OT: Random thoughts. . .
Made it home. My luck followed me. I caught an earlier flight from Philladelphia to Minneapolis than planned. Smooth flight instead of the turbulance many experienced yesterday. Only downside was I spent 4 hours in Minneapolis before catching my flight home. Flight crews were way behind because of cancellations and delays. Our plane was sitting there ready to go but no one qualified to fly it until after 10pm. I arrived home about 1:30am. But the flight from Minneapolis was great. No turbulence and few people so most of us had a full seat to ourselves. I put on my MP3 music and it went much faster than anticipated.
I need to make a correction. Can't remember where I posted about my new Quaker friend that I spent two days with. She was so intelligent and way "over my head" most of the time. I posted that she was an "atheist." Not so. What she said was she is a "theist." Sounds much the same but not in meaning! Mia culpa!
What I did get from her is that the Quakers accept anyone and many have very different beliefs. Some take the Bible literally; others use it as a piece of literature for discussions.They all are searching for the "inner light" which is something that I can follow. Sitting in quiet meditation trying to find peace within ME. That is something that I have sought for many years.
I have a wonderful life with family and friends who support me always. However, I have always felt something was missing. Traditional religions just don't do it for me. In my search into my mother's Quaker heritage (and mine) I am finding many things that I like and that seem like "me." I'm going to search deeper.
Karen C