Monday's here
Morning all
It's just after 8 in the morning and things have been busy here already. i have had my catheter, my epidural, my fluids line all removed. been up, showered. Went walking by myself...not attachments. How heavenly. Have a bunch of fluids here to drink but i am feeling just a little nauseous this morning so i am just sip, sip, sipping trying to keep it all down.
Visitior number 1 has already been and gone. Went quickly because the ole bowels are off to a good start for the day. Thank god. You all know how worried i was about constipation.
Nothing new really to report except i am alive and kicking. With a bit of luck i am out of here tomorrow and can go home. Today i plan to do a bit of chatting, some more reading, play some more games and maybe watch a bit of daytime tellie for a change.
Have a good day everyone.
It's just after 8 in the morning and things have been busy here already. i have had my catheter, my epidural, my fluids line all removed. been up, showered. Went walking by myself...not attachments. How heavenly. Have a bunch of fluids here to drink but i am feeling just a little nauseous this morning so i am just sip, sip, sipping trying to keep it all down.
Visitior number 1 has already been and gone. Went quickly because the ole bowels are off to a good start for the day. Thank god. You all know how worried i was about constipation.
Nothing new really to report except i am alive and kicking. With a bit of luck i am out of here tomorrow and can go home. Today i plan to do a bit of chatting, some more reading, play some more games and maybe watch a bit of daytime tellie for a change.
Have a good day everyone.
HW: 305.8 PreSurgWt: 286 CW: 208.1 GW:165.0 Loss: 77.88
Hi Jules, Lillee and the rest of my OFF family to come later:
For the first time since I've been in Louisiana, the weather is a bit nippy. It's 68 degrees and windy, so I turned off the A/C and opened a window to let the air in. Time will tell if that was a good decision (the pollen is high right now, and I have lots of allergies).
Jules, I'm surprised you're still in the hospital, but then every doc is different. I didn't have a problem with constipation post-op; I had the runs and had to bulk up with Benefiber (but then I have IBS).
Finally, an easy night at work. I had three of my four pages done by 9 p.m. and was just waiting on the late baseball game to get done so I could finish the final page. My deadline is 10:30 p.m.; the game wasn't done so I just had to go without that game. Can't be even a minute late. When I got home, the game was in the 10th inning and still going on. It ended shortly after.
So now I have two days off ... this is my "weekend" ... I am going to go look at kitties, some at a woman's home (she has MS and is giving away her cats) and some at a shelter. I am so lonely without my Scooter. Every night when I come home and don't see him at the window or inside the door, I start crying. My mom today tried to console me, but then she said, "I don't want you going out and getting another cat." Well, sorry, mom, but I'm going to do what's right for me. I am too lonely without a furbaby or two.
It has been a rough week. I'm tired and achy. So glad it's over. Hope you are feeling better, Jules. Everybody have a good day.
For the first time since I've been in Louisiana, the weather is a bit nippy. It's 68 degrees and windy, so I turned off the A/C and opened a window to let the air in. Time will tell if that was a good decision (the pollen is high right now, and I have lots of allergies).
Jules, I'm surprised you're still in the hospital, but then every doc is different. I didn't have a problem with constipation post-op; I had the runs and had to bulk up with Benefiber (but then I have IBS).
Finally, an easy night at work. I had three of my four pages done by 9 p.m. and was just waiting on the late baseball game to get done so I could finish the final page. My deadline is 10:30 p.m.; the game wasn't done so I just had to go without that game. Can't be even a minute late. When I got home, the game was in the 10th inning and still going on. It ended shortly after.
So now I have two days off ... this is my "weekend" ... I am going to go look at kitties, some at a woman's home (she has MS and is giving away her cats) and some at a shelter. I am so lonely without my Scooter. Every night when I come home and don't see him at the window or inside the door, I start crying. My mom today tried to console me, but then she said, "I don't want you going out and getting another cat." Well, sorry, mom, but I'm going to do what's right for me. I am too lonely without a furbaby or two.
It has been a rough week. I'm tired and achy. So glad it's over. Hope you are feeling better, Jules. Everybody have a good day.
Good morning all!!! And what a wonderful morning it is.
It was a GREAT weekend. My Rangers clinched. It was so much fun watching the celebration in the locker room. Tears were running down my cheeks. It was such a good feeling.
Went to church, and it was time for the All Men's Choir. That is the once a year I sing in the choir. Big surprise today, for the first time I can ever remember, my son joined us. And so did his son. So we had three generations of Trosts in the choir.
At the end of the service, my son surprised everyone and asked to speak to the congregation. The sermon was on exclusion and my son wanted to tell his story about how exclusion ran him from the church until our pastor came along. Not a dry eye in the house. I am so proud of him.
Then my JETS beat the Dolphins. The hated Dolphins. Life is so wonderful. The only way my weekend could have been better would be if the cowgirls had lost.
Tonight I will continue on my week of wonderfulness. Going to the Ballpark to watch them raise the banner. I know there will be more tears there. I am a softee.
And Wednesday, Mary and I are going to The Great State Fair of Texas.
In addition, we got all the cooking we needed to do done. A great 2 lb turkey meat loaf. 5 lbs of chicken fried up (no oil). Gonna eat good this week.
And I cleaned the kitchen for Mary today.
This is shaping up to be a GREAT week.
It was a GREAT weekend. My Rangers clinched. It was so much fun watching the celebration in the locker room. Tears were running down my cheeks. It was such a good feeling.
Went to church, and it was time for the All Men's Choir. That is the once a year I sing in the choir. Big surprise today, for the first time I can ever remember, my son joined us. And so did his son. So we had three generations of Trosts in the choir.
At the end of the service, my son surprised everyone and asked to speak to the congregation. The sermon was on exclusion and my son wanted to tell his story about how exclusion ran him from the church until our pastor came along. Not a dry eye in the house. I am so proud of him.
Then my JETS beat the Dolphins. The hated Dolphins. Life is so wonderful. The only way my weekend could have been better would be if the cowgirls had lost.
Tonight I will continue on my week of wonderfulness. Going to the Ballpark to watch them raise the banner. I know there will be more tears there. I am a softee.
And Wednesday, Mary and I are going to The Great State Fair of Texas.
In addition, we got all the cooking we needed to do done. A great 2 lb turkey meat loaf. 5 lbs of chicken fried up (no oil). Gonna eat good this week.
And I cleaned the kitchen for Mary today.
This is shaping up to be a GREAT week.