Monday's here

on 9/26/10 10:22 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

Jules so glad to hear of your progress.

Furbaby - one or two or? My advice is to get what you know you need to be happy!  I hope you find the ones that will click for you.

All my chicks got home safely from their weekends away. My daughter and SIL got home from the AZ vs. OR game in Arizona (UofO won, go Ducks!!). My son and DIL got home safely from the trip to WVa planning their hunting trip in Nov. And the grandsons got home safely from their 4-wheelin'. They even got the 4-wheelers and truck all washed and the house cleaned up before their parent's got home. Why do I worry so? My sister has a problem leaving her house. I am OK with ME leaving my house, I just worry about when anyone else goes somewhere.

The rain came yesterday, as promised. It will be here all week. I still have to go to the commissary though. I know I won't melt! Plus I have to begin thinking about packing for my trip to FL next week.

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


Nancy H.
on 9/26/10 11:21 pm - Traverse City, MI
Good mrning all. Well today is for making applesauce. Got about 50 small jars of jam done this weekend. I supply my kids & grandkids with jam all year long. My DH got his second deer of the year over the weekend. He goes hunting again next weekend & then again in November. Love all these extra hunts.

I already done a fews lbs. of jerky & now I get to do more.
First time I made it myself. This will get me through the winter. I am having a hard time eating. Can't seem to get food down without taking reglan first.
Enjoy your day everyone!!!!

Eileen I vote with the rest of the group, get 2 cats!!!!!
Connie D.
on 9/27/10 1:29 am
Nan...sounds like it is time to contact your doctor.....don't let it go too much need to eat.

Have you been reemembering to vote each day for the cancer $$$ for kids from Pepsi ? ion

We are in 2nd place as of the last I heard...$250,000.00 for the kids would be great!!!

Hugs sweetie......connie d
on 9/26/10 11:48 pm - Alexander, AR
Jules, you're doing so well and I'm happy you are going home soon. Not as happy as you are, I'm sure!
Your ride is just beginning, and it's surely to be an adventure. Glad you're here to share it with us!

Today is my Sunday, lots of day off things to do. First I need to take Baxter to the vet, he's scratching and licking, driving himself and us crazy. We've given him Benedryl and it helps, but I want to get to the root of the problem, not just medicate him. Then to the grocery store and maybe a trip into town to have coffee and a knitting session with my girlfriend. We'll see how the day progresses.

George, I'm glad you're enjoying our Ladanian Tomlinson!  This Charger fan sure misses him.



on 9/27/10 1:00 am
Hi Everyone, this week is starting out sad. One of the gals who used to post often as snowbunny (Beth), her daughter passed away over the weekend. She was not even 50. She had lots of health problems and lots of pain. Please say an extra prayer for Beth to help her through this. It was a gorgeous weekend and I got lots of stuff done. Our annual Oktoberfest is coming up next weekend. I love the crafts. Have a great week. Mona

Veteran Bandster 2002

Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!

Connie D.
on 9/27/10 1:31 am sad for Beth and her family...I am sending prayers and good thoughts her way!

Hugs...connie d
Connie D.
on 9/27/10 3:22 am
Good morning Jules and everyone....

Jules...I am sure you were relieved to get ride of all the attachments....and are going home!!

I have a busy work day today as is every this is just a quick check in with everyone today.

Wishing you all a good day. Prayers are on the way!

Love and hugs for all....connie d
on 9/27/10 11:06 am - Bradenton, FL
Hi everyone,
I am in North Carolina visiting my friend from '
asheville. Ill leave to morrow and drive to see my parttime husband and kid in '
chcaigo. Ill be there for about 4 to 5 days then home again on Monday.
It was a busy weekend at work and getting ready to go.
I am glad I went home from wrok last nnigit before I left this morning. My cat tevia was stuck in the closet with the door closed. He snuck in there after my cousin changed the filter. 'so for 12 hours or more my poor baby was in there meowing
'''''''''''''''''' I couldnt find him when I got home from work and I heard a faint meow and there he was in the closet. If I hadnt come home and left from work I dont know what theoutcome would be
1111My neighbor is watching him and only checks on him everother day.
all is well now.]
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