Good Saturday Morning to everyone!!!!!
My daughter, son in law, and Baby Briley will land in San Diego about 9am. . . They are so looking forward to some sunshine! They'll attend a wedding tonight and fly home on Monday morning. Briley is just a "go baby." Just 2 months old and she has been out and about since week one. The twins hardly left the house til they were about 6 months on; just too much of a production! With the twins in daycare Erin and Briley get all kinds of things done. The twins are with their other grandma this weekend. It will work out well as they are lliving there while their "new to them" farmhouse is getting a makeover. Erin, Josh and Briley snuck out at 2am and headed to Portland to catch an early flight.
Went to see "The Town" last night with a friend. Ben Affleck, ok. How many cars can you demolish in one movie? Then had dinner in a cute little Italian place that used to many years ago be a McDonalds. Now the outside "play area" is surrounded by tall arbovita and the inside of the area is tiled with a beautifulo fountain, plants, cute little bistro tables, candles, subdued lightly. It was nice and still warm enough to enjoy. Had a shrimp salad and about 1/4 of the small summer squash ravioli. It was wonderful; a light pesto sauce. Brought the rest home for lunch or dinner tonight.
Plan to spend a quiet day at home doing some sewing, my apron fabric pile is out of hand yet again! I'm reading a couple of books including "Eclipse" from the Twilight Saga. Never thought I'd get into vampire books but this one is set on the Olympic Penninsula so I enjoy the memories of times spent there as i read.
We had thunder and lightening last night.
Worked 3 days this past week. That's just about right. Keeps me busy enough and yet allows a couple of days to do whatever I want.
Thinking of you all.
Karen C
I really needed a good nights sleep and I got one. I am feeling much better today.
Yesterday morning I got a call at 4:30 AM that my granddaughter Kyleigh was in the Emergency Room. She has had a bad cold and was getting worse. She now has Strep Throat too. They filled her full of meds and gave her a Penicillin shot. She finally was released at 11:30 AM.
I went down to Minneapolis right away and got her prescriptions filled and took her throat lozenges, cough name it she is supplied now with all the medical supplies she will need. I also went out and grocery shopped. Her refrigerator and cupboards are now full of good healthy things to eat. I bought her OJ and some other kinds of juice as well. Hopefully she will be feeling better soon. She lives alone and the only way to get anywhere is by bus. I didn't want her running around all over picking things up as sick as she was. NOW...I pray I don't get it!!!
I am going out with my girlfriend to Garage I need to get ready soon.
Prayers to all in need. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Love and hugs....connie d
Started to post early in the morning after Football Friday Frenzy, but Scooter demanded my lap and my attention, so I had to put the computer down. He just finished scarfing down his can of food. It's good to see him eating heartily again, but I'm still concerned about him: When I cleaned the litter box yesterday, the lining inside the box (I double line it) was drenched. Which tells me he's still peeing an awful lot. And that means I have to take him back to the vet.
The good news yesterday was .... drum roll ... I made deadline last night. I also had a talk with my boss. She explained how corporate was bearing down on deadline and even one minute late wouldn't do. Well, I'm not happy about it, either. Anyway, she said when this new guy from Michigan (another former Boothie) is hired, he's going to take over Monroe sports and I'm going over to the Alexandria team, doing more inside pages and less stressful stuff ... I think she threw me into the deep end during football season and I am sinking.
Well, enough whining. Another night of football ... college football. I'm beginning to hate football. Have a good day, y'all.