monday-10/25-what's new?

on 10/25/10 12:34 am - Somewhere in, NY
More questions about the board and care....  It sounds like a wonderful alternative to the options I know about.

Is it covered by insurance, or private pay?  Are there different levels of care? 


on 10/25/10 1:11 am
Private pay only. $4600 month (Cali is expensive) with private bedroom & bath.  6 residents only with 2 aids on duty at all times.   Gotta run, so much to do today.
Margo M.
on 10/25/10 2:08 am - Elyria, OH
jan there were similar places in ohio- i don't know about michigan-
prayers and a big hug!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 10/25/10 3:58 am - manchester, NJ
jan you and mom are in my thoughts.  i hope the move goes well.  aging parents
are truly a worry for all of us.

hugs, Jacki



annette R.
on 10/25/10 4:28 am - ithaca, NY

Your week has been exhausting. The board & care facility sounds good. We have similar places for people with developmental disabilities. Cozy and home like.

 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
peggy H.
on 10/25/10 11:37 am
Jan , Please take care of you. So glad your mom is on the mend.Later dear one, Peg

on 10/24/10 11:07 pm - Alexander, AR
Geeeeze......and I thought you were our friend!  I'm with're killing lol

Had a wonderful/awful day yesterday. We attended a benefit for our local Deaf School called Silent Sunday. Probably 30 different area restaurants had samples of their dishes to share, silent auction (really, silent), and great entertainment. My client is the chairperson for the event and gave us two free tickets in exchange for Gary photographing the day. It was lots of fun, and I even saw my surgeon's nurse there, and thankfully she didn't see me eating a cup of ice

The kids came over for the Charger game, which is where the day went down hill. Misery loves company, as Jeff said, and it certainly was miserable. Terrible, horrible, stinking game!  Anyway, it was fun, as always to have them here.

The continuing saga of the manicure area at the salon seems to be coming to a resolution. Vickie, the owner, has proposed that I will have exclusive use of the nail table for an addtional $40 a week. I had proposed a $15 increase already, but I'll accept her offer and be done with it. I hate conflict, the space rent is tax deductable, and one client a week will pay for the increase. Thank goodness this is settled.

Okay, off to finish laundry and see what everyone is eating. Might have to just say "hi' and not admit to my day of grazing yesterday. We'll see if confession is really good for the soul.




Laureen S.
on 10/24/10 11:47 pm - Maple Shade, NJ
Good Morning Margo and the rest of you wonderful folks. . .

Hope Texas goes all the way!

As for me, well I had another incredibly busy weekend, pretty much did everything I needed, had social time with an old friend, met up with my cousin in NY and we went to my great aunt Mary's home, where my cousin and I sorted through things and she shared with me some of the items that go back to our childhood memories, it was a bit sad, especially because Aunt Mary is still alive, but unable to live in her home anymore due to advanced dementia.  I got home in time to make my woman's AA meeting and then to bed.  Yesterday, Tony came down and we hung ou****ched some football and when he went home, I went to my Son and DIL's as my DIL's birthday was yesterday, so we had a nice dinner and then played WII, which was what my son bought her, as she wanted WII Fit.  We had fun playing bowling and basketball, I got home and was in bed by 10.

So here I am at work, just wanted to stop in and say hey.

Wishing you all the best of days, peace and strength to get through the not so pleasant aspects of life and I'll check in again soon.

Hugs, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Judy G.
on 10/25/10 12:59 am - Galion, OH

Morning Margo and OFF!!

Well I am sitting here feeling miserable...I have a cold!!! I hate colds with a passion!!! And when I figure out who I got it from they are dead meat!!! LOL

Anyhow I am still waiting to hear any news on my brothers heart surgery. I am saying prayers like crazy and hope he will come through this ok!! He is over weight and this is what scares me the most. I am sure he willbe ok but I am still worried. Thanks to those that posted on my post for prayers and I will post when I hear any news.

Weather here is gloomy this morning but still on the warmer side yet. Calling for some rain/storms today and strong storms tomorrow. Was a beautiful day yesterday and I could enjoy most of it as I only had to work til 130. ;-)

I am working on another afghan for Rick's daughter for her birthday/Christmas gift. This one is done in black and purple flowers with baby pink hooking it together. Her favorite colors. Its looking pretty now that its getting bigger. Hope she likes it!! We are getting the baby some toys and clothes for his gifts. And for the rest of Rick's family...right now nothing. We are so upset with them they are off the list. Long story so will not bore you with it. Just saying that if we could have jobs out of state we would move away from them in a heartbeat!!! But then as long as my mom is still alive I will not move any further away from her. As for my family...We are going to surprise them and be home for Christmas!! I am not telling any of them that we are coming home for Christmas this year!! As far as they know we are not coming. So that will be their gift...seeing us. ;-) That will make them happy I hope. Now if the weather cooperates it will be perfect!! :-)

Well I rattled on long enough here so I best get going and get ready for work. Need to post on Susan's eating thread also. So have a great day and know that I am thinking of you all and hope that you get through whatever is troubling you.

on 10/25/10 1:51 am - Manteca, CA


Hi Everyone,
I just had to make my presence known here... I'm glad you get to go to the World Series George, I just hope you can handle losing to my team! I know that I will get a good ribbing if my team loses, but SF is going to always be my city and team no matter what.
Today I am going to work. I don't have any news on the MRI yet- I'm sure I will know soon. The Vince Gill concert was great. He has this smooth, velvety voice.
I'll check back here later. I'm still looking for the "missing in action" "don't talk too much" "infrequent posters"- WTH? Where are you?

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