Cayman Islands- OT
This is almost the color of the ocean outside my door. The plane trip was long, but I got through it. I was so tired when we finally got to the resort that I had a snack, a couple of glasses of wine, and then went to bed, sleeping soundly for ten hours. I just got out of the pool. The water is definitely great for my back. I felt so weightless and relaxed. When I was climbing out I felt such a weight in my back. I also feel it when I walk on the sand. I love the feeling of the sand, but I have to limit the walking on it. The weather here is HOT and WET. I'm starting to get used to it... the California girl is used to very dry heat. We are going out to eat at a local home restaurant tonight called "Vivian's". She serves a delicious meal on her driveway...I think that's how it works. AS far as enjoying my vacation after my reverse diagnosis and relief- OH MY GOSH! Even though I still hurt, my emotional state is so up. This is wonderful. I'll try to download pictures at some point- not sure I can this week though. My way of life this week is "no stress", rest often, read as much as I can, and sleep a lot. Our companions are very understanding. I can bow out if I am not up to something. In fact I'm going to lay down for an hour before dinner. It takes the pressure off my back and makes the pain less for the rest of the evening. I'm not complainig at all about the pain- this is so much better than cancer that I can only smile. What luck!
Ah Julia just what we needed! It takes me a day or so to find "Maui time" after I land there, but then I am in the zone for the rest of the trip. Let the world revolve around Julia this week. I crown you Queen Julia and everyone is to tend to you like you are real royalty! (and you can tell them I said so! I'm sure that will really make them hop to it!)
Karen C