Welcoming Thursday into your world!!!!!

on 11/3/10 2:57 pm - Bradenton, FL
Hi There,
Well I spent all day in the mall looking for a red coctail tea lenght dress for my kids wedding and I didnt find a stupid thing!!!!!
The red gown I wanted at the resale shop was sold!!!!! I knew I shouldnt of waited!!!!! so I went to themall to crawl around with Carl in Tow. Now that was not good. Allhe was concerned about was how much it cost!!!!! So I told him Im going to be spending bucks on this dress after all our daughter only gets married once!!!!! So the husband seat got very warm!!!!!
So onward adn upward looking again.......
Well it is getting to be 1am so Im going to call it quits for the day.
See ya tomorrow and post on.....
image hosting site

Margo M.
on 11/3/10 7:48 pm - Elyria, OH
wow! sorry that the dress was sold-it sounded like what you wanted-but you know better than to let something sit in a thrift store- you know it will be gone! good luck-maybe you'll find something in denver? and with the Christmas holiday someone may have a party dress for ya!

well- mom is home tho she missed her non stop flight -my younger brother evidently has no concept of time-she was put on another flight and had a stop at ohare- anyways-she is home and exhausted! we will have steve's birthday dinner tonite since she was so late landing.....

michael is back to reading the boards and is insulted that i put anything on here tuesday about his birthday or our divorce-hmmmm....maybe if ya can't take the truth ya shouldn't read the words?????????? he truly is in a bad spot right now and i feel badly -however-not my problem anymore- i repeatedly asked for help from his family and it never came-just the obligatory"oh we 're sorry"...so now they need to belly up.....

ok- i had a long talk with the head of my housekeeping staff;the dishes, the laundry, the storm windows, etc...threatened her with no holiday specials on the Hallmark channel if she didn't get her staff motivated! miraculously it did the trick! dishes were done in 10 minutes!!!!!!!!!! she did say that it's hard to supervise the (unqualified) maintenance person from the kitchen! i think she's just gettin old! she also asked for a cat since the fluffy white dog is truly not a real mouser! that request is under advisement-the whole food/litter box issue needs to be addressed ...and whose pay will shots and neuturing come out of????????i think the white dog would be too jealous to allow another cuddler in the house!

today i work in baldwin -i enjoy it but it's a drive--- then tomorrow back to my station--is it friday yet?????????

oh- i invited a cousin of mine to look in on us- i don't know if she has yet-her name is june and she is scheduled for surgery on 11/17 in michigan
--if she stops in please welcome her!

ok-enuff rambling....
hugs and prayers.....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Connie D.
on 11/4/10 4:14 am

Margo...glad you had a talk with your housekeeping staff. Your post about this made me laugh out loud!!!

As for Michael....PLEASE PLEASE...change your password...he won't be able to get to your account. It is so easy to fix.
Although, I do agree if he is so nosey let him read it all. Afterall it isn't any of his business what you say. He has some major mental health issues for sure!! Tell him to pull up his Big Boy Panties and Move On!!

Love ya....hugs....connie d

Margo M.
on 11/4/10 7:31 am, edited 11/4/10 7:33 am - Elyria, OH
connie,sweet, it has nothing to do with passwords- it is actually beyond that!!!
a few weeks ago; he created his own OH profile- "hobo" and posted on the eating thread- sent me a pm which i immediately knew was him and messaged susan, confusing her with carla....

today's vm says he is on the road again heading back to wisconsin and praying to die--well- go**** is so hard cuz i don't hate the man like he thinks- i just cannot live with him anymore-he needs help and I am not the answer........

his depression seems worse-understandably-between all of the things that went wrong when i sent him out and the fact that he is not medicating to direction! at one point in his pleas to die; i actually bought him a bottle of rum..put it on the counter with his bottle of tylenol and suggested he help himself- alcohol poisoning would have been quick--he didn't do it but now threatens to tell all of you what i did--maybe i was calling his "i want to die" bluff??i dunno anymore...as i said, he needs help. and I am not the answer to his problems like he thinks i am.....

