It's Sunday - what's going on with you today?
I'm back and refreshed from vacation, had a wonderful time with Tony, we walked the boardwalk, hung on the beach, sat on our balcony and/or a bench and people watched, ate good food, ate not so good food (though I was mindful of what I took in) and just generally had a nice, much needed, relaxing vacation.
Today, I just kind of took things as they came, cleaned up my emails, made some phone calls, walked a 5k loop around this local park and took the Roxie girl to the dog park where she played nice with the other doggie children. I am bound and determined to lose the weight I put on in the last year, not much, but I want to get back down to the weight I was when I was at my lowest point and than stay there, so I am working some physical activity back into my days, as in measured kinds, not just the regular kind. Ended my night by going to an AA meeting and I'm still up because I was playing with the new camera I bought a while back, trying to figure out how to get the pictures to download and so forth, loaded some on my facebook page and since I was up and it is Sunday, decided to post the thread for this day.
My day today will consist of food preparation for the week ahead and doing some inhouse things, as it is supposed to be rainy all day today, which will be a good excuse to just be indoors and do what needs to be done to prepare for the return to my reality.
I wish you each a day filled with good things and if you are facing serious challenges, or someone near and dear to you is, I wish you peace and strength to get through it.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
laureen...i'm glad that you are back-missed you- however i remembered it was vaca time! glad that you and tony had time together!
yesterday i bought a car! i have always wanted a suburban--this one is a 1987 navy blue ( i love it!) and it has some rust but kicks butt! my new "boat" needs wiper blades and some of the lights don't shine was owned by non smokers --whooo hooo!!!!!!!! today i need to clean it up a bit and tomorrow hope to get the title and plates etc after work....will have mom chauffer me tomorrow again...
emails from michael that i need to address- he's asking for some info about ins etc--
i have an email from a friend asking me for some info about a trip i'm taking this fall so i shall write her later when i have the info in front of me...
today i think my new deck steps will get built- we're moving the steps from the east end of the deck to the front-south side- and making them wider....can't wait!
i have so many gazillion things to do in the house and to clean off that back concrete pad to put up the dogs' kennel...dunno where to start so i came here!!!
still trying to establish a "schedule" for self and dogs and it's just not happening!
went to bed exhausted but couldn't GET to sleep so i went to the chair and did fall asleep - woke up hours later - went to bed and right back to sleep and woke up at a nice sunday time--somebody took off my sox during the nite tho!!!! wtheck?
ok- need to get moving in some direction-anything forward would be a plus!!!!!!!!!!!!
hugs and prayers .....
I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White
So glad to see that the weight of the world appears to have lifted off of you and your are making plans for making yourself happy. Congrats on the "new" wheels and hopefully enjoying good miles ahead.
I need to get busy around here, I've been in vacation mode and don't want it to end (lol)!!!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
I went to a play about Maria Callas yesterday- I am too young to have known anything about her and the story was quite interesting- Ari Onassis and all. Hmm- it was R Rated...
Then I came home to our little birthday party for Sookie the Grand Dog. That little cute puppy had her first birthday- I swear she is 85 pounds. She was quite over-stimulated by the abundance of new toys. Laura said she fell asleep as soon as they got home.
Yesterday we hired a friend *****ally needs money to take down the little deck outside our bedroom and remove the spa there. The deck was rotten and unsafe. Underneath we found the cutest little patio. WE were able to keep the gazebo type cover and it is a darling little space for a patio set! I'm hoping that our weather will hold steady until mid October so that we can have an indoor/outdoor party after my "results" come back.
I don't have plans for today. Yesterday tired me out. I'm looking forward to Monday so I can start pushing for MRI results. I need to end this limbo stage I've been in for too long.
Happy Sunday!
That is nice that you found something you didn't know was there and it is useful. . . my Roxie slept like a baby last night after having her playtime, which is something she won't get today (outdoor playtime that is). I truly hope that the results you get are nothing but the best news!
Sending good thoughts your way!
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Laureen...sounds like you had a great vacation....good for you! Glad you are back....we missed you!! got your Margomobile!!!! That is exciting. Now you will really have your freedom back!
Julia...sounds like you enjoyed the play. I love plays but haven't been to one in a long time. I should do that soon.
As for me...I slept off and on most of yesterday again. My cold seems a bit better today so maybe I will get out of the house for a while.
I wish you all a wonderful day.
Prayers continue for those in need.
Love and hugs to all......connie d
I haven't been around much. Got a head, ear, sinus thingy going on and the movement of the computer screen tips me over. Tomorrow I'll give in and call my doctor for an appointment.
Last night we attended the benefit concert for my cousin who was in the accident. He is an Ithaca College alumni, employee in the music department and well know. The event was HUGE!!! We had to leave during intermission. I couldn't stay any longer.
He is in the hospital in Philly and will be there for a very long time.
The doctors marvel at his progress. They have never successfully reattached a skull to a spine before. Yeah - miraculous.
Back to bed.
Hope you feel better, sounds like you have inner ear stuff going on. . .
Amazing the things that medicine can accomplish and I hope that in time your cousin will make a full recovery. . .
You have a friend here who is just 15 minutes from Philly if you have need a place to stay so you can come and visit. I have empty beds, though Roxie might want to come and visit (lol).
Feel better.
Hugs, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Laureen, glad you had a nice, restful vacation, it sounds like it was fun.
Margo, way to go with the MargoMobile!! Yayyyyyyy she's truly independant now. Watch out world!
The re-fi on the house is stuck in Hell. This has been a mess. So, because I'm not sure just when we'll get $$, and I can't be rushed and leave clients up in the air about my schedule, I think (for this very moment) that I'll postpone my plastics until January. During all of this I found out my Vitamin K level is below normal, and since it helps with blood clotting, maybe it's best that I do what I can to get that back up anyway. It would be just my luck to bleed out while have plastic It's just the way I roll.
Gary has a photo shoot to do today and I need to get my hiney moving around here. Grocery store, laundry, etc. You know, all the fun "day off" stuff. I go to get the What are you eating thread going and then to the kitchen for bkfst.
Hope you all have a grand day!
I'm done. No more pictures. Just thought you all would like to see what the outcome was in a little over two weeks. I'd do it again. Lifestyle Lift.
Now to find a man that can afford me. I'm broke.