Back from the MRI

Margo M.
on 9/9/10 8:07 pm - Elyria, OH
what a difference in techs huh?
saying prayers that all wil be well after this- and the results swift.....

I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult.
- E. B. White


on 9/9/10 8:53 pm - NY

 Julia, glad that that is over for you.  Now relax, take deep breaths.  I just have a feeling that all will be well. 

  Have a great week end and don't stress.

   Angels and prayers are with you honey!!!
on 9/9/10 10:17 pm - Shelbyville, MI
Dear Julia,
Thank God for Xanax!!
I'm keeping you in my prayers. I'm holding your hand right now, saying a prayer with you in my mind as I type this.

I know it's easy to say don't worry but that's normal. God will be at your side and we are here to listen too.

Dear Lord,
Grant Julia peace of mind, may she always feel your presence surround her with love.
We are her OFF family who will always give her Hope and Faith and will listen to her fears. Comfort her always and we too will be at her side, to lift her spirits.
Let us all sometime today just....."Be Still and Know that you are our God"
Connie D.
on 9/9/10 11:12 pm awful....I am glad that is all over with.

Sendiing good thoughts and praying for good results!

Hugs....connie d
on 9/17/10 5:47 pm - Suffern, NY
I have to go for MRI;s of the brain every few years due to pituitary problems and I have to wear that same mask.  Thankfully, I am not claustrophobic so I just go to sleep and they wake me when it is done. I am glad that you got through with it.

So, what were the result?  May I ask, why did they do the MRI?  What was the problem?


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