Saturday-what's new?
It seems like forever since I've posted over here. Then again it has been forever.
Life is so busy....some days it feels as if I'm loosing my footing.
I got a late start on this day. I slept through the night and only woke up when I realized Gene was gone....I forgot he sees clients today so I'm here on my own to amuse myself with writing a 5 page APA formatted paper and putting a PowerPoint together for Tuesday evening. Currently I am having writers block so I'm starting to stress that I will not have this paper completed on time.
Tuesday, Nov 2nd is my last night with the current classates I am with. I contacted the university to either put this on hold or transfer to another class. Those in my current class just do not challenge me and I want to be in a Master's program that challenges me. I'm not sure how this group became graduate students but guess if you have the $$ to pay for the program your not turned away. My cynical side is showing. My last class really irked me. We were having a discussion on Pharmaceutical companies, then somehow the conversation when to how people who have Gastric Bypass are STUPID and ONLY WANT THE EASY WAY OUT. Pissed me off to no end. This is not the reason I am transferring there have been some other happenings in class that I just cannot put up with. But this just sealed the fact that I have decided to transfer. I choose my fights and arguements very carefully so I stayed completely out of the gastric bypass conversation. It would not have been productive for me to try to bring the positives of the procedure to this conversation considering my class is so opinated and closed minded. So this Tuesday is the last day I will have to submit myself to such a negative group of toxic people.
After Gene gets home from work, I think we are going to take a ride to Boscov's, and a couple other stores, then home for the evening.
Hope everyone has a beautiful day. And to those traveling and trick or treating tonight wishing you safe travels......
I know I'm late- better late than never! I have nothing planned for today- it's a play it by ear day! My favorite kind of day! We have rain today but the rest of the week will be in the 70s... perfect weather. I have a couple of weeks to get my life together before I go back to work! I'm so excited to go back, but I wish I could do more housework without getting "humbled"...I'll keep trying to do a little at a time. I want to start decorating for Christmas too. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to decorate trees this year. I need to see if I can climb on a chair. Maybe I'll buy a step ladder... the chair might be dangerous- lol.... I swear, I'm crazy just like my mother! She was climbing on her roof when she was 80 years old. I swore I'd never become my mother... haha!
Time to get going with some laundry, etc. Go Giants!