Stress Eating and just always learning

on 9/12/10 10:02 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Oh my! I had a rough weekend folks, mom in hospice and just dealing with feelings, letting go and knowing mom will die in a few short days. Families anger, not knowing what to do, you get the right or wrong way to think. Just loving a woman that is at end of life. The joys and sorrows. So yes, I did stress eat this weekend...sigh...I always will. I will get back on track. Trying to eat to fill a void, it never fills it though.

Anywho, Kristi the Eating Coach's blog was good today. I will again today sit back and enjoy my food and make some good food choices. Oh I know I won't be perfect today but I will make better choices, I promise this to myself! Hugs to all....Debbie

I hate to admit how behind the times I am....

Posted: 13 Sep 2010 03:08 AM PDT

But to make my point, I guess I am going to have to. 

This weekend I rented the movie, Julie and Julia.  It has been out long enough that it is now on the 5 day rental wall at my video store and my mom has been after me to see it for months and months!

It was a lovely story!  A woman gets stuck in her life -- unsatisfied in her job and not feeling like she is moving ahead -- and cooks her way through Julia Child's cookbook while the movie parallels the two women's lives.  Lovely, lovely movie.

Here's one of the things that struck me though...did you notice (if you have seen the movie) how both of the actresses portrayed their characters eating?  They REALLY experienced the food!!  And sure, you can say this is just a movie and they are just actors pretending to experience the food.  But somehow, I just can't see either of these women scarfing down waxy, gas station chocolate just to the get food fix because they were stressed. 

Are you experiencing your food?  Are you being blown away by what you are eating?  If not, why are you eating it?  Habit?  Because it's there?  Because you weren't being mindful?  You had to eat it because there weren't any other options and you were hungry?  ---but the question still remains, did you experience it? 

And if you did....what was that like?
Kathie L.
on 9/12/10 11:54 pm - Castaic, CA
Hi Debbie,

I'm so sorry to hear about your mom. I feel very fortunate that my mom is in excellent condition at 84 (we're going on a cruise in 3 weeks together). I can only imagine how difficult this is for you.

Re: Julia Child, a number of years ago I listened to her being interviewed and the person interviewing her asked how she kept her weight steady while eating such rich foods. She replied that the French know how to eat, incorporating all of your senses while eating (smell, taste, textures, visual). She said she was watching typical Americans at a theme park go from eating one food to the next; never feeling satisfied so they continue to eat. She continued by saying that eating is to be enjoyed, taking time to appreciate and incorporate all of your senses. Makes sense to me although I personally prefer my food to be rather bland and boring.
California Kathie
RNY - 10/07
Rt. Hip Replacement - 4/08
Upper Body Lift - 11/08 (Dr. Timothy Katzen)
Lower Body Lift - 3/09 (Dr. Timothy Katzen)
on 9/12/10 11:58 pm - Shelbyville, MI

Thanks Kathie,

You have a blast with your mom on the cruise. Make lots of memories. Enjoy the food just like the movie!! Hugs Debbie

Connie D.
on 9/13/10 12:29 am
Debbie...thanks again for another wonderful post.

My heart is aching for you. Losing my mother was the hardest thing I ever went through. I miss her every day.
I am keeping you and her in my daily prayers!

HUGS....connie d
on 9/13/10 12:50 am - Shelbyville, MI
Thanks for the hugs Connie.
"It is well with my soul" I'm peaceful, just want my mom to have a peace.
Mom's are so special indeed.
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