Ok, so it's 7:18 Wednesday, Oct. 27 - Where is Everyone? And What are you doing today?
You are just a very young great gram and those babies are the luckiest to have a great gram like you!!!
Hugs, L
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
nothing really new to talk about - trying to keep self motivated to get this place looking like home- actually emptied a few boxes last nite then sat to read some interesting genealogy stuff! then started a new book- sure shouldn't have! read for awhile this morning so it's almost 930 and i have done NOTHING!!!
yesterday i spent a few hours putting out some fires for my mom in her absence- today i am sposed to go up to the house and help clean....her hoarding is really getting out of hand but i am tired of the martyr that my sis in law has become also..... eally bumming me since i have so much of my own to do....
need to change bird papers today seriously.......wish they didn't live here anymore...........
whiney whiney.....
hugs prayers and an extra hug
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Morning Laureen and OFF!!!
Well I am feeling a bit better today! I did call off work yesterday so I could stay in bed/couch all day to rest. Did me good to do that!!! I feel like I can atleast keep my eyes open this morning!!
My brother called me yesterday!!! What a nice surprise!! He said he was sooooo sore!!! I asked him if they cracked his ribs. He said OHHH YEAH!!!!! OUCH!! He said they had him sitting in a chair and also standing already. I said that was great!! He said yeah but it hurts!! I told him its all a part of healing. He said yeah but I hurt. I know. I told him about all the thoughts and prayers from all of you and he said THANKYOU!!!! I could tell he had a lump in his throat when he said thankyou. Then he said he had to go so he could stand up again because they were back for him again. It was so good to talk to him even if it was for just those couple minutes!!
Weather here yesterday wasn't as bad as they said it was going to be. We had some winds but nothing like they said it would be. The storms..haha only some rain. Today windy again. A bit cooler than yesterday also.
Got the cost of my porc/ceram tooth repair in the mail yesterday...$427.50 OMG!!!! I pay half insurance pays half. Dam! So not sure when I am getting this done. I know the tooth is about gone with the filling and it can't be rebuilt and its bothering me to chew on that side the way it is so it will have to be done sooner that I can afford I am sure. And its only money....like I have it. Sighs. Wish I had a fairy God mother that could help me...;-)
Well better get going here and post on Susans thread then go lay down and rest some more. I am off today so one more day of resting then back to work tomorrow.
Have a great day!! :-)
It is good to see you making yourself seen again and happy to read about your brother's progress. . .
As for a fairy godmother, I could use one myself to help pay my mortgage, my car payment, etc., etc. (lol), but instead I've got my good health and the ability to earn a dollar. . . if you find one, please send her my way (lol). . .
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Thanks Laureen!!! I like being back again...being sick right now I am just feeling bad I can't post to everyone to thank them....was great hearing my brothers voice even though I could hear the pain in his voice as he spoke...
Seems as if everytime I get a few bucks ahead I need to spend more money on something. This time its my tooth. Dentist will not pull it because its still a good tooth and its also a chewer. So I need to get it crowned. Expensive to say the least. So if I come across any fairy godmothers I will send one your way...lol
Well, I feel like I've been on a marathon getting things together for Mom in her new home. The fall she had on Thursday most certainly did set her back. Her cognitive abilites are significantly decreased (that's an understatement) and she is now incontinent. She is unable to get up out of a chair (or sit down in a chair) without assistance. Even with a walker, she needs an attendent by her side to move from one room to the next. Luckily, she is adjusting to her new Board & Care and they seem able to manage quite well. When they step away from her, they set an alarm on her shirt so they are alerted when she tries to move. Same thing when she's in bed. Thank God they are so capable and loving. Mom is most appreciative of their efforts and they find her very agreeable.
At this point, Mom is adjusting better than me. I do what I have to do, and visit her every day, then go home and cry. It's just so hard for me to see her this way. Gotta go now, I think the tear are going to blur the print.
As I go thru this, I also think of all my friends here and the struggles you have had or are now having. Hugs & kisses to all,