up and starting a new life.  I'm in a rut, and I pretty much like it, but could never imagine starting over in a new place on my own.  I just don't have the courage.

I hope the new job is everything you're hoping for and more.

Best wishes, good luck, all that stuff.  Wow!!!!!



karen C.
on 11/6/10 1:42 am - Kennewick, WA

Woohoo! Vermont is it? Haven't been there yet. It's on my list so watch out and don't leave the door unlocked or I may show up on your porch in a year or two.

This sounds so exciting! What is the name of the city you'll be in? I've always got my road atlas out looking up places. Debbie, I am so excited for you!  All possibilities are out there in this new adventure! Once the house is sold with your pension and your salary perhaps you'll be able to do some traveling.

 Dang! I just figured out that our promise of meeting "in the middle" somewhere to camp just became a lot further  away!!! I'm just so excited for you I could spit as my mom used to say!! Congratulations!

Karen C

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