Hi It's Saturday

Eileen Briesch
on 9/24/10 4:22 pm - Evansville, IN
Hi my OFF family:

I barely survived Football Friday No. 4; didn't make deadline, missed it by a minute (and if you miss it by a minute, you miss it). I got seven stories in a half hour to slap on two pages. I'm beginning to hate this job. But ... it's a job. And I'm so alone without Scooter. You think someone here would mention it ... well, two of my coworkers said something, and another did after I mentioned it the other day. But others know, and I've heard nothing from them. If their child died, I'd say something to them. And Scooter was like my child. My former coworkers would have offered sympathies ... they have.

Yesterday afternoon, one of my coworkers went out on a Starbucks run ... she went around the office and asked everyone if they wanted something ... she even asked our loaners from Des Moines. But she didn't ask me. Not that I wanted anything; I already had my Starbucks iced coffee. But it would be nice to be asked.

I guess I have no choice but to keep working here, look for another job and hope to get through it all. It's a job, after all. Newspaper jobs aren't what they used to be. It wouldn't be so bad if only I still had Scooter.

Well, anyway, here I am and today will be another fun football Saturday night. Hope I get a few more stories earlier in night.

Hope everyone has a good weekend. I have two more days of work. So chat away.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Margo M.
on 9/24/10 9:51 pm, edited 9/24/10 9:52 pm - Elyria, OH
eileen...gosh i feel exactly what you mean about the office --my group is still not receptive to me being there- i just plow thru...but it does hurt not to be asked if you want something, etc...

as for scooter- it would be hard to accept no matter what when you are a fur parent - but you have dealt with losing all three of yours now within not a long period of time...take solace in the wonderful life you DID have with him and what a trooper he was to make the move with you.... grieve....and try to go on--i know that the only reason i have to come home right now is my dogs...so i am anxious to get home after a long day..

the job...plug away...be yourself--make your mark...no whining ...smile and use the years of experience you have and the teamwork that you know how to exude----- WHY were you a minute late? because soemone else was slow or because you had technical difficulty or???? ....bake soemthing to share and take in "for everybody" to make a point of being excluded from the starbucks run ( maybe she saw your cup and just assumed you didn't want anything????)

well- i had a crazy alarm clock morning and now i need to get self dressed for my saturday at work...something is going on in our office and i am not quite sure what but the atmosphere was horrid yesterday...when i got the chance to leave an hour early i ran...

car is doing better but needs tranny- my mechanic guy has connections and may have found one- and he's a best bud of my brother so i have "credit" with him...so cool to have friends besides you guys and gals....

ok- rascals good loving playing on the tv....i love the upbeat music of our generation!!!!!! hope all have a great day....it's chilly here- wish i could go to work in my jammies!!!! now martha reeves is dancin in the street!!! yea ...my kinda music.....
hugs and prayers

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 9/24/10 11:03 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin' ya'll.

Oh Eileen - I wish I could reach right through this 'puter and give you a big hug. You must be feeling so alone!  Both at home and at work. But you MUST hold on. I believe that if God brings you to it, he will see you through it. You be considerate of your co-workers, even if they are not considerate of you. Remember the great life you and Scooter had together. When it is time, another fur baby will come into your life. Not to replace Scooter, of course, but to make you happy to be home again. As for the job, there has got to be a reason you are being 'tested'. Be strong! You know you can always come here to vent. We will listen and we care!

This is supposed to be our last day of lovely weather. Rain is in our forcast and I can definately live without that!! I know, everyone says we need it, but personally, I don't!!

The grandsons are going 4 wheelin' today. Hookin' up the trailer to our son's HUGE truck, loadin' on 2 4-wheelers and off with 4 friends.  Yikes!!  They are both responsible kids, they have hauled the trailer and 4 wheelers before, they are going to be riding on private property where they have ridden before. WHY am I having such a bad feeling about it this time? Maybe because our son and DIL are out of town. They gave the boys permission of course, but I am apprehensive.

Speak of the devil. Here they are for breakfast.

Everyone have a fantabulous.

Grammylew in Jax


karen C.
on 9/24/10 11:30 pm - Kennewick, WA

Hi Eileen and friends, It's almost 6:30 am and I'm waiting for Briley to wake up. She slept in  my room last night so that Erin could get a decent night's sleep. She's been asleep since about 9pm so she'll be awake and STARVED soon. She is a sweetheart except when she's hungry. Kind of like her grandma she goes from okay to out of control quickly when she needs to eat!

Busy day yesterday. The twins got to bed late on Thursday night. We picked them up, I rode home from Yakima (about 90 miles) with them. Then we had the "new  trike" excitement. Man, oh, man do theyl ove those trikes! Didn't get them to sleep until close to 10pm despite trying. They were up way to early yesterday at 6am. Mike and I started the day at McDonalds to see his coffee buddies, then to the park. A beautiful early fall morning in the Playground of Dreams along the Columbia River. Then home for more play, lunch and a nap. Hot tubbed in the afternoon. I turned the heat down to bathtub warm. They loved it. Visitors later, then dinner, then a "DORA" movie and bed. Hope they sleep in for a while this morning.

