Saturday Morning Cartoon Time. . .What's up Doc?
Karen C
There's a family who's having a yard sale in our neighborhood today and my sister just now walked in the door having purchased brand new, still in the plastic, flags. The flags are seasonal flags that cost about $20 each. Sister bought them for $5 each. She bought them for me....such a sweet sister. She also picked up my DH some name brand sweatshirts for $1 each in his new size. Can't believe he's already gone from a 4x to a xl. Blows me away already.
Enough rambling. My laundry isn't getting done while I'm sitting here chatting. Everyone have a wonderfully blessed day and enjoy it like it's your last day on earth. We're none guaranteed any tomorrows.
Be blessed!!!
Good 'afternoon' OFF'rs,
Not much going on in my world today. Just full of shoulda, woulda, coulda's.
Becky is on her way to the county hospital. I'm not sure if this is an 'emergency' or she's going to get in their system. I know she is in some distress... but she normally is. I hope they will take her and get her 'fixed'. My brother is driving her. I'll go later for the next 'sit duty' as it sometimes takes up to 12 hours to even get seen at the county hospital.
Guess it's a good thing I was taking off for a week.
I'm laying low in the house right now. Tons of things to get done that was the plan for taking off. My, how plans change. Will know more later.
Gorgeous Saturday afternoon in DFW, Texas. Low 80's. Sunny. Was going to go see my granddaughter do her cheers at the peewee football game at 2:30, but now think I'll just hang around the house.
I need air.
Been up since about 2:30am. . . Dinner at friends at 5pm. Not tired now. I'm sure I won't be able to keep my eyes open after dinner.
Keeping you and yours close to my heart. Getting Becky into that system does sound like the next step to be taken. She certainly needs the health care and you and Mike can not continue to pay it. It becomes impossible. Hang in there. You're doing all you can. . .
Karen C
A little stressed... County hospital is doing a good job so far. Said they think she had a heart attack in the past. Duh.. they've requistioned the records from the hospital that was so snippy because she didn't have insurance.
She'll be staying the night and coming 'home' tomorrow. Plans for my vacation time off are up in the air at this point. I can't think past my nose at this point.
Thanks for keeping us close. Friends are a good thing to have.