It's FRIDAY - Let's jump and shout!
I really hate/love this time of year. Love - Baseball playoffs.
Hate - decisions on what to do for medical care. Of course the cost of everything has gone up. But I am pretty sure I made up my mind how to handle it.
The real bad thing this year is the Flexible Spending Account does not cover OTC drugs unless prescribed. That really sucks. I have to decide what I am going to do now.
I was reading yesterday's daily thread and it amazes me how much problems everyone has when there is a death in the family. We had the same problems when my mother-in-law passed away. We know that a certain family member pocketed some of her jewelry. We also were disappointed with Mary's brother. He represented himself as the executor of the estate without anyone knowing. Lots of terrible stuff. There is a definite seperation in the family since then.
This weekend just spending time with Mary, plus watching some baseball. Tonight I am taking Mary out to eat. Mexican tonight. Then we will go home and tackle my closet I guess. Also have to do a lot of cooking. Mary did not close the freezer tight, so some stuff partially thawed. Got a 4 lb bag of chicken breasts and about 60 shrimp to cook up. Also 2 lbs of ground turkey. Oh well, I will get a chance to cook again. Have not done that in a while.
What's your plans for the weekend?
Hope it's a good one for you.
it is 6:08 AM and 78 * here!!!!!!!!!!!! windy windy but gorgeous..i am lovin the fall colors- always my favorite-but all the wind will empty the trees! bummer!
brody broke his rope last nite when i got home-snapped the rope he was tied on and pulled the overhead lead outta the trailer...soooooooooooooo have to find some other way to tie him til the kennel is up....the dog house plans came and i may have bitten off more than i can chew to build it!!! needless to say my work will have to be outside this weekend...
we have a mouse in the house- roxie knows it's here but hasn't caught it....durn it all....
at work yesterday, we had a lock down for 1/2 hour then again at just before closing time- some computer issues meant that the phones went down as well as cameras so we locked-my mechanic friend brought the car back-new plugs in and filters changed-wires hopefully today ( the place had expensive ones- he ordered cheaper)--need a tranny flush-the fluid is burnt- and he may have to find me a tranny later- and he'll take care of my exhaust problem soo--i guess i'm workin for the margomobile! it DID feel great to drive to work yesterday!!!! i've named her but wanna take some pics to "introduce" her to all of you who played along with me in the naming game! the name came naturally as i drove her the other day on errands....
well- need to get myself motivated toward getting dressed- friday is jeans day with a bank shirt so...and it's my 6 o'clock day...and i work tomorrow....
hugs and prayers...........
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
I will have to watch it closer next time. DH is hunting again this weekend. He gets in on all the special hunts.
I think I will make peach jam this weekend. I have a freezer full of fruit to make it with. Also strawberrirs, blueberries, raspberries, & cherries. I have a bushel of apples to do too.
Love this time of year, so do the kids & grands. Have a wonderful weekend!!! Margo good luck with the vehicle.
George, Gary takes Prilosec and it's like $25 OTC, but with his Rx from the doc, it's only $5 a month. All we do is take the Rx to the pharmisist and they get it off the shelf. Crazy, huh?
I have a super busy day today, which is great. I've been scheduling time for my lunch so I'm sure to take the time to eat. Well, yesterday this pushy client of mine called to get in for a haircut and I told her I was booked. "Can't you just trim up my neckline?" Believe me, trimming her neckline is like a 30 min operation since she takes the hand mirror and comb out of my hand and checks her hair in the mirror to see if it's okay. ARGHHHHH. So, what would be a quick trim for most clients, still will take me 20-30 minutes. No one to blame but myself, I let her talk me into it.
Better get moving along here. Things to do, people to see. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Well I'm going to see the doctor at 2:30 today cuz I continue to have pain post op from my emergency small bowel obstruction surgery...thanks adhesion's! Maybe a cat-scan will be ordered today. I'm just tired of feeling like someone i****ting me in the gut.
My MIL will be transferred out from Rose Arbor Hospice to move in with one of her daughters. Nurses aren't happy with that decision and I'm with them on this move. Can you say money is involved...they want her money, it's all set up in a trust. Yep, just gotta let go and let God on this one.
Man, it's windy here in Michigan. The sky looks freaky right now. Walnuts are falling off trees and it's hard to walk without twisting your ankle, you gotta look down on the ground when your walking at our place. My SIL fx. her ankle 2 weeks ago while jogging and stepped on a walnut. Yep, jogging is hazardous to your health! Hugs Debbie
Good mornin' ya'll.
Gearge, we don't see much of you on here anymore. Glad to see you are still around.
It is sad that so many are having conflicts about ailing relatives, or their estates. Some aren't really conflicts, I guess, just sadness over decisions. My Sis and I were very lucky. Our parent's lawyer warned them NOT to have both of us as co-executors because of possible conflicts. We were both there when Momma was so bad and finally passed. We both cleaned out her apartment. There were times we each had to bite our tongue. But we were determined to follow Mom and Dad's wishes. We got through it, we still love each other and we are very lucky for that.
Our son and DIL have gone away for the weekend. They left yesterday after work. I'm sure we'll be seeing the grandsons for a few meals, and maybe a sleepover. They are 19 and almost 17, so they can take care of themselves and the dogs. But they aren't much at fixing meals.
One thing we learned when Mom passed was how much easier everything was since Sis and I were on all of her bank accounts. So last year we added our 2 kids to all of our accounts. Yesterday our son went into the bank and said he needed to take $200 out of his checking account (his ATM card expired). No one asked WHICH checking account. So guess whose account they took it out of? We have all basically forgotten he is on our account, it's for convenience in an emergency or death. Anyway, I saw the withdrawal online, went in and was told what happened. I called our son and sort of chuckled over it. He had a different attitude. And after thinking about it, he is right. What if he had asked for $2000? I'd have had transactions being denied all over the place. Now he will be sure they verify which account.
Everyone have a fantabulous weekend.
George - I am sure your doctor would be happy to write a RX for your OTC meds. He might even mail it to you and not require a office visit.
My Day in a nutshell
eating breakfast then rush to health club then rush downtown Houston to Methodist hospital for infusion. That will take up all my day.
Have a good one