wacky wednesday-what's new?
Hubby's mom is still in the hospital, she had a good day yesterday except all 3 doc's that came in to see her gave her 3 different opinions...she's 87 at end stage of life but she still has a sharp mind...but her body is giving out. Today they will decide if they will put a feeding tube in her stomach, I'm opposed to that but I'm just an out-law! LOL
Take care everyone, I gotta get back to work. Hugs Debbie
Good mornin', ya'll.
GRRRRR. I went to Wilmington for my pre-op stuff yesterday. Nurse took all my bodily fluids, checked to see if I needed to get a more current EKG and see the anesthesiologist - nope I was good to go. So I did. We went to Costco and started home. I get a call from the hospital. I WAS supposed to see a 'hospitalist' (whatever that is), and get an EKG and see the anesthesiologist. Could I come back Thursday? I said how about Wednesday. Nope the 'hospitalist' wouldn't be in. HMMM. So I have to rearrange Thursday (which is when Earl is gonna be flying by our coast). I also wonder if the 'hospitalist' was even there yesterday if they had decided I needed to see her?
Another GRRRR. Why don't husband's listen to your ENTIRE sentence? I tell him I am going to order the stuff he wants online, dress and go to the gym, come home and shower, and get him so we can go to the Commissary. Three minutes later he comes into the living room with his hat and shoes on ready to go to the Commissary! If I stand right in front of him, look him in the eye, and talk real slow so he 'gets it', he says I'm picking on him!!
OK, I'm done! Sorry, this should have been on the rant forum, but I started to type my hellos and it all just flowed!
I hope NONE of us are touched be Earl. Either directly or indirectly!
Have a fantabulous day!!
I want to get rid of my "turkey gobbler neck" too, but at my age I don't know if it's really worth it....wish I lived close to a teaching hospital so I could get it done cheaper. Heck my whole body needs a make over but doubt that will ever happen
Have a great day and hope you are healing nicely,
Pat R.
(on MySpace, MSN, Web pages, Blogs...)
Done! Your Ticker:
Happy Happy Day!
School starts for me today, hooooray! I won't have a good excuse to be bored because I'll have tons of reading and homework to do. It's been over 10 years since I took a class and I have to get my brain back into a student mindset!
Gee...I hope we get assigned lab partners rather than having to pick ones. I have nightmares of middle school, you know? Being the last one picked? TG there's no PE in this college, lol!
Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone!

I've been teaching adults for a long time, and my best students are always the people *****turn to school after being non-students for many years. Those students are the ones who make a teacher feel wonderful because they are so interested in the material and the teacher knows that they want to learn.
Try not to feel like a fish out of water because the teachers are probably thinking "hooray - I have mature students!!"
Grammylew, I need to have a memory like a steel trap. My hubby is always telling me I didn't tell him something. Then I have to set up the whole conversation scenario to remind him that I did tell him. And his answer? Oh yeah, now I remember.
Son emailed us and asked us to bring corn on the cob for the birthday party on Sat. They are having 35 people at my granddaughter's party.
The clothes for my granddaughter at a $1 each from Carters were fantastic. A $38 raincoat for $1!!! Yesterdays sale was of samples. Today there is a sale of returns. So I'm asking my co-worker to get some things for my other granddaughter who is 3.
Bought my grandson his uniform for cub scouts. Son is signing him up next week.
Tomorrow the guy who owns our corporate park is having a labor day picnic for the employees of all the tenants. It is huge. The governor usually comes too.
I'm having one of those mornings where I can't decide what to eat so I haven't eaten anything. Bad, I know. I'm gonna go hunt for something right now.
Have a great day everyone.