rapid weight lost 5 yrs post op
I had gastric by pass surgery 5 years ago. 2 years after surgery I had lost 100lbs and then stopped losing. I have kept off all the weight I lost. Now 5 yrs post op I have started losing weight again at a rapid rate and am concerned about this as I have not been dieting. I certainly can stand to lose a few more lbs. but this seems unusual to me. I have had bad bouts of acid reflux ever since the surgery which I did not have before the surgery. I had an endoscopy in August and it showed some ulceration near the opening to the pouch. I am taking carafate and nexium.
martha=wow- two thoughts - first; no one has replied so maybe they are afraid to say something?
2nd- have you spoken to your primary doc? do you/did you have diabetes?
worse- is cancer a possibility- there-the elephant is on the table--
what i am trying to say without sounding like an ass is that any time there is a rapid weight gain or loss in ANYONE ( surgery or not!!!!!) you should be getting self to your doctor...
this could have to do with the reflux and maybe you are not getting any nourishment --lightswitch had issues like this--or it could be something else-get thee to thy doctor.........
i'll put you in my prayers for a simple answer and a quick fix
2nd- have you spoken to your primary doc? do you/did you have diabetes?
worse- is cancer a possibility- there-the elephant is on the table--
what i am trying to say without sounding like an ass is that any time there is a rapid weight gain or loss in ANYONE ( surgery or not!!!!!) you should be getting self to your doctor...
this could have to do with the reflux and maybe you are not getting any nourishment --lightswitch had issues like this--or it could be something else-get thee to thy doctor.........
i'll put you in my prayers for a simple answer and a quick fix
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
After you deal with the mraginal ulcer, have your PCP look beyond your WLS for other causes of rapid wt loss. I spent 9 months in nausea hell, because my problem was IN MY EARS! My PCP finally put his hand over his eyes and asked himself, what would I do if she wasn't WLS? He acted, they acted and voila, fixed. I was 9 yrs out, so I, too, was looking at my WLS as the culprit, when inf act, it was the victim.
RNY, distal, 10/5/94
P.S. My year + long absence has NOTHING to do with my WLS, or my type of WLS. See my profile.
My father in law had dramatic weight loss from an undiagnosed over active thyroid. He was afraid to get checked out just sure he had cancer. . . Lost 50 lbs in about 3 months. His lack of medical attention brought on congestive heart problems. Had he gone to the doctor earlier this might have been prevented. Get it checked out! Good or bad you need to know what you are dealing with.
Karen C