If this is Tuesday, it must be OFF - What's new with you?
I would like to ask for prayers for a dear friend of Mary and I. Kellie, who we met through the Texas Message Board of OH. Her and her family lost their home last night to a fire. The only thing they saved was the family Bible. Got out with the clothes on their back, their dog, and the Bible. Nothing else. It is gonna take a bit to start back up. And her parents are not youngsters. Her parents were both taken to the hospital and released. So, if you have time today, just say a little something to our Lord about the situation. It will be appreciated. Thanks.
Sending Prayers out for Kellie and her family.
I feel so much better this morning!!!!! The stitches came out of my mouth yesterday, I didn't need a percocet last night for pain, was able to function with a couple tylenol. Got all my wash done and folded, not away yet. Stewed my peaches and made applesauce so I have some mushy fruit which I'm craving but still can't chew and I'm up on time for work this morning.
Today it's time to "stop milking" the sore mouth as Gene jokingly put it last night. I'm packing up the gym clothes, changing at 3:45 this afternoon prior to leaving work and stopping instead of driving past the gym tonight. Then home to take a walk on the treadmill, have not been on that in two weeks now. I can feel it in my body, the not exercising. My back is starting to hurt again. I'm still not ready for solid foods yet, doc said a couple more weeks of liquid/pureeded stuff. This week I can start cottage cheese, ricotta cheese, in addition to my cream soups with melted cheddar and unflavored protein powder.
Tonight after the treadmill, I need to put clothes away, organize the bedroom which has become a disaster area the last two weeks, then to bed.
Hope everyone has an awesome day......
George saying prayers for your friend Kellie and her family. Please pass that on to her that prayers are now being said all over the world for her and her family.
I'm feeling much better and stronger now after my emergency surgery for small bowel obstruction. Finally! Whhhhooooooo! Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts for me as I recovered.
Saturday is our bariatric support group meeting. I'm going to it. I was going up to Mackinac to walk the bridge but I really don't want to contend with traffic and all those people so I'm going to group instead and Deb B. and I will go to water aerobics in the AM....girlfriend day...and maybe do some shopping at resale stores in the area.
My hubby's mom is still in the hospital and she is not doing well, she is 87 and everything she is going through right now is normal for her age and condition. I think she will be going to heaven soon and I pray for her to have peace. Her daughter is fighting tooth and nail and doesn't want to let her die on her own terms. She was even discussing to have a feeding tube put in her. I was glad my hubby was there and the youngest son too and they said no. I'm sure a family discussion will be forthcoming. There is no right or wrong opinions but I'm a firm believer that Palliative Care at end stage of life (comfort measures only) is a wonderful option.
Take care and have a wonderful day. Hugs Debbie
Good mornin', ya'll.
George, of course we will include Kellie and her family in our prayers. Ida, congrats on your mouth improving. We ladies are NOTHING without our mouth working well!! Debbie, I feel for you and the situation with your MIL. It is so hard to watch a loved one linger. I was there when both of my parents passed. It seemed that within hours of ALL of us telling them it was OK to let go, they finally passed peacefully. The doctors say the last thing to go is the patient's hearing. I am convinced they heard everything we said around them every day. My sister had a hard time letting go. But we have to realize, when they are that sick, we want them to stay for US, NOT for them!! I'll crawl down off my soapbox now.
This morning my DH and I have our 6 month dentist appointment for cleaning. Then a quick lunch somewhere before I have to be 70 miles away at Cape Fear Hospital for my pre-op registration. Normally my DH wouldn't go with me for something like that, but Costco is nearby and he can never pass up a trip there!! I can't either!! Every time we go our daughter says 'there goes our inheritance'. HaHa. We don't spend THAT much there!!
We are all hoping hurricane Earl decides to stay WAY out to sea.
Everyone have a fantabulous day.
Sending out prayers for Kellie's family.
Glad you Rangers are giving you hope, my Mets killed my hopes a while ago. . . and I don't care to be a Phillies fan. . .