We'll probably have a lot of company today as no one here has seen the baby. Our son and his girlfriend will be here from Seattle about noon and spend the night.

Eileen, I know you hate missing deadline but it sure sounds like others contributed to your missing because they were late. Don't beat yourself up. Have you thought about joining a group of some kind? We have a group here that I think is national. It's called "Fun, Fit and over Fifty." All kinds of activities. Some are active like walking, hiking, camping others are book groups, crafts, many other activities. The idea is making new friends and having activities to participate in if you want to. Most libraries also have book discussion groups.

Sending you all positive thoughts and wishing you a great weekend.

Karen C

Sybul C.
on 9/25/10 12:32 am - Alma, AR
Sorry you're having to deal with so much between Scooter and the job.  As far a work goes, kill 'em with kindness.  Just keep smiling and don't let it show when they get to you.  I went through the same thing at my job and these were people I worked with for years!  I was even related to one of them, lol.  Just take the higher road and know that what goes around comes around.  Hang in there.  We love you.

Nancy H.
on 9/25/10 12:33 am - Traverse City, MI
Eileen, sorry you are having such a rough time. I am sure things will be better soon. Hang in there, we are here for you. Nan
(deactivated member)
on 9/25/10 12:48 am
good morning


it can take quite awhile to settle in after alot of changes.  You have a new city, a new state, a new apartment, a new job, new associates, and a loss.  Take a deep breath and be the best you you can be.

Today I have no special plans.  I'll be singing at a funeral smack dab in the middle of the day so I'm sticking around the house this morning and maybe in the late afternoon I'll do something outside if its not 95 like it was yesterday.

Have a good one
Connie D.
on 9/25/10 4:13 am
Good morning Eileen and everyone...

Eileen my heart breaks for you. Losing Scooter is hard enough...a new job...new home...all new people....you have a lot on your plate. I agree with Sybul and the others.... kill them with kindness!!!  They are just testing you! Keep up the good work!!!

I am heading out for a tractor pull when my date arrives. It will be a fun filled day.

Prayers to all in need....some special ones too.

Have a great Saturday!!!!!

Love and hugs....comnie d

Karen S.
on 9/25/10 8:03 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha Eileen and the rest of you wonderful OFFers!

Long time no see, I know. I hope you'll welcome me back in the fold after my long absence. I am a watcher from the sidelines on many days and miss joining in and sharing with you all.

Eileen...today was the first time I heard about your precious Scooter being gone. I feel such empathy for you. These little ones are our children, and their loss is crushing, and not instantly put behind us. You were a wonderful kitty mom, and I have a feeling there's a kitten out there waiting to find you. They DO find us, you know. When I moved to Maui and couldn't take my two black furbabies, Sophie and Maui because there was a 4 month quarantine, I missed them terribly. My son kept them in Oregon with him and they eventually went to a farm where they were in kitty heaven.

Now I have adopted St. Nicholas (Xmas eve baby), and popoki, a little girl with exquisite markings like white boots, bib and underbelly. She is a girl!! All the moodiness and persnicketiness! Nicki is a boy.....all love and need....Ha. Love them both. So sorry for your loss.

Maui is in it's hotter months....Sept. and Oct. but actually it hasn't been a bad summer at all. 80's most of the time and nice trade winds to keep us cool. I'm doing a lot of part time work screening newborn babies (sometimes 20 hours a week) and that can be trying. In addition to that I have several friends who are ill, and I've been taxi driver, grocery picker upper, etc. for them. That doesn't leave much time for spacing out...which I LOVE to do. I don't even have a tan anymore!!

My 2nd ex husband is coming to visit on Oct. 4th for 8 days and I'm not ready for him to get here yet. He's a good guy and we always have fun snorkeling, lounging on the beach, going out to dinner etc. I haven't seen him in 7 years and the last time I saw him I weighed about 275!! Today I weigh around 165, and am rather tall and slim at 5'11" tall. this is be an interesting experiment....Ha.

I try to keep up with good eating, but I'm letting things creep into my diet like lasagne, brown breads, ice cream, muffins, etc. So long as I don't gain more than 20 lbs. I'm OK because I was too thin. But I do not want to begin that journey back UP the scale.....terrifies me. I will go back to apple sauce and cream of chicken/mushroom soup before I let that happen.

To all of you having challenges......I hope they resolve themselves. To the newcomes..........I could NOT be happier for you. You are beginning a new life....one of happiness, health and fitness.

Thanks for letter me share a "catch up" with you all. I will try and be less of a bystander.

With so much aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Nancy H.
on 9/25/10 9:17 am - Traverse City, MI
Karen, so good to hear from you!!!!
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