Saturday-what's new?

Margo M.
on 10/29/10 9:37 pm - Elyria, OH
needing to get dressed for work-short day and working with my boss-like it that way!
lots to talk about-nothing important or pertinent....

need to work on my protein consumption......

what's new with you?????????

hugs and prayers......

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


(deactivated member)
on 10/29/10 10:22 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Good morning, Margo and my Sistahs that are 'little OFF'rs',

Today is going to be challenging.  It's a Sister-Day.  Yep, with both of mine. We are going over to Becky's to sit down and make sure her meds are correct and when she's supposed to take them.  We think that might be part of the problem... (getting old and having to take meds stink).. but we'll get it straightened out.  And while we are there we are going to 'tag' some pretty large pieces of furniture that need to 'go'. 

My workload went up by a third (someone is out on leave) and they 'forgot' to tell me that they had moved part of his files to me.  I saw my tasks and messages and about stroked. 

Took Kara to cheer practice last night.  WHY do they do that to little girls? She was adorable but she's only SEVEN.  But my heart sang when she said, "Grammy, remember you said one day you were going to take your favorite doll-baby and I'd get mine and we'd spend a whole day learning to be mothers?"...

Weather turned 'cold' for Texas so it's long-sleeves for me.

I hope everyone enjoys the day.  Hugs for those that can't find a rainbow today.


on 10/29/10 10:40 pm - NY
Good morning Margo and Janet...

 Cold here in NY ..I finally relented and turned on the heat!

  Janet...isn't being a grandma great???  I only have one granddaughter, but she is a peach.  She is my "sweetpea"...and I have another on the way..but, we do not know if its a "sweetpea" or a "sweet boy".

  Well got to hurry..preparing to meet Annette at the gym.  Pumping iron...chilling in the heated pool and then ...ahhhh the hot tub.

  Its Sat. and life is goood.

annette R.
on 10/29/10 10:45 pm - ithaca, NY
My friend's "almost X husband" called me from California to ask about WLS. His weight is causing all sorts of physical problems and he wanted to know the good, the bad and the ugly associated with surgery.

It was an interesting conversation. I think I steered him in the right direction. First and foremost "Find a good therapist". That caused a hmmmm response but he will find one.

Second - start changing bad habits NOW. So often I hear people talk about the "last meal". Unfortunately that seems to continue throughout the intake process for many people. I tell group members to think of this time as their WLS Internship. The time to learn and practice new & better habits.

I have a feeling that he & I are going to have many more conversations in the future. That keeps me on the straight and narrow so it is good.

Time to eat, put on my exercise duds and meet Marcy at the gym. Exercise is better with a buddy. Our jaws get a REAL good workout too.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Eileen Briesch
on 10/30/10 3:01 am - Evansville, IN
Good advice, Annette. I started doing Slim-Fast shakes about a month before I did my two-week pre-op program. I wished I had known some of what I do now. For one, I wish I had known I had to give up caffeine pre-op ... I had to do it cold turkey and it was hard. I was a real ***** And it hurt ... physically ... my body hurt from withdrawal. Getting up at 3 a.m. was hard without caffeine! After the first week, it was easier, but boy, wish someone would told me so I could have done it gradually.

The advice about the therapist is very good ... I saw one from the time I went to the MMPC behaviorist until I left Michigan. He suggested it, and then when they lost my insurance and I had to go back through the system, he told my therapist I wouldn't be compliant ... I thought that was kinda funny.

Hope your friend's "almost X" continues through. It's a process.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




annette R.
on 10/30/10 10:39 am - ithaca, NY

It would have been much easier if I knew then what I know now. We had a pretty good training but experience teaches more.

Up at 3 a.m. without caffeine. Man oh man - they would have locked me away for *****iness.

Therapist: are NOT all created equal !!! You showed them that you meant business.
 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 10/30/10 12:08 am
Yesterday was challenging for me & I don't know what to expect today.  Although we moved Mom into her new Board & Care home on Monday, yesterday was the day she realized she was not at her old "home".    She wanted to go "home", but didn't remember where home was.   She has no memory of the Assist Living facility where she lived for a year & a half.   She didn't understand that where she was is "home" or even that her belongings were there in her room.   It took me one & a half hours to explain it to her.   Last night I stayed up late & put together a little booklet of the facts:  about her fall, about how the Drs said she cannot live alone, about her new home & what she can expect.   After I got her all settled for the night, my son called and told me that my 10 year old grandson has been diagnosed with Muscular Dystrophy.      OK - that did it -sometimes life just sucks!   The tears flowed last night, which I think is good.       I'll go back to see Mom
today and reinforce our discussion yesterday.   The good news is that seemed physically stronger yesterday, getting up from a chair to her walker with only verbal assistance (where to place her hands).   I think she and I will walk today (only around her house).  It's not much, but we'll take what we can get.     It's raining here, so I'll be watching for that rainbow Janet mentioned!      

Hugs to all & prayers for those in need.
on 10/30/10 12:59 am - Somewhere in, NY

It was cold and stormy here the other day, then the sun came out.  I thought, finally!

Then I looked out my kitchen window, and there was a huge rainbow across the entire sky.  I stopped what I was doing and enjoyed it.

Thinking of you, my friend.



(deactivated member)
on 10/30/10 1:14 am

I know this is such a tough time for you and all you can do is go through it.   Just know that we all are thinking of you. 

Life does suck sometimes.  So sorry about your grandson.  You have so much on your plate right now.  Wish I could take some of the burden for you.  Remember we are here if you need us.

Margo M.
on 10/30/10 1:19 am - Elyria, OH
jan...continuing to wrap you in loving sistah hugs and prayer...............

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


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