Saturday Morning Cartoon Time. . .What's up Doc?

karen C.
on 10/8/10 6:44 pm - Kennewick, WA
UP for the dogs and me yet again. Be right back.

Karen C

karen C.
on 10/8/10 6:53 pm, edited 10/8/10 6:54 pm - Kennewick, WA

Everyone sleeping soundly? I'm sure not! I was diagnosed with moderateloy severe sleep apnea prior to WLS. After losing the first 100 lbs I no longer snored and I hated that darmask. I no longer use the CPAP machine, not  from a doctor telling me that I no longer need it, but by my self diagnosis. Last month my hemorroid self diagnosis was way off  base. I'm thinking I need to do another sleep study whether I want to or not to see if they can figure out why I almost never get a decent night's sleep. By decent I mean more than 2 hours of sleep at a time and never 6 hours without waking at least twice. I rarely recall dreams so I don't think I ever get into that much needed REM cycle.

I have a bit of a cold so that may be part of the problem but surely not all of it.I just love it (NOT) at the start of the sleep study where they cover you with electrodes then tell you to go to sleep!

Not much else going on.  Bought a down comforter at a thrift store. Darn bedbug stories that I'm reading everywhere give me ther heebie jeebies. So I put the comforter in the dryer to kill anything that might be on it. Need to get a nicer cover for it. Think I'll  put in on the downstairs bed.

I've been doing a lot of sewing. My pile of vintage fabrics and bias tape had gotten way out of hand. I like to make aprons and I recently found a simple barbecue style apron that doesn't take much fabric. Need to freecycle the cotton scraps. I'm sure some quilter would love to have them.

That's about it from here. It's cool but a starry, starry night so it looks like we'll have a nice Saturday when the sun comes up. Hope the sun shines in your part of the world today both literally AND figurately! Have a good one.

Karen C

Debbie G.
on 10/8/10 9:39 pm - Derby Line, VT
Good Morning Karen!
I had severe sleep apnea befoe surgery and for a year or 2 after losing the weight I didn't need to cpap anymore either.  until I started falling asleep all the time.  I knew what was up.  Yep, still have it, still severe (not as bad, but bad enough to be severe).  Doc says that even if I weighed 100lbs I would still have it.  My grandparents both had it, I think my parents have it to some degree, genetics...go figure! Last night was my night away from said machine. Of course I will be tired today, but it feels good to be away from it here and there!
Hope you have a great day!

Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.

Hey Karen
I hit and miss on here. I read most days but post off and on. GOsh I wish I could sew and had the patience as I would make things and give them to people that would treasure them.
I dabble in crafts and used to do cross stich..  Gave them all away too :)
I guess it is the thrill of just doing things with my time nad hands in place of eating ..
I just got into make cloth wreaths and am working on one ( FOOTBALL THEME ) for a friend whio is crazy about ALABAMA ROLL TIDE.  I had to cut 2 yards of material with pinking shears in 3x3 squares ...ohhhhhhhhh what fun
Maybe you should make the aprons and sell them ....I bet if you posted a pic , you could get lots of business....Just a thought..
Have a wonderful weekend
karen C.
on 10/9/10 12:04 am - Kennewick, WA

Hi Shirley,

Nice to hear from you. Ya know half the fun of making something is giving it to someone. My aprons are definitely hand made and not necessarily in the best sense. There are definitely flaws! I pick up fabric and bias tape, ric rac, etc at sales and thrift stores. Sometimes I buy an apron just so that I can copy the pattern. However, I think I would make about $1.00 an hour at the most were I to try to sell  them! So it will just be a hobby. Keeps my hands busy. It's hard to sew and eat at the same time! How are you doing?

Karen C

Connie D.
on 10/9/10 1:21 am
Good morning Karen and everyone....

