Tuesday's what's new

Margo M.
on 11/1/10 9:37 pm - Elyria, OH
ok-somebody has to start!!!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 11/1/10 9:51 pm - Australia
Okay.  My Tuesday is nearly finished.  It's 9.45 pm here and I am just going to finalise my resume for a job interview tomorrow.  I don't really want this contract because it is fulltime, but you have to take the work as it comes.  The pay is good, the conditions are great and is potentially only for 2 months so it will be good to have the extra money over Xmas.

Took my gorgeous dog to the groomer this morning and the premises were empty.  Sign on door 'moved across the road'.  Why they didn't tell me I don't know. Went to their new premises and found out that appointment is for tomorrow.  Penny dropped.  That's why I didn't get my reminder phone call and told about their new premises.

Hubby came home at lunchtime.  We had a big horse race in Australia today called the Melbourne Cup and an American horse, ridden by a French Jockey and owned by 2 Australians won the race. How about that!

Tomorrow I have my job interview and an appointment with dietitian. For dinner tomorrow night I have all the family coming.  I am going to marinate some pork ribs in the morning and have a salad with it.  Me, I will have some leftover meatballs from dinner tonight. I think we might go down to the beach and cook dinner on the bbqs.  The weather is lovely.

My son's partner who had surgery back at the end of August for her scoliosis found out last week that she has to go to hospital and have a repair done which involves opening up the whole of her scar, removing one of the rods, fixing it up then putting it back in.  Needless to say she isn't very happy about it but it does mean she will not have to put up with the constant pain. She is going in for her surgery on Thursday and will hopefully be out by Saturday or Sunday.

That's all from me here in Oz.

HW: 305.8  PreSurgWt: 286 CW: 208.1  GW:165.0  Loss:  77.88               
Connie D.
on 11/2/10 12:22 am
Jules.....sending up prayers for your son's partner. I pray the surgery goes well and she has a swift recovery!!

Have a wonderful day!!

Hugs...connie d
Nancy H.
on 11/1/10 9:51 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good morning Margo. I thought about starting this, but my life is so boring!!!! Jamie is home again, but leaving today. I love having him closer. Tonight we visit friends. Thank goodness they like our dogs. It should be fun.

We went to the mall last night, out of boredom. At least I got some exersize in. We are not used to being out at night!
I find if I don't force myself to get out it gets harder to do so.

Have a great day all, And get out & vote!!!! We will all pretend it does count.
Margo M.
on 11/1/10 10:01 pm, edited 11/1/10 10:11 pm - Elyria, OH
really did not want to do it ; however i wanted to talk!!!!

so--today is a day off! and i overslept! nobody's schedule but my own...anyhow- once i get this wonderful self dressed i am heading to county courthouse to file the rest of the papers for divorce-and ask for trial date; then vote (!!!! still so grateful for that right! ) and then heading on a drive- i've been wanting to replace my platform rocker -had one years ago that i loved- have no clue whatever happened to it- i think it simply wore out???? they are hard to find-and i want a small one not overstuffed or manly looking.... well i found one on craig's list- it's $15.00 but by the time i add in gas- well- never mind- i want it and i am working for it! that's my splurge- my date nites!!!! this one will fit much better in my living room tho i have NO CLUE where brody's chair is going tho- i'd love to move it down here to computer room but i don't think it will fit thru the door! hey-brody's a big boy he needs a big chair!!!!!!

at 530pm, i am attending a mtg of the friends of pine river middle schools- my nephew is in 6th grade so they saw a sucker for 3 yrs coming in me- but i need the volunteer hours for work and i know that my nephew will appreciate the representation! my brother and sil want to help but just don't know how to volunteer!

yesterday;my youngest granddaughter turned 3-wow!!!!!!! today is michael's birthday as well as my brother, the new college grad! tomorrow is youngest brother's birthday- mom is staying in colorado tonite to be with doug; then flying home tomorrow to be with steve-- she seems to be on emotional overload- she called last nite after i went to bed- i feel badly cuz i didn't hear the phone-

michael has "history' on his birthday- his dad died on it in the 80's and his 2nd wife had him arrested on it in the 70's---me- i'm only filing the papers cuz it's the only day off i have this week so it's convenient...he called yesterday; left a message that i have no idea the nothingness i have left him feel- something to that effect--well- my email the other day was simply matter of fact.......i need to cut this cord completely for either of us to heal.everytime i think i am getting somewhere (forward) it brings him down further---well- wth!!!!!!!!!!! as i started this thread jerry butler was singing one of my theme songs- "only the strong survive"....i maintain that i must be strong cuz i AM a survivor.....i am sorry that michael was dragged thru this -however he was dragged willingly for the most part......i am moving forward and creating a life that i wish to live-i'm broke but i am , for the most part, happy!!!!! ...is it friday yet????

onward and upward!
my boss is taking a week's vaca this month to get her folks to florida--they simply cannot fly alone--so she asked me yesterday if i wanted extra hours the week she is gone- well-YEA!!!!!!! that will make a 6 day week but i need it! remind me of this later-k?!!!

i really need to find a new maid--this one still hasn't tackled the sink full of dishes -mom suggested that i might want to install the dishwasher we brought from ohio--well it's sounding good but kitchen cupboards are making it a very future plan.....if i were about 3 ft taller, maybe i could reach my kitchen sink better-

ok- nuff whining!

i want very very much to get my fingers involved with threads- fabrics- yarns...however i need so much to get so much other "stuff" done first..bummer!!!!!!!

need to get self dressed- the day will be good- just will be spending so much of it in the car...tomorrow i go back to driving my own....

hugs and prayers......................

