A voice from the past
Been wondering and thinking about you all for ages, and while I see snippets on FB, its always nice to check in here.
It's been kind of a rough year for me. I have applied for several jobs, 2 made it to the final round of interviews and lost out. The hospital I have worked at for 36 years is joining with a much larger system and while I know we needed to do something, I am sad that we may lose some of our selves in the joining. I went thru chapter 7 bankruptcy this year for unsecured debt. Not happy about that and fought to avoid it as long as I could. Living with out credit is rough, but I still have my house, car, job, animals, family and friends. Have to keep reminding myself to look at what I have, not at what I don't have. My family will never find out from me that this happened. some of my friends know. Not something one talks a lot about ya know? I do know there is a LOT more of it going on to surprising people all the time. Here in NW Ohio we have been hit hard by the recession. No pay raise for several years, $ coming out of our pay for health insurance, drug costs, food and gas prices, al adds up to more money going out then coming in. Not a pretty picture. Finally diagnosed with Fibromyalgia this year, have had it for 30 years anyway, along with myofascial pain syndrome so just puts a name to what I've had going on forever it seems like.
Weight wise I have regained about 35-40lbs, still under the magic 200 lb mark, some days closer then others. People keep telling me how great I look. Not sure I believe them, but that's what they say. I would like to still be in a size 10, but must say 14-16 bottoms and 16-18 tops are a site better then 28-32 I was in. Not as active, Tried school, did well, but not keeping it up.
That's my story! what's yours?
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
I guess my mental message came through! Sorry to hear about the troubles health wise and living wise. Sometimes we just have to do what we have to do. Know that you are not alone in these tough economic times.
Are you in danger of losing your job? It just makes me so angry that often "we" get overlooked for a younger, prettier face. . . . Even tho it supposedly is against the law we all know that age discrimination does exist. What is such a shame is that even those hiring the "young ens" know in their hearts that seasoned employees are much more reliable, have a better work ethic, and know how to be at work on time.
Hang in there. Like they say in fishing if you keep throwing that bobber out there you're bound to catch something one day! So good to see you. Don't be a stranger. You have been missed by more than me I am sure. What fond memories of you in that Dallas resale shop in your pink Princess dress with wand and head dress. Haven't heard anything from Linda W in a long time either! Linda, are you out there?
Karen C
I still have the pink dress. Doubt I would be able to zip it now, I was a good 25 lbs less then I am now!
I know the 2 hospitals that chose others made bad decisions, but I understand them. It's ok, we'll see what happens next. I've had worse years that's for sure!
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
hello Debbie....wonderful to see you here this morning. You have been missed!!
You are not alone ....so many people having to file bankruptcy and losing homes and jobs. Sure hope things turn around soon. I wish you the best with your job hunting....it isn't easy.
Whatever your weight is and you feel comfortable is what is right for you!!
Have a great day....come and stay for a while this time!!!
Hugs....connie d
I'll try to stick around more now. I think I need it. I don't think I mentioned I tried going back to school for a degree too. I needed to take 3-4 pre requisite courses before I could even get into the BSN program, I aced one last year, acing this one so far but decided to quit. I am one who needs a balance and trying to work full time, house caretaker, animal caretaker and yard work, going to school too was actually another stressor. I'll finish this class and I am done for a while.
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
We've talked about the bankruptcy and I'm glad you found your solution; I know how difficult it was for you ... I know how difficult it was for me when I did Chap. 13. And the fibromyalgia, well, been there, too. I've been diagnosed for 10 years and probably had it for many more years than that. Don't know much about myofascial pain other than it often goes with fibro.
I also know about the weight gain ... your story could be mine. I am struggling to get back under 200 again. I knew it was probably over 200 so I wasn't surprised when I saw it on the scale at the doctor's office.
As for the job situation, well, understand that too. I lost mine, found a new one but fear I'm not keeping up. My pain level is higher, my depression has increased, my stress level is so high here that I'm fearful of having a blowup like I did a couple of times in Grand Rapids. I've already had one mini-meltdown that I had to apologize for. I'm having my 3-month review; I don't expect it to be good. I really don't expect to move on with this crew in two years. I'm beginning to think this wasn't a good move.
Debbie, hang in there; things will get better. You have more than you can imagine.
One of the things I love about this group is that one can say almost anything and still feel the love and caring,
Debbie G
Lap RNY 12/12/05
320 highest, 302 consultation, 289 surgery. Total weight loss:165lbs.
I have missed seeing your smiling face. I do see you occassionally on face book. Don't stay away. You have been missed.
It has been a tough year for a lot of folks economically so you are in good company. Just do what you can as you can and you will eventually work your way out of the hole.
Weight wise you are definitely not alone. Although I have read a few post on the Texas board where some can't stop losing more often than not its the opposite. Several of us have experience a regain to one degree or another. I am up about 30 pounds from my lowest and have finally gotten back on track. I am journaling my food intake on fitday.com and going to the health club. Now that the weather is cooling off a little in texas I may get in a few walks as well.
But I anticipate that it will be harder this time around. That first year or so it was like my brain had been rewired and I had no problem eating right and losing. Now the urges are more prevalent. I know WLS is only a tool and not a magic bullet. Most of us will struggle as long as we live but at least we have this tool to help us.
I wish you well and maybe oneday we will meet again at another Great Slumber Party Adventure