he has picked up comments from many of you about changing my phone number and mom and i actually talked about it today - so today's messages (vm) said that i don't need to change it he'll stop calling--i see what he is doing and it isn't working - tho it does tear at the heartstrings or irk the emotions sometimes--it's tuff being the big girl all of the time -i chose to live alone and i am! now if brody could just realize that it is MY bed not his!!!!!

anyhow- if he continues to read; he'll get the truth -or at least however much of it i put out here-no matter what he thinks there is still so much more that i am NOT sharing with all y'all !

btw, connie-tomorrow is friday!tgif!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Nancy H.
on 11/4/10 8:09 am - Traverse City, MI
Margo, I am so sorry. Depression is not an easy thing to live with!!! And I believe it's harder on those who care. You & Michael are both in my prayers.
Connie D.
on 11/4/10 9:48 am
Margo...I am better understanding the situation.

I keep you in my prayers for your health and safety!!

Hugs....connie d 
Laureen S.
on 11/3/10 9:40 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Carla, Margo and those to come. . .

Carla, I can only say that when I leave something in a store and go back, if it's not there, then I feel it was not meant to be and there is something better you will find, luckily you've got time to find just the right dress. . . 

Margo, have a good day!

As for me, I am about to get off this here computer and get myself dressed and out the door for work, yesterday was interesting, they paraded about 6 candidates for the position that the old gal left and everyone was interviewing the ones that they were really interested in, we shall see what happens here. . .

Anyway, gotta run, have a great day and I will be back later to see what you all are up to.  Peace and strength to all having serious life challenges.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

on 11/3/10 10:31 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

I am back from OR. I had a great time. I baked and baked and baked. Her freezer is now full. I also plated and wrapped everything. The school is having a big bake sale/auction on Sunday. Last year I was there for the event, this year I put everything in the freezer. The kids get so much better with age. So much less fighting!

I am continuing my PT. I still have better ROM than is normal for 2 months out from surgery. I am getting more exercises and they are adding more weight to the ones I already do. Now I need to find out 1) when can I get my new left hip 2) how long after my new left hip can I drive and fly 3) how long after my new left hip can I go up and down stairs.  My SIL wants to go to his kick - boxing thingy in Thailand he does every year. He would like to do it in Jan or Feb. I would need to go out to OR to help take care of the kidlets while he is gone and our daughter works. Our grandson MAY have his license by then (he is still waiting for driver's ed). If he does, I'll have less running around to do, but I will be MUCH more stressed with him driving in Portland traffic!!

It's been dark and dreary and spitting rain since I have been back. Makes me want to crawl back into bed and take a nap every day. Can't though!

Everyone have a fantabulous day!!

Grammylew in Jax


Debbie G.
on 11/4/10 1:09 am - Derby Line, VT
Good morning one and all!
Here at work, just waiting to hear about Vermont!
Hope all are doing well, take care of you today ok?

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

Eileen Briesch
on 11/4/10 1:29 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Sorry you didn't get your dress. ... taking Carl along wasn't a good idea. It's like taking my mom along; she's not a shopper. She'd buy the first thing she'd see. I like shopping other than the walking .. hurts too much. Better to shop by yourself ...  you'll find it quicker.

Juliette spent a good half hour playing this morning ... she got out in the living room in the sunshine and just went crazy. She is such a nut. I have to watch everything. Last night, I opened the window and she started playing with the cord from the blinds. I finally had to tie it up so she wouldn't get caught in it. Then she went out in the living room and started hissing ... there was a grey and white kitty in the yard. When I came out, the cat left. I've seen it before on the walk when I would come home from work.

Well, I got up too early this morning coughing and couldn't stop. So I just gave up and got out of bed. I was sleeping well enough -- other than the time I got up sweating and had to get the ice pack to cool off -- and  the coughing started about 8 a.m.

I get a free lunch from my employer for contributing to United Way. It's at some place called Catfish Charlie's ... don't know what else they have other than catfish but I hope I can find something to eat. I'm always up for a free lunch.

Not much else going on. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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