All caught up at work, so I've had a little time to visit here today and I seem to have missed so much. . .
My life has been very stressful at work lately, but the last couple of days better, I need this job and the paycheck and in a better economy, I would have left here already, but there are literally no jobs in my field of work to be had and so I sit and learn whatever I am supposed to be learning by having this experience. I just want to stay employed, so I remain grateful for this less than perfect fit, but I have found myself stress eating again and that is not good, though I am trying to only put healthier stuff in my mouth, there are times I must admit to doing less so.
Personal life is good, my family is doing ok, some stuff going on with my older daughter, but she is staying level and will eventually come out of this stronger and better than ever. All I can do is look forward, the immediate future is vacation and it is coming at just the right time. . .
Best wishes for all of you, hoping that you all find peace and strength to get through this crazy, mixed up world.
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
George....you can count on me for prayers for Kellie and her family...God Bless them.
Debbie....glad you are feeling a bit better each day. I agree with you on the Palliative Care....at 87 and in her health that is a wise decision.
Ida....Glad to hear the stitches are out....onward you go!
Laureen....Sending up prayers for your daughter...hope she finds her way.
Grammylew....good luck at your dentist appointment. I have my 6 month check up/cleaning coming up in a couple weeks.
As for me....another work day. So quiet here without my little Gracie here. Miss the girls already!!
Prayers to so many in need.
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Looks like rain here in Louisiana today ... we had a little yesterday, which was why I had a headache all day. Today, my back and knee hurt. I woke up with a little headache, told Scooter to let me sleep a little longer and the headache was gone when I woke up 30 minutes later. But the stormy weather isn't good for my body ... hell, the humid weather isn't kind at all.
I ran out yesterday to Petsmart because I had to dump the litter box ... it was so bad, and I didn't have enough litter to refill it completely. I wasn't sure I had enough money, but I had this gift card and it still had $13.42 on it; it was a gift card I got from Rent.com for renting from here. So I bought some litter and three bags of treats (I was out of those, too). Stopped at Starbucks and got an iced coffee on the way out ... I guess I'm becoming a regular because she knew what I usually get (although yesterday I got a vente instead of a trenta). That's scary.
George, glad your Rangers are doing so well. My White Sox had a lead yesterday and then Bobby Jenks and the defense blew it in the ninth inning again. But then they came back and the guy who made the error in the ninth hit a game-winning homer in the 11th, so all was well. The bullpen is so beat up; Jenks can't do four-out saves. This young guy, Chris Sale, their No. 1 draft pick this year, is really good. What the Sox needed to pick up was some bullpen help, not Manny Ramirez.
Well, I'm not doing a whole lot today. Didn't get laundry done yesterday, so I guess that will get done. Maybe some unpacking; it just depends on what I feel like doing.
Have a good day.
It's nice to see you start the thread. Prayers to Kellie and family and to all my OFFers who are recovering or facing challenges.
Our cub scout pack fishing derby went well last night. Twice the amount of boys we had last year. Ended up with a dozen cupcakes, that I made, coming home with me. Yikes! So my co-workers (mostly men) reaped the benefits and not my waistline. I make them every year. Choc. cupcake, choc. frosting, dipped in oreo cookie crumbs (to look like dirt) and then topped with a gummy worm. We had about 7 boys who caught fish ~ some more than one fish ~ some just fed the fish

My co-workers wife work's for Carters childrenswear. She called saying the company was having a one day employee sale. Everything $1.
So she is picking up $15 work of clothes for my one year old granddaughter. She said the sale was for everything including jackets and raincoats. I can't wait to see what she got.
Got through the five day pouch test unscathed, but still having trouble controlling what I eat. Had one of those darned cupcakes minus the gummy worm. I hate gummy candy ~ at least that's a blessing. Meals are not my problem. It's afternoon grazing.
Looking forward to the long weekend with my sweet grandkids. They sent me a card for my birthday on Friday with a nice family picture of them in it. It's already framed on my sofa table.