Help - Pain in the kidneys?
Hi Everyone. Advice please. I thought i had a uti a couple of weeks ago. Was passing blood so went to dr and he gave antibiotics. It cleared up within an hour of getting home so I figured it may have been a kidney stone.
Anyway, I woke up this morning with a pain on my right/rear side sort of behind my hip. Does that sound like kidneys? Urine okay. Drinking heaps of water. Could it be anything to do with my pre-surgery diet?
I am having 3 protein shakes a day as well as 2 meals of free vegies which I can cook as soup, stir fry or steam. I can't see why it would have an effect but I can't think what else is in that spot.
Anyway, I woke up this morning with a pain on my right/rear side sort of behind my hip. Does that sound like kidneys? Urine okay. Drinking heaps of water. Could it be anything to do with my pre-surgery diet?
I am having 3 protein shakes a day as well as 2 meals of free vegies which I can cook as soup, stir fry or steam. I can't see why it would have an effect but I can't think what else is in that spot.
have you done anything physically that could have effected your sacro iliac or muscles?
is it a throbbing or a burning or a stabbing??????
i am NOT a doc so do not know what to tell you however, with your past history, i think i would be calling my family doc's office
is it a throbbing or a burning or a stabbing??????
i am NOT a doc so do not know what to tell you however, with your past history, i think i would be calling my family doc's office
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White