
peggy H.
on 10/29/10 7:45 am

Hey You'll, In our Little town we are having a early Trick or Treat night, tonight.

The honey man and I are taking our truck down to the Rite-Aid parking lot this evening from 5-7. We have the best time at our small , safe and sane to-do.

The kids from far and near come out of the wood work. All dressed up in their Halloween best.

 Last year we figured we must have had close to 5000 kids show up . A good time was had by all. We hope we have enough goodies  for every body. We got at least double what we bought last year.

The parking lot will be filled with cars and trucks , all set up to give the kids a good time.

Mom's and Dad, Granny's and Papa's bring out the young'uns , for some , it is the first time they have seen anything like tonight.

Last year , we smiled the whole time we passed out goodies, the smile stayed with us long after we got home, we had so much fun. 

Here's hoping you'll have a super week-end. Peg in Halloween Red 


on 10/29/10 8:31 am - Somewhere in, NY

What a great idea!  Does the parking lot party eliminate the house-to-house traveling? 

What a bunch of Kodak moments!

Have a ball!



peggy H.
on 10/29/10 9:28 am
Hi Candy Girl, We live out in the country. Two very small towns, 6 miles apart. No street light, dirt roads , lots of fenced property's, so , it is so much safer to have the Safe and Sane Halloween GTG in the largest of the two towns. The kids also get to go into all the stores in town and pick up candy, a really nice time for the kids. You sister in Red, Peg

Connie D.
on 10/29/10 9:30 am
What a great idea...more communities should follow your communities lead!! 

Happy Halloween!

Hugs....connie d
peggy H.
on 10/29/10 12:36 pm

Hi Connie, We just got home. O' My Goodness. We ran out of candy and the little gifts we had after just 30 min. My dear honey man went into Rite-Aid, came back just as I was handing out the last candy. Our spider rings, fake teeth and large black spider's didn't last long. We left after just an hour.We handed out 30 lbs of candy. Next year we will be prepared .

The kids are great. The Mom and Dad's had all the young-uns saying thank you. We laughed for a hour at all the sweet kids, so much fun.

We think we will start collecting now for next Halloween.

When we started home , it was slow going. Our  Local Fire Trucks lite up the main road. The motorcycle club from our area walked people across the streets. This is a small place but a good place to live.

All the store's in town had people handing out candy.We had people taking pictures of out little spot, as we handed out candy.

Happy Halloween dear ones, Peg and honey man  


on 10/29/10 11:20 pm - Somewhere in, NY

30 lbs of candy!  Oh, my!!!

Last year right after Halloween, I walked into our local Dollar General store, and all the Halloween decorations were on 75% off.  I loaded up with spiders, rings, spiderwebs and all kinds of little things.  Then, the next week, they were MORE on sale, so I got a bunch more.  I misplaced them, and just found them yesterday, so will be sending them (next year!) to my kids for Sean to take to school for Halloween instead of candy.  (I'm in the country and we don't get any kids.)  For less than $3, he'll have enough for everyone to get a few of everything, and my daughter-in-law won't have to buy candy or make anything.  I also had some slightly bigger things (which I actually found last week), and I sent a package down south to Sean, along with his "special" Halloween treats.  He called last night and thanked me for the "cool" spiderweb.

Wish I got kids here.  I used to love that in the village.  I think I'll go to my niece's house tomorrow and share her Trick ot Treaters. 

I miss the day-to-day of having a grandchild close....

Anyhow, if you get your non-perishibles right after Halloween, you can have lots and lots for next year.

Post pictures!  I wanna see the little ghosts and goblins.



on 10/29/10 1:28 pm
Gosh, Peg - that sure sounds like fun!!!!    If I could buy candy at Thrifty & have it all gone in 30 minutes, I think I could participate in the event!!!    As it is, I can't be trusted within a mile of candy - either before or after halloween.    Unfortunately, I can eat anything, and the wls seems not to have helped my thought process or common sense.   I've recently joined Overeaters Anonymous.    My Honey-man's Birthday is Halloween, so the last few years we've gone out for prime rib dinner on that day ---- it's a lot safer than candy.      Still, what you did sure sounds like fun!
peggy H.
on 10/29/10 1:43 pm

Jan, I did have a piece of candy, and wouldn't you know it, a lady that had her wls 2 months after me parked next to us, got caught in the act. I did okay with the sweet stuff, 6 pieces in all, and I 've had the candy sitting in the house since Tuesday, Glad it is gone..

Happy B D Jan's honey man.

I'm with you and eating real food, I do eat what I want, just not so much. I 'm still doing the veggie thing, love the colorful stuff on my plate.

Hey, are we going sailing this next year? That would be a wonderful GTG, YA Think? How much fun that would be. Sounds like a winner to me. Later dear girl, Peg 


on 10/30/10 2:29 am - Vadnais Heights, MN

Oh how fun that sounds, my son and grand kids are coming over tonight t crave pumpkins. We are going to have a fire outside and roast hot dogs and of course smores. It will be a lot of fun. Glad to see everyone on here today. I hope you all have a great day.
Jan tell your honey happy birthday.

Gotta go now.


on 10/30/10 4:47 am - Manteca, CA
Hi Dorothy!
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