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


Connie D.
on 11/2/10 12:46 am
Good morning Margo and everyone....

Margo...glad you are buying the chair...you deserve a perk...if it is something you have wanted for so long go for it!! You will figure out what to do with Brody's chair....of course he needs it! I think it is great that you are volunteering at your nephews school...he will be so happy you are there! Lots of birthdays and events happening for you right now. Some good some harder. I know you will get through it all! Sorry your maid is not living up to her expectations...LOL

Laureen...SO HAPPY to hear the wicked witch is gone. It doesn't sound like she will be missed. That should make working so much easier for you and everyone else. I feel the relief in your post!!

Debbiejean...more prayers are on the way. Bless your heart. This has been a really rough time for you. I agree let her sing whatever she wants to sing...it is part of her grieving process.

As for me....my daughter Carrie called me last night. She went away and got married over the weekend. I hope she is happy...really that is all I want for her. It is a difficult situation. I don't want to get into it now. I will just say not everyone in the family is happy about this...including my grandchildren. There are reasons why but I don't want to get into them. Nothing I can do about it but continue to support her and my grandchildren.

I best get back to work soon and need to answer a few other posts.

Have a great day everyone. Remember to VOTE!!

Prayers to all in need....I will be saying a few for myself as well!!

Love and hugs to all....connie d
Laureen S.
on 11/1/10 10:31 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Morning Margo, Jules and Nan, as well as the latecomers. . .

So Margo, you are doing the work and the rest, well it will all work out, healing from what you've gone through takes time and a bit of energy to realize the lessons of the situation, you know I speak from experience and if I got through it, well you can and will, you have the right attitude.  Cleaning the up things will make you feel better, as you declutter, you will be releasing yourself from the past that needs being put to rest. . .  Hugs to you on this bittersweet day. . .

Jules, hope all goes well with the job as well as the surgery.

Well the workfront drama continues, but not in a bad way, as I found out when I arrived yesterday that the front desk nasty, came in cleared out her stuff and won't be back, can you feel the earth move under your feet, that would be me jumping for joy, as well as most of the others in this office. . .  this after they bent over backwards to keep her here, because her skill set was of value to them. Things around here should improve considerably with her gone, she had an axe to grind daily with someone or several someone's and she reported to the home office, from her sick perspective daily, and it seems they bought it.  Enough about that, color me HAPPY!

Today after work, I will be meeting with my "een" friends, two women from my support group, we all had surgery in the same facility and are of similar age, so once a month we meet to have dinner and encourage one another, and the names are Arlene, Eileen and, of course, me, Laureen, which makes us the "eens" (lol). . .

So that's it for today, hope you all have a good day and wishing you the peace and strength to get through whatever life challenges come your way.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

karen C.
on 11/2/10 1:46 am - Kennewick, WA
Doing a happy, happy dance from Kennewick! Here's hoping no on grovels and begs her to return! No one would do that would they? She can't be that indespensible! Bet that was the best Monday you've had in a LONG time!!!

Karen C

Laureen S.
on 11/2/10 4:36 am - Maple Shade, NJ
Yes, it was a very good day indeed. . .  found out today that she really showed her true colors in how she handled this situation, which only makes me look more professional, even though I got an acknowledgment less than 2 weeks ago that the managing partner was indeed aware of how I've conducted myself in this sharkey environment. . .  in a matter of time, I think a lot of people here will relax, as one never knew who she was going to be throwing under the bus and since I was her best target, most were safe, but never really so, because she was always running information and it was never good things that she was running and 85% if not more of what she spoke were baldfaced lies, but when the home office is far enough away and they want to believe someone, I guess they were really fooled, think it was more likely they did not care. . . I found out today was that she "hated" me for some reason, hmmm, could it be because I had integrity and would not allow myself to be drawn into her sick twisted world?  whatever her reasons were, good riddance and best wishes. . .  I am happy about the outcome, but still need a job with better overall benefits and when it surfaces, I will find it, or perhaps go out on my own one day and do something related to one of my passions in life. . .

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Margo M.
on 11/2/10 9:53 am - Elyria, OH
laureen....whoooooooooooooooooooooooo hooooooooooooooooooooo
good things DO come to those who wait!!!!!!!!! gosh i hope it gets better at work now for you!!!!!!!!!!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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