Wednesday, September 15, 2010

on 9/14/10 3:50 pm - Manteca, CA
Well, well- it's mid September already. Happy birthday to Janet and Annette. I'm getting ready for bed- I had a busy day. I had lunch with my brother, sister-in-law, and mom- my mom was very surprised to see me. I held it together well- I don't want her to worry about me unless the diagnosis of cancer is certain, and there are lots of reasons to believe that it is not. I didn't get any new news today... I'm thinking that the next step will be the PET scan and bone biopsy. I'll get through it. My big news is that I've decided to go to the Cayman Islands for a week. Our friends have a timeshare that is ocean front and beautiful, so our main expense is the flight. We leave on Staurday morning and get back a week later. There will be three couples. My oncologist told me that he thinks I should go and have fun. We can tackle the yucky stuff when I get home. I'll take my pain pills with me for nighttime and there will be lots of things to do if I am able- if not I can lay on the beach and read or nap. The things that I really want to try- swimming with the stingrays, dolphins, and turtles. I'll try to snorkel if my back will be able to do that. There is a possibility of a hurricane- "Hurricane Julia"- can you believe it? Haha! The hurricanes usually miss the Caymans, but this one is possible. If the hurricane Julia doesn;t hit I'll do my best to make the island remember California Julia! I promise to have some fun and laughs, but I will also concentrate on healing. Hopefully when I get home I can wind up the testing and go back to work.
I hope you are all enjoying your life!
karen C.
on 9/14/10 8:30 pm - Kennewick, WA


This sounds wonderful. The beach, warmth, good friends, water. . sounds like a prescription for healing. I would think that the warm water and bouyancy of  the salt will relieve the pressure and give you some much needed freedom from pain. Air mattress or a float
"noodle." Those might help too. Go, my friend, concentrate on positve thoughts, good friends, and healing. Know that we will be there with you in spirit. Right now you have no choice but to be in a holding pattern; might as well make the most of the time to build up your reserves. I'd take a pillow to sit on and some good drugs for the plane trip. How long of a flight is it?

Karen C

Margo M.
on 9/14/10 8:56 pm, edited 9/15/10 3:23 am - Elyria, OH
i absolutely love your attitude about this upcoming trip!!!!!!!!!!!!! look out world, california Julia is on her way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

had a rotten sinus nite and didn't sleep well without my cpap--hard to use the cpap if ya can't breathe thru the nose!

yesterday at work sucked so today
has to be better!!!!!

hugs and prayers...........

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 9/14/10 9:24 pm - Jacksonville, NC

Good mornin', ya'll.

Julia, keep that attitude.  The short respit 'away' will help. TRY to keep thoughts only positive. We are all thinking of you, and praying for you.

Had my first PT eval yesterday. She was impressed with the ROM I have only 10 days post-op. But...when I am given PT exercises to do I DO them. If they say 15 reps 3 times a day, I do 20 reps 5 times a day. I was given 2 exercises to add to the 9 I got on discharge from the hospital. My post op with the surgeon is Friday. I sure hope he takes these staples out! They end right next to my chemo port and when the PT gal manipulated my shoulder yesterday it really hurt at the port site. It is also slightly uncomfortable when I do the new exercises.

It's supposed to be another lovely day here. I really enjoy the cool nights, so we can have the windows open!  It looks like Julia (not our CA Julia), will not have much impact on us. Maybe just rip currents and wind. Hooray!

Everyone have a fantabulous day!

Grammylew in Jax


on 9/14/10 9:32 pm - Alexander, AR
Julia, this sounds just like what you need right now. Take care and enjoy yourself

Thanks to all for the wonderful surgiversary wishes yesterday.

Gotta run!



(deactivated member)
on 9/14/10 9:39 pm - Somewhere IN, TX
Oh, Julia...

The Cayman's... they have the softest, powdery beaches...and the water is soooo clear.  A week... I'd never ever get off the beach.  And, it's sal**** it's healing... and your back will feel much better... (think epsom salt here)...

I know you will have a good trip.  No news most always is good news...

Enjoy your trip... and a friend with a timeshare.. how special is THAT!!!

Sybul C.
on 9/14/10 9:56 pm - Alma, AR
Julia, the trip sounds just like the doctor ordered!  Have a great time.  I went to see my PCP yesterday.  B-12 levels are excellent, iron a little low, cholesterol levels were really good too for the first time.  No skull fracture.  She said it will be sore for a while though.  Had to get a tetnus shot and some antibiotics for the dog bite on my hand from my cranky old ****er spaniel.  They are setting me up with an appt. with a neurologist over the memory thing.  Still waiting for an answer from Social Security Disability.  My FMLA runs out on Monday and so does my short term disability insurance.  We'll really have to cinch our belts until we get this all figured out.  My friend is coming over this morning for our workout routine.  We do the elliptical, yoga, and work out on the home gym my B-I-L gave us.  Love that thing.  Everyone have a good day.

on 9/14/10 9:58 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Hugs Julia! So glad you are taking that trip, enjoy and try to relax. I'm keeping you in my prayers.

Hello OFF family,
Life is busy, and I'm trying not to stress eat. Sometimes I win, sometimes not but it's all good.
Mom is slowly going and reaching for the heavens.
Went to the Allegan parade last evening with hubby and granddaughter and Rozzie's parents and little Loulabelle. It was fun and a good time was had by all.

I was sitting next to a young nursing student with her 2 German Shepard doggies. They howled with the firetrucks and all the other trucks that had sirens. She had warned me they would do this. By the middle of the parade the doggies just stopped howling because they were use to the sirens and decided not to sing along! I was just laughing and enjoying these dogs.

Have a happy "Hump Day", yes today...lets all enjoy life and the joys around us. Hugs Debbie
Margo M.
on 9/15/10 3:25 am - Elyria, OH
debbie- something i really miss- bear with me now- my grampa died in 2006 and his wife this past spring-but she was a letter writer! grampa did mule pulls and they went to all of the fairs--maxine used to write all about them--with her passing; i miss her letters-
ok- blabbing on here!

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 9/15/10 3:34 am - Shelbyville, MI
I love to hear old people tell stories and how they grew up.
Right now in mom's room that is what is happening. All the siblings talking about the fun times when they were little, going camping and their dad making toys for them, playing games and stuff. (this is my MIL, my parents died young at age 52 and 59)

Interesting that the siblings always have a big puzzle being put together in the room. My family never did puzzles so I can't connect with them sitting and doing puzzles. I will sit next to mom's hand holding her and when someone else wants to be close to mom I move in the corner and read my book. Funny how we all deal differently with death and dying. I have to touch and feel the need to be there at mom's side. It's okay if I'm not present as she takes her last breath because I have been with her as much as possible.
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