It is such a beautiful day today. I can't wait to get outside. I want to go down to the Mississippi River and enjoy the huge flower park (Munsinger Gardens) we have there. People come on tour buses from all over just to see that park. It is quite famous. I live about 4 blocks away...I am so lucky. Such a beautiful and serene place to be. I grew up only a couple blocks from there so I have enjoyed it all my life.

Karen...your aprons are sure a hit with my family. We wear them proudly all the time. Little Gracie always has to have it on to wash dishes, help cook and dust of course!!

I wish you all a wonderful day....get out and enjoy this gorgeous fall day.

Prayers to so many in need.

Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Pat R.
on 10/9/10 1:50 am - Sturgis, MI
Karen, if you have any scraps that are aqua or turquoise, I'd like to have them -- making a new kitty blanket for my Fluffy girl!!!

Pat R.


(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker: 
karen C.
on 10/9/10 1:55 am - Kennewick, WA
Pat, Can't think of any those colors off hand but I pick up fabric all the time. Mostly cotton or cotton blends.

Karen C

Eileen Briesch
on 10/9/10 2:01 am - Evansville, IN
Hi Karen and my OFF family:

Karen and Debbie, I had mild sleep apnea pre-WLS and still had it four years later when I wasn't sleeping well and was fatigued. My PCP sent me for another sleep study and this time, I actually saw the sleep doctor. He examined my throat, my palate ... asked if I had a speech impediment as a child (I did, I had a lisp); asked if I had allergies (I do) ... he could tell that all by looking down my throat. He asked if my parents snored (my father did horribly ... he would wake himself up snoring); both my brothers snore very loudly. Losing the weight helps with the sleep apnea but if your anatomy is a certain way, you will still have sleep apnea.

Lots of issues last night at work: business graphics didn't come in, so I had to punt on that, sports stories came in super late (my first copy came in at 11:05 for an 11:30 deadline). Then, as I was sending my front page, my program crashed. Fortunately, I lost nothing and was able to proceed with sending my page two. Still, missed deadline by 15 minutes. Nothing I could do ... I was slapping stories on the page but when I don't get them until 11:30, well, I can't make deadline, now, can I?

So back at it tonight. Real tired ... Juliette is exploring my end table ... I think she's trying to get at the treats bag. I'll have to put it away. She has discovered a new toy ... the little springy thing that keeps the door from slamming into the wall. I hear her playing with it in the middle of the night. It's annoying but again, kinda funny.

One more day and Alexander Glen Briesch should make his appearance in the world in Dallas (my new grandnephew and my brother Gary's first grandson). He's supposed to be born on 10-10-10, but you know, kids don't always do what you want them to do.)  This will make three grandnephews. Gary's excited ... this is from the son who said he would never have kids ... well, his wife had other ideas, and what Jill wants, Jill gets. She has Chris wrapped around her little finger.

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




on 10/8/10 10:19 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

I'm BAAACK!!  I was in FL for 3 days with my daughter at FranMAC. A convention for Taco Bell Franchisees. I had an absolutely fantastic time. LOTS of food, LOTS of pool. Facial, massage, reading - such a rough life.

In 2 weeks I head to OR to take care of grandkids while our daughter and SIL go to HI for another conference. I have lunch duty 3 days while I am there, one dentist appt, one orthodontist appt, baking to fill the freezer for a bake sale the week after I leave. Plus the oldest has Homecoming, the younger just a dance at school. I'll be providing transportation for both and I am NOT fond of driving at night on Portland freeways. The older will be getting his license next month. He says he isn't looking forward to it. I don't think I would be excited about driving in that traffic with a stick shift either. The truck he has is one he REALLY wanted and he and his Dad are doing lots of work on it to make it look like a real teenager's truck, but I think this last year of driving with his Learner's Permit has made him realize how busy things are around there and perhaps an automatic would have been a better choice.

Weather here is gonna be fantastic all week. Just to sooth us before the winter weather shows up. But I really like this warmth and no humidity! Windows open, fresh smells. AHHHH, heavenly!

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


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