What's New Thursday Edition
I'm holding my own since mom died on September 6. I try to cry when the feelings well up as I know that bottling them up would be detrimental to my emotional/mental health. Our son and his wife will be here this weekend and we are going to have a private ceremony to honor mom. I know it will be hard to do but I want to do it.
We are having cable (DVR) problems and so today the cable company is coming out to look at the DVR box and will replace it if need be. That will tie up this afternoon as they give you a four hour window and you pretty much have to hang out and wait for them to show up.
It rained cats and dogs here yesterday afternoon and rain is in the forecast for the remainder of the week. Such a shock that summer is nearly over.
Hope you have a good day.
Cindy P.
Good morning OFF family,
Mom is still hanging in there at Rose Arbor (Hospice) All is well there and she is comfortable.
Work is the same, I'm just on auto pilot...working then going to Rose Arbor after work then home, eat something, sit in front of the TV for awhile then to bed. One of these days life will get normal for me. I did walk only 1 mile yesterday outside during my break but I miss the gym. For now, Mom is the priority.
Hugs and everyone Happy Thursday. Tomorrow is payday Friday! Whhoooo! Debbie
Cindy...it must be a Cable Company day....my cable guy just got here....working on the problem now!
Hugs and prayers for you and your family at this difficult time.
Margo...what name did you decide on for your Margomobile...I was out of town all day and never did throw in a vote.
Today is my Friday...thank goodness....this week has been two weeks long. I am looking forward to some me time again!
Yesterdays meeting with my granddaughter and her worker turned out okay. Hopefully things will go better now.
I better get back to work. I wish you all a great day!!
Prayers to all in need.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
you may run the gamut of emotions for a very long time about your mom...hugs!
i'm at work; the gal i'm working with spent last nite with her dying dog and she had no sleep- oh gosh i feel for her- her hubby was to put jake down today. another furbaby at the bridge!so sad whenever any of us loses our babies.
raining cats and dogs??OH! wow--pouring-torrentially here in spurts!
anyhow- may check in later!
hugs and prayers
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
Good morning, ya'll.
It's Thursday! The weekend is nearly here. I need to make a carrot cake for my DIL to take to work tomorrow for someone's birthday. They are also having a breakfast thing where everyone is supposed to bring food representative of how they feel. Like hard boiled eggs - feeling cracked up, or a kitty litter cake - feeling dumped on, a cake shaped like a broken arm -feeling fractured. I guess the new year at work is getting to everyone and they are acting out. HA HA. She decided on blueberry muffins with a thin white glaze frosting and bloodshot eyeballs drawn on the top - not sure if that is cause she feels 'watched' or overworked. Yesterday she came and 'shopped' in my crochet closet for a baby blankie for a new girl who is PG. I KNEW there was a reason I keep working on that baby stuff. I think my left shoulder is well enough to sew regular fabric, because she needs curtains for a cabinet at work. I KNOW it's not strong enough yet to do heavy fleece, or BIG sewing projects of any kind. She is a special needs aide at a school. This year she is working with the preschool kids. And they have some new policy changes. I guess it is a stressful beginning.
Ya'll KNOW I thrive on making, fixing, baking, and doing for my family and friends!! I think I inherited that from my parents and my Gramma. My Sister got that 'gene' also. Not sure if it is blessing or a curse. But it sure made us good scout leaders, room mothers, halloween costume makers, party organizers and grandmas ourselves!!
Everyone have a fantabulous day!!
Good Morning Cindy,
So good to see your post today. I've been thinking about you. My dad died in late September. It was a longer than usual winter that year. I think it was spring before I finally felt the "knot" in my stomach loosen up. My niece found out she was expecting her first child about that time. I remember thinking kind of that "Lion King" circle of life thing... It helped me to let go of his death and remember all of the good things in his life. And the fact that this new little one would carry on a part of him.
Stay busy, cry when you need to, find a way to give to others who might be suffering too. Is there another elderly person at the home where your mom was and Ron's mom still is who doesn't get visitors often? I think some have no one much of the time. Perhaps brightening someone's day in a small way will help you deal with your grief.
Mike is headed to Grayland, WA today to spend a few days helping a friend do some repairs on his beach cabin. Outside repairs and it is starting to rain here in eastern Washington where it rarely rains. . So I'm sure they may have wet weather for trying to get the work done!
I'm working part time again this year as a substitute aide in grades Pre school through high school. Lots of variety! I'm signed up to be available Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. That gives me two days to plan appointments and to breathe. Don't have any desire to work full time!
Best get a shower as the phone will probably ring soon. Take care,
